Volume 35

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Revision as of 15:42, 22 June 2022 by Sedritsugu (talk | contribs) (File 357 - Mystery of the Haunted House 3)
Volume 35

Volume 35.jpg

Release date: December 18, 2001
Chapters: 351-361
ISBN: ISBN 4-09-126165-5
Publisher: Shogakukan
English release date: July 13, 2010
English ISBN: ISBN 1-4215-2886-X
English Publisher: Viz Media
Featured Detective & Keyhole
Detective 35.jpg
Drury Lane
Keyhole 35.jpg
Sharon Vineyard
Aoyama's death & Conan side images
Aoyama 35.jpg
ConanSide 35.jpg
Prev volume: « Volume 34
Next volume: Volume 36 »
List of chaptersList of cases

Volume 35 was released on December 18, 2001 in Japan.




Golden Apple Case

File 351 - Golden Apple 2

Sharon laments about her troubled life, mentioning her daughter, Chris

Sharon Vineyard speaks of her past filled with misfortunes, mentioning her daughter, Chris Vineyard. She reveals that Chris and her had fallen out, and haven't seen each other in over ten years as Chris had begun "hanging out with a bad crowd." Sharon escorts Yukiko, Shinichi, and Ran to the dressing room to meet the cast: Lilas Sanchez, Rose Hewitt, Akane Neilson, and Iberis Hamilton. After brief introductions, Iberis mentions a mysterious gift sent to the actresses, a golden apple with the words "For the Fairest" written on it. Then, Heath Flockhart, the star actor, enters the room recommending to show their guests backstage.

While exploring the narrow gaps that make up the backstage, Ran notices the play's costumes hung up on the ceiling. Suddenly, a tether snaps causing a large armor piece to fall onto the group. Most manage to escape, but Rose's dress is caught on a sign. Seeing this, Ran rushes over and tackles her out of the way as the armor crashes onto the floor. Rose suspects that she's being targeted, stating that the prop mirror — which is the cast's lucky charm — must've given her the luck to survive. Sharon, however, points to Ran as Rose's savior. After Rose expresses her gratitude to her, Ran notices she's scraped her arm. Sharon hands her a handkerchief before leaving the set, saying that she has "something to take care of."

Sharon hands Ran a handkerchief

Yukiko and Ran enjoy the performance while Shinichi calls it cliche. He explains that the play is based on an ancient Greek myth where a festival is held on Mount Olympus where most of the Gods are invited. Eris, the Goddess of discord, however, is not invited. Angered, she throws a Golden Apple with the words "For the Fairest" into the crowd. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite see the apple challenging them to determine who the apple is for, letting a Trojan Prince decide. Shinichi explains that Lilas plays Hera, Akane plays Athena, and Rose plays Aphrodite with Iberis playing Eris and that in the end, it is Aphrodite who is chosen by the prince. Yukiko then states that this show is different from the Greek myth and that there is a twist at the end. Heath, who was playing the Trojan Prince, reveals himself as the Christian Archangel, Michael. Before Michael can reveal the answer to Eris' question, Shinichi notices a red beam of light coming from the audience and into the smokescreen shrouding the stage. Michael is then lifted into the air by the stage cables but to everyone's horror, he is shown dead.

File 352 - Golden Apple 3

The Dead Archangel

Pandemonium ensues as Michael (played by Heath) is shot. Shinichi rushes up to the spectator box from which he sees the red beam of light. All that is left is a single bullet cartridge. Radish Redwood examines Heath's body, learning that he was shot at an angle of 40 degrees. Yukiko arrives, recounting the events of Heath's assassination to the police. Meanwhile, Shinichi pulls on Redwood's face to test if he's still a disguise worn by Sharon Vineyard.

Redwood discovers strange burn marks under Heath's neck, as well as smudged blood on Heath's hands despite there being no traces of him touching his bloodstained costume. With Yusaku unavailable, Ran entertains the idea of Shinichi solving the case, citing his contributions to the murder case on the airplane on the way to New York.[1] Hearing Ran's praise, Yukiko is surprised by her son's apparent proficiency at deduction. Shinichi concludes that the murderer is one of the four actresses on stage alongside Heath. The gun cartridge Shinichi had found in the spectator box wasn't hot, meaning it wasn't fired and instead placed there to throw off the investigation. Shinichi also says that the falling armor was likely not an accident as he found a cut on the floor as well as a segment of nylon string — the same type of nylon string found on the armor. Redwood and Yukiko then press Shinichi on how someone less than 6ft tall could shoot Heath from a higher angle, but Shinichi confesses that he hasn't figured that out yet.

Shinichi investigates the scratched mirror behind Ran.

Later, the four actresses are seen fidgeting with various items while arguing about their flings they each had with Heath. However, Yukiko reveals to Redwood and Ran that Iberis was Heath's wife but decided to keep it a secret from her colleagues.
Shinichi goes to investigate the mirror in which the murder took place. He asks Ran to hold up a pamphlet above her head to grasp Heath's height. Comparing the simulated height to the mirror's height, Shinichi notices that the all-important mirror has been truncated, leaving a visible mark on the glass. Shinichi goes around the back of the mirror and sees a feather from Heath's costume stuck on a grate that seemingly covers nothing. He lifts the grate to see two streaks of blood running across the floor.

File 353 - Golden Apple 4

Shinichi wishes to examine the costumes that are hung above the stage, much to the dismay of the theater workers. Yukiko arrives, charming the men into giving up information. While Redwood and his associate discuss the possibility of an outside perpetrator, the lights suddenly shut off on stage. Yukiko, under the name "The Night Baroness," appears in the spotlight, reciting the deduction Shinichi had told her explained to her. Meanwhile, Shinichi explains to Ran his deduction.

A mysterious long-haired Japanese man stands before Ran.

Yukiko departs to the police station for questioning, leaving Shinichi and Ran to go to the hotel. But before she leaves, she warns them of the serial killer: a long-haired Japanese man. On the cab ride, Shinichi notices Ran in a dazed state, asking her if Rose's words had gotten to her. She denies it. Ran leaves the cab window open, claiming that she can see the New York views better that way. Shinichi protests that the cab's interior will get wet from rain, but Ran says she'll use the handkerchief Sharon gave her to wipe the seat, but a sudden gust of wind blows the cloth out of her hands and into the streets. Ran immediately asked the driver to stop so she could retrieve it. Shinichi notices the handkerchief stuck on the service staircase of a dilapidated building and sets off to get it. As he leaves, Ran remembers Sharon's words, "I wonder if there is God. If he truly existed, he wouldn't let such a cruel thing happen," and Rose's words, "Thank you... You helped me to make it." Ran suspects Sharon knew Rose would kill Heath; that's why she pitied Ran for letting such a heinous thing happen. Wallowing in her rush of emotions, she notices someone approaching. Standing before her is a long-haired Japanese man.

File 354 - Golden Apple 5

Ran is petrified at seeing the long-haired man she believes is the infamous serial killer. The cab driver also thinks this, urging Ran to jump in, but as she remains frozen, the driver speeds off. The man then asks Ran if she is Japanese and if she has seen a suspicious, sparsely bearded Japanese man with long dyed silver hair. Then, an associate of the long-haired man drives up and converses about their target. It's revealed that the serial killer recently got into a shootout with the long-haired man and is in the area. He pulls Ran aside and tells her to leave. Unable to leave Shinichi behind, Ran enters the dilapidated structure to inform him of the news. She spots a trail of blood at the entrance leading to the service staircase. She begins to experience delirium from her fever but chooses to press on. Hearing footsteps descend the stairs, Ran rushes forward, believing it to be Shinichi, but to her horror, it's the serial killer. Shinichi trails him, yelling for Ran to hide.

Shinichi carries Ran down the stairs.

With the serial killer's hiding spot discovered and Ran in his way, he elects to shoot her. He leans against a rusty railing uttering the words, "If you're going to resent someone, resent God who prepared this cruel ending for you." While preparing his silencer, the railing breaks, causing the killer to fall off the staircase, but before he plummets to his doom, Ran grabs onto him saving his life. She's followed by Shinichi, who helps her drag the man up. The serial killer questions why the two of them would save him, to which Shinichi responds, "Is a reason necessary? I don't know why you would kill someone, but as for saving someone...A logical mind isn't needed, right?" Hearing his words, Ran is put at ease, believing she was justified in saving Rose's life. She then falls unconscious due to her fever.
Shinichi carries his childhood friend down the stairs, confident that the serial killer would not fire his gun without a silencer. Not in the position to take action, Shinichi proceeds to let the serial killer go, threatening to throw him in prison if they ever meet again.
A day later, Yukiko, Shinichi, and Ran are seen at Central Park. Yukiko converses with Sharon on the phone about the previous night's events and how Shinichi had called the police on the serial killer. However, by the time they had arrived, the killer had apparently taken his own life. Ran has also recovered but seemingly has no recollection of recent events. Sharon concludes the call by asking Yukiko to tell Ran, "Just like you said, perhaps an angel was looking out for me after all."
In the present day, Ran awakens from her sleep at the hospital. Kogoro and Conan are there to greet her, attributing Ran's sudden fever to exhaustion from overworking. The two leave her for the night as she reflects on her sudden regaining of memories. She realizes that she had fallen in love with Shinichi after he justified saving people to the serial killer at the service staircase. She also recalls the long-haired Japanese man who told her to leave, remembering that his associate wore a jacket with the words "FBI" written on it.


  • Haunted Apartment Case

    File 355 - Mystery of the Haunted House 1

    Doctor Araide reassures that Ran is healthy.

    Conan (speaking as Shinichi) expresses his worries about Ran's recent fever on the phone. Ran states how she had regained memories of the events in New York, questioning Shinichi about the whereabouts of Sharon Vineyard's handkerchief. Shinichi makes up an excuse, concealing the fact that he lost it. He also talks about the suspicious suicide of the New York serial killer. He explains that it doesn't make sense for a man about to commit suicide to clean his hideout, believing that the serial killer had tried to cover his tracks before fleeing, only to have been murdered before the police arrived. Noticing someone at the door, Ran goes to open it, oblivious to the fact that it is her caller, Conan. Ran is startled to see him, saying that she thought Conan was a ghost.
    Later, at Doctor Araide's clinic, Kogoro laughs at Ran's fear of ghosts while Araide confirms that she has fully recovered. The three, along with Conan, walk through the winding halls of Araide's house. At the same time, Araide explains that his grandmother and helper have already traveled to the Aomori prefecture, and he stays to direct his patients to different clinics. The group runs into a particularly stubborn patient, Houichi Otonashi, who Araide explains won't go to the clinic he had recommended. Otonashi claims that his apartment is haunted, daring Conan to come and investigate.

    A bright yellow apparition appears down the hall.

    Kogoro, Ran, and Conan follow Otonashi to his weathered apartment building. Before the apartment is a park where the scorched remains of a young woman were once discovered, while beside the apartment is a construction site put on indefinite hiatus as the client had hanged himself.
    Inside, they meet Kikuji Bancho, a tenant who works at a miniature shop and is into making dolls. They also meet Iwahisa Yotsuya, a tenant who's into tokusatsu films and anime. And finally, they meet Tsuyuhiko Botan, a graduate university student who remains the only tenant to have not sighted the supernatural. Otonashi explains how the strange occurrences began when he spotted a fireball swirling outside the window. Since then, countless supernatural events have driven out half the apartment's tenants.
    The three guests fall asleep in Otonashi's room. Ran wakes up to see the television inexplicably play footage of a frightening woman with burn scars repeating the words: "Get out." Her screams awaken the others; after determining that there is nothing wrong with the TV, Kogoro leaves to seek out the bathroom. As Kogoro attempts to flush the filthy toilet, the water is replaced with blood. The commotion wakes up the other tenants. Botan inspects the toilet tank but sees no irregularities. The group is given no time to think as a bright yellow apparition appears in the window down the hall.

    File 356 - Mystery of the Haunted House 2

    Bancho walks forward to slide the window open, proving that there's no one on the other side. He says it must've been the restless spirit of the woman who was burned to death in the park next door. Skeptical, Kogoro believes that the prankster must've scurried onto the roof. However, he soon realizes that the window is on a completely flat wall, leaving no room for anyone to stand. Additionally, Ran says that the apparition had an amorphous profile, meaning it wasn't a reflection of anything corporeal. Otonashi reveals that the burned woman's name was Rui Tabuchi, and she was murdered by two men, both of whom are not yet apprehended. The identity of one of the killers is known, but the other remains a total mystery. Ran is frightened by a moth clinging to Kogoro's shirt; Yotsuya states that the moths are attracted to light and tend to gather in swarms.
    Conan goes to investigate the bathroom. Kogoro remarks that the foul stench has disappeared, and Conan smells alcohol from the toilet tank. While searching the TV and the outdoor AC unit, Conan asks Otonashi on what part of the construction site he saw the fireball, to which Otonashi replies the center. Otonashi also points to Bancho and Yotsuya as they witnessed the fireball from their rooms.
    Yotsuya's room is filled with VHS tapes and mangas. He says he saw the fireball when visiting his senior's former room, which is directly above his own. Conan notices that Yotsuya owns an 8mm film camera. Bancho's room is littered with intricate and dynamic dolls that seemingly change form when shined on with blacklight. Bancho claims that he saw the fireball from a window not pointing at the construction site. While the trio visits Botan's room, another moth clings to Kogoro's shirt, prompting Conan to re-examine the apparition's window. Conan believes that the culprit set up these elaborate illusions to hide evidence linked to the burning of Rui Tabuchi.

    File 357 - Mystery of the Haunted House 3

    Kogoro and Ran are preparing to leave, but Conan feigns wanting to use the bathroom, pleading for Kogoro to accompany him.

    Sonoko frightens Ran.

    Sometime later, Ran, Conan, and Sonoko walk through the streets of Beika. Ran explains how she has gotten over her fear of ghosts, prompting Sonoko to play a prank on her. Ran is easily frightened and runs off screaming. Sonoko stands amused by Ran's fear of the supernatural, calling it her "charm point."


  • Disappearing Mitsuhiko Case

    Characters introduced

    File 358 - Disappearing Mitsuhiko 1

    File 359 - Disappearing Mitsuhiko 2

    File 360 - Disappearing Mitsuhiko 3


  • Onikame Island Case

    File 361 - Death Island


  • Cover in other countries

    • China
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    • Italy
    • Korea
    • Malaysia (Chinese)
    • Malaysia (Malay)
    • Rep. of China (Taiwan)
    • Singapore (Chinese)
    • Singapore (English)
    • Spain (Spanish, Volumen 2)
    • Sweden
    • Thailand
    • United States
    • Vietnam

    See also

    Volumes of the Manga
    Volume 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106
    Black Organization
    High ranking The BossRumGinVermouth
    Other agents VodkaKir (undercover) • ChiantiKornBourbon (undercover)
    Deceased agents Akemi MiyanoTequilaKenzo Masuyama/PiscoAtsushi MiyanoElena MiyanoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaEthan Hondou (undercover) • Hiromitsu Morofushi/Scotch (undercover)
    Former agents Shiho Miyano/Sherry (Ai Haibara) • Shuichi Akai/Dai Moroboshi/Rye (undercover) • Ki'ichiro Numabuchi
    Extended canon Yoshiaki Hara (movie only) • Irish (movie only) • Masaaki Okakura (movie only) • Arrack (special manga only) • Generic (special manga only) • Blackbeard (special manga only) • Kate Lauren (playstation only) • Curaçao (movie only) • Stout (movie only) • Aquavit (movie only) • Leona Bucholz/Riesling (movie only) • Man in bar (tv special only) • Pinga (movie only)
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    Playstation Remembrance Treasure Case
