The 103rd Volume of the Detective Conan manga was released on April 12, 2023. Its release in Spring 2023 was first announced in February 2023. Starting with file 1092, released April 20, 2022, it ends with file 1102, released October 12, 2022, encompassing a total of four cases, including the two last chapters of the last case of Volume 102.
Family Restaurant Murder Case
File 1092 - A New Motivation
File 1093 - Best Angle
The culprit is Yasuko Aijima. Tokumi indirectly caused the death of Kenya Shibami, who was Yasuko's boyfriend and a former member of "The Knight Hearts".
Serial Hotel Bombing Case
File 1094 - A Coincidental Meeting
File 1095 - The Three Codes
File 1096 - The Secret of the Square
The culprit is Aruto Kureishi. He is a dealer of Marijuana that Rinzaki found out. Rinzaki said to sell it to him at a low rate otherwise Aruto will get found out.
Beach House Murder Case
File 1097 - The Chaperones
Main article:
The Chaperones
File 1098 - Beach House
Main article:
Beach House
File 1099 - Fall Back
The culprit is
Maika Kayaki, who avenged her brother's death by a crime group the victim and
Takaki Kooriyama were part of. After the case, the same crime group intervened, but Subaru and Rumi defeated them instantly while protecting the Detective Boys. During the confrontation, Rumi was reminded of Tsutomu seventeen years ago after hearing Subaru's words.
Kaitou Kid and the Siren Splash
Characters introduced
Heist Info
File 1100 - Concealment
Main article:
File 1101 - Investigation
Main article:
File 1102 - Two Faces
Kaitou Kid is disguised as Bunji Karino.
Covers in other countries
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Spain (Spanish, Volumen 2)
See also