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==== File 793 - Private Eye ====
==== File 793 - Private Eye ====
Kogoro is invited to the pre-wedding party (taking place in a bar-restaurant) of Raita Banda, one of his friends in high school, and he goes in the company of Ran and Conan. Banda brings them to his fiancée Hatsune Kamon, and after the introduction Ran asks about the love story of the couple. They recall that they fell in love at first sight, as both felt that they were destined to meet and be together. Banda adds that when they got to know each other better, they found that they share the same birthday and blood type, and had similar childhood experiences; furthermore, they discovered that some sort of telepathic connection existed between them, as they knew what the other person was thinking even when both were silent. Ran is happy to see that two people so suited to each other are marrying, but the moment is soon ruined: a waiter (who is dark-skinned) accidentally drops a cake on Banda, staining his trousers and making his sports shoes dirty. When the conversation resumes, the topic becomes Kogoro and Banda being overprotective in high school and not letting anyone approach their crushes (Kogoro’s crush was obviously Eri, and Ran is delighted to learn that Kogoro was once so), which slightly bores Kamon. She thus interrupts the two men and says that it is almost time for her appointment with the nail salon: she wanted to put on stick-on fingernails with a nuptial theme.
Now that his fiancée has left (after kissing him goodbye), Banda decides that he should get more involved in the party rather than sitting at a table. As a result, he soon gets drunk, and does not notice that his phone is ringing until the dark-skinned waiter points out. He has received an email whose attachment is an image capturing Kamon and her stick-on nails, and while he reads the email (in which Kamon tells him that she will be back in half an hour) his other phone also rings. Conan watches him go to the bathroom and hangs up right before entering, and deduces that the person calling Banda must be in there. Soon, a man with sunglasses on (despite it being evening) comes out; he sits at an empty table and tells the dark-skinned waiter (who happens to pass by) to bring a cup of bourbon. Conan finds this man slightly suspicious, and thus asks if Kogoro remembers him (for Banda invited many former classmates). Kogoro says that he does not, but adds that it might be the case that twenty years have passed since they last met.
The next few panels show that Kamon is back. While parking the car in the parking lot outside the restaurant, she receives a call. Kamon picks up, the caller says something to her, and she suddenly turns frightened. We, the readers, will never know her response, as we are taken into the restaurant at this moment. Presently a drunk Banda attempts to hit the dark-skinned waiter, and while he manages to dodge Banda’s fist, he drops a glass cup, which ends up cutting Banda’s hand. His former classmates ask whether he wants bandages, and he responds that the cut is not a big deal, and that he only wants to hear from Kamon. Perhaps because of the telepathic connection, Kamon does call him at that moment. However, she says nothing more than bidding him farewell, which confuses Banda considerably. Then he looks out of the window and finds a car burning in the parking lot.
Kogoro and Conan also have noticed this abnormal situation, and while Banda stands where he is, petrified by the thought that it might be his fiancée’s car, they rush outside to see what is going on. But it is already too late.
The police are notified of the incident and Megure, Takagi and Chiba come to investigate. They confirm that the deceased is Hatsune Kamon, and find one of her stick-on nails under the burnt car and mostly intact. Since they suspect that the nail is there because it fell down during Kamon’s struggle against the person who proceeded to set the car on fire and murder her, they have sent the DNA material attached to the nail to the laboratory for amplication (possibly by using the PCR), hoping to identify her killer in this way. They also have sent the DNA contained in Banda’s hair cells (obtained from his comb, which was in the car) to the laboratory for comparison, and end up finding that the two patterns are nearly identical. Banda is horrified by this outcome, as he knows that it makes the police think that he has burnt his fiancée to death. The dark-skinned waiter agrees with the police’s suspicions, and says that maybe the reason that Banda deliberately hit him and got himself injured was to cover up the fact that he had previously been injured during Kamon’s struggle. This angers Banda, but it is the man wearing the sunglasses that delivers a counterattack: he says that it is also possible that the waiter’s jealousy prompted him to kill whom he loved. Megure is confused by this tense exchange, and Banda, in order to explain the situation, lashes out at the dark-skinned waiter and declares him to be the secret lover of Kamon. The waiter, not scared by Banda’s accusation, replies that they did meet in private, but it was not an affair, as he is a detective and Kamon was a client of his.
And this is how Tooru Amuro makes his first appearance in Detective Conan.
==== File 794 - Genome ====
==== File 794 - Genome ====
Amuro explains that Kamon wanted him to spy on Banda, as she was not completely sure of his loyalty to her. He continues to say that although Kamon can no longer prove this, the man wearing sunglasses probably can. Megure asks for the reason, and Amuro replies that he is probably a detective hired by Banda in order to spy on Kamon. He then describes the inconspicuous gesture that the man used in order to communicate with Banda as evidence of his deduction, and this forces the man (Sanji Haruoka) to admit that Amuro is correct. Kogoro, who saw Banda get somewhat intimate with various former female classmates during his fiancée’s absence, suggests that Amuro might have reported that to her, which caused her to break down and commit suicide. Amuro disputes this in panic, saying that they stayed in contact only by email, and that they only met in person once (which is why Banda chose to keep trusting Kamon and decided to marry her in the end).
At this point Conan interjects this conversation among adults and asks why the fire would burn so fiercely despite many parts of cars being made from relatively fireproof materials. Takagi explains that the car was indeed fireproof, but there were a lot of inflammable items, such as bottles of paint and cardboards, in the car. Banda clarifies that those things were stored in the car because Kamon and he wanted to decorate the car before the wedding (which is scheduled on the next day) so as to surprise the invitees of the wedding, and says that checking the email communications between the couple would show that he is not lying. Megure thus takes Banda’s phone; he verifies that Banda is telling the truth, but also deduces from the communications that Banda knew both the approximate time of her return and the inflammability of the car, and thus could easily sneak out of the restaurant to kill kamon. Banda, sensing that things are going against him, points out in an attempt to change Megure’s mind that the DNA patterns extracted from his hair and from the stick-on nails were not identical. To his frustration, Amuro says that his point is invalid:
since the nail was exposed to water and soil (for it is an evening with heavy rain), the DNA was contaminated, and therefore one cannot expect the patterns to be exactly the same. Amuro keeps on going, which eventually infuriates Banda, and he throws his whole body at Amuro. However, Amuro is able to easily dodge Banda, and Banda ends up on the floor. As he gets back up, Conan looks at his shoes in curiosity and Kogoro calms him down and advises him to allow the police to do a proper DNA test (i.e. a test where the DNA amplified is extracted from the mucus in his mouth) so that he can prove his innocence. Banda reluctantly agrees, and Ran remarks that thanks to advances in biotechnology, DNA can now reveal the identity of a person, meaning that anyone trying to fake his (or her) identity by changing appearance will be immediately exposed; Conan is made speechless by this comment (although he knows that Ran is definitely not thinking about him and Shinichi) and can do nothing but agree by saying “yeah, yeah” weakly.
Takagi reports to Megure that he has inspected all possible exits from the restaurant. He details that the backdoor was locked, that people could go out through the front door (and risk being seen by other guests) and that theoretically people could climb the window in the bathroom. However, since the area below the window is muddy and watery, anyone exiting through here would leave footprints on the outside and get mud on their shoes and trousers (however, there is no footprint and no guest’s garment has been stained by mud). Megure, who thinks that Takagi’s findings indicate that nobody has left the restaurant for the parking lot, asks the detectives whether they know of anything that might drive Kamon towards suicide. Haruoka can only think of things related to Banda, but Amuro says that he noticed one instance when Kamon was visibly worried. He recounts that in order to know his object fully, he did some research about Banda, and found out that both Banda and Kamon were orphaned during infancy, with their parents dying in a hotel fire and themselves being rescued from the burning building. They were then sent to an orphanage, and since their parents were not identified both were given new names. Banda was soon adopted by a family, but Kamon remained under the care of the charity until adulthood. Megure does not understand why this might worry Kamon, and Amuro says that he does not either, and that all he knows is that when he informed her of this, Kamon said that she would look into it. Conan, on the other hand, is alarmed by Amuro’s words, and asks Ran seriously whether it is the case that Kamon is shorter than her. Ran responds in affirmative, and adds that Kamon is probably around 150 cm tall (Conan thinks to himself that the average height of Japanese female adults is 159 cm).
Presently, Chiba tells Megure that according to the coroner, there are only three stick-on nails on the body, which means that one remains to be found. Conan thinks that he knows where the missing stick-on nail is, and thus heads out (to the parking lot) to look for it. He manages to find the nail with ease, and notices that it has not been contaminated by the rain (which has already stopped), as it is under a van. He reports this to a security guard (or policeman?) nearby and tells him to take it carefully to Megure. Then Conan wanders around the parking lot, thinking that if his deduction is correct then the truth behind Kamon’s death will be a very saddening one.
==== File 795 - Destined to Re-enter the Flames ====
==== File 795 - Destined to Re-enter the Flames ====
The result of the DNA test is out: the DNA extracted from the comb has exactly the same pattern as the DNA extracted from Banda’s mucus, meaning that the DNA attached to the nail is extremely likely to be Banda’s. The police therefore tell Banda that they must take him to the police station for further questioning, and since Kogoro tells Banda that he can do nothing with this unfortunate development, Banda has no choice but to go resignedly. It starts raining heavily again, and since police’s vehicles are parked quite far from the restaurant, Takagi tells him to get ready to be soaked. Banda says that he does not care about that, and as he is about to walk out, Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and tells him to stop. Conan asks whether Banda can really leave like this, and Banda, not knowing where Kogoro is coming from, responds that there is no other remedy, that he has to go to the police station and strive to prove his innocence.
Raita Banba is not the culprit. The murder is actually a '''suicide'''.
Upon hearing this, Conan announces that Banda definitely did not murder his fiancée. Amuro, who has been pushing for the murder theory for a long time now, is surprised; so is Megure, who asks Kogoro why he can claim that Banda is not guility soley based on his willingness to collaborate with the investigation. Conan says that the only possible exit was the front door, and that people in the restaurant would certainly notice if Banda went out from there. Upon hearing this, Amuro smiles confidently and argues that since everybody has seen Banda’s outfit during his speech at the party’s beginning, if he had changed in the bathroom before sneaking out, then nobody would have thought that it was him. He carries on saying that by wearing clothes and trousers that can be easily cut up and washed away in the toilet, the evidence can easily be destroyed and will never be found (unless the police search the sewage system as well, but that is unlikely). Conan agrees with Amuro’s inferences, but points out that he could not have cut shoes as well. Amuro contends that there was no need to change shoes, since nobody would have paid attention to those anyways. Conan agrees, and then orders Banda to take off his sports shoes, claiming that those are the best piece of evidence of his innocence. Banda obeys; Takagi carefully examines the right shoe and finds that there are traces of cream on the underside. Ran says that Banda must have gotten the cream when Amuro accidentally dropped the cake, and Takagi shouts excitedly that this is a piece of evidence because leaving the restaurant necessarily entails contact with the watery ground, which would have washed the cream away completely. Conan says that when he first noticed this, he thought that Banda had used some sort of trick to change shoes in secret (and kept the cream on the other pair of shoes as evidence that he had never left the restaurant). However, he changed his mind later, as the cake drop was not planned by Banda, he never mentioned this critical piece of evidence to Kogoro and he did not care to step into the heavy rain and have the evidence destroyed (i.e. Banda’s lack of awareness that the cream is important proves that he is innocent).
Amuro, seeing that his deduction is being torn apart, demands to know how Kogoro would explain the issue with the DNA. Conan says that nobody has considered the possibility that the DNA material on the stick-on nail belongs to Kamon herself. Amuro fights back in a contemptuous tone that unless Kamon is related to Banda, the probability of her DNA being so similar to Banda’s is technically zero; he adds that while males have two different sex chromosomes (one X, one Y), females have two identical ones (two X), which can be easily spotted in the laboratory. Conan asks rhetorically what if the parts of the DNA contaminated by rain and soil include the sex chromosomes, and when Amuro protests and demands an answer to the miniscule probability, Conan reveals that Banda and Kamon are twins. He points to the birthday and blood type coincidences, as well as the telepathic connection between the two. Banda thinks that this is no proof of them being twins, and Conan informs him of what Amuro has previously said about the research that he conducted (Banda is astonished by this account). Megure enquires whether twins have the same DNA sequence, and Takagi tells him that this is the case for monozygotic twins (see note below).
Takagi adds that in most cases, monozygotic twins are of the same gender. Amuro, who seems to have accepted that his deduction is flawed, helps Conan in his deduction for the first time. He explains that when the zygote has an X and a Y chromosome (i.e. if the zygote is “masculine”) and after the first division (into two cells) one of the daughter cells loses the Y chromosome somehow, then the twins will have opposite genders given that the two daughter cells develop independently from each other. In this case the girl is said to have Turner syndrome, because her having only one X chromosome (instead of the normal two) causes anomalies during her growth, which ultimately leads to traits such as shortness.
Banda refuses to accept that Kamon and he are twins, and tries to cling onto anything that might disprove Conan’s whole theory about Kamon’s death. It is in this mindset that he asks why Kamon’s own DNA would be found on her stick-on nails. Conan says that when Kamon said that she would “look into it”, she must have meant that she would request a specialized institution to test whether Banda and she are twins. Conan hypothesizes that she received a call from that institution while in the parking lot, and was subsequently notified of the result: that they are indeed twins and thus can never marry each other. As a consequence, she must have begun crying in sadness and disbelief while scratching her face frantically, leaving skin on all the stick-on nails and causing two of them to fall off (one of them was carried away by the wind to another part of the parking lot). Conan concludes by saying that the police have found the second, uncontaminated stick-on nail, and that the result of the DNA test from it will clear everything up.
As soon as Conan finishes, Megure receives a call from the laboratory. After hanging up, he announces gravely that the result is that with the exception of the sex chromosomes, the DNA found on the stick-on nail is exactly the same as Banda’s DNA. In addition, it is exactly the same (with no exception) as the DNA that, after a large amount of effort, was extracted from Kamon’s burnt body. These confirm that Kamon committed suicide and that the couple are indeed twins bonded forever by blood. Banda, who is well aware of these implications, lets out one after another shriek, and sobs while repeating his fiancée’s name, again and again.
A few days later, Amuro, who is now an employee of café Poirot, tells Kogoro that he is willing to be his apprentice. Amuro explains that after hearing Kogoro’s deduction in Banda’s case, he felt that his deductive skills were childish and underdeveloped, and thus wanted to start at zero, stay near Kogoro and learn from him. Kogoro says that he has no plan of accepting apprentices, but after Amuro promises to pay him a large amount of tuition, he changes his mind. Kogoro then happily says that Amuro has been accepted and that he can now call him “Mouri-sensei”, and Amuro, looking equally happy, replies “understood, Mouri-sensei”. Ran looks at the two men puzzledly while Conan thinks to himself that yet another troublesome figure has entered his life.
Note: in monozygotic twins, only one egg is fertilized, and both twins develop from that egg (the opposite is the concept of “dizygotic twins”, which happens when there are two fertilized eggs and each twin develops from one egg). In most cases, the zygote (i.e. fertilized egg) undergoes cell division repeatedly to make one human baby, but it also can be the case that during the first divisions, the “daughter cells” separate into two clusters and they develop independently from each other to give rise to two human babies.

Revision as of 19:32, 9 July 2022

Volume 75

Volume 75.jpg

Release date: April 14, 2012
Chapters: 785-795
ISBN: ISBN 4-09-123619-7
ISBN 4-09-159101-9 (limited ed.)
Publisher: Shogakukan
English release date: July 14, 2020[1]
English ISBN: ISBN 1-97-471495-0
English Publisher: Viz Media
Featured Detective & Keyhole
Detective 75.jpg
Enshi Shun'outei
Keyhole 75.jpg
Naeko Miike
Aoyama's death & Conan side images
Aoyama 75.jpg
ConanSide 75.jpg
Prev volume: « Volume 74
Next volume: Volume 76 »
List of chaptersList of cases

Volume 75 was released on April 14, 2012 in Japan.




Eye for an Eye

File 785 - The Mistress’ Written Confession

File 786 - The Parent-Child Optical Illusion


  • Another Kogoro

    File 787 - Kogoro-san is a Good Man

    Ran and her friends discuss how Kogoro san is always coming home late recently and is quite suspicious. Sonoko teases her and says maybe he has a new mistress. Conan has a another theory though and says that the food on his toothbrush and coming home drunk means that he is enjoying himself drinking somewhere. This enrages Ran and she starts bad mouthing her. An passerby scolds her and says she shouldn’t be talking badly about Kogoro especially since she does not know him. Shocked by this Ran replies that Kogoro is her father. The lady explains that Kogoro helps her for free with many cases and problems that she has and that he is a good man. Both Ran and Conan follow the lady home to see if what she says is true. They find out the lady is a landlord to an number of apartments, the lady invites them inside her home for a meal, meanwhile the doorbell rings and there stands a man dressed similar to Kogoro. Realising the man is an imposter Ran blurts out who are you and the man also asks the same question. The old lady is surprised and says this is Kogoro the great detective, however before Ran can blurt out this is untrue. The man pulls Ran’s hand and has a private word outside. There he admits that he is pretending to be the detective because he wants to please the lady since he’s going out with her granddaughter. Later Conan solves the case of why the TV is turning on mysteriously because the remote is under all the mess and the buttons is being pressed. While he solves this next door a murder has taken place.

    File 788 - The Real Sleeping Kogoro

    The deceased man’s name is Gensuke Denkawa, the three people claim that they broke the door down because the noise coming from his apartment was a nuisance. First they called to him but since he did not answer they broke the door down. All three have had a negative experience from the victim. As Conan searches the house he becomes more suspicious he finds that there are two remotes and one is a universal remote. He also finds out through looking at the old lady’s mobile that her real granddaughter is married so why is the man pretending to be her granddaughter’s boyfriend?

    File 789 - The Kogoro Imposter's Great Deduction


  • Painmobile

    File 790 - The Object of Detective Chiba's First Love

    File 791 - Do You Not Remember?

    File 792 - Could You Possibly Be...


  • Private Eye

    The waiter Tooru Amuro is knocked down by Raita Banba

    Characters introduced

    File 793 - Private Eye

    Kogoro is invited to the pre-wedding party (taking place in a bar-restaurant) of Raita Banda, one of his friends in high school, and he goes in the company of Ran and Conan. Banda brings them to his fiancée Hatsune Kamon, and after the introduction Ran asks about the love story of the couple. They recall that they fell in love at first sight, as both felt that they were destined to meet and be together. Banda adds that when they got to know each other better, they found that they share the same birthday and blood type, and had similar childhood experiences; furthermore, they discovered that some sort of telepathic connection existed between them, as they knew what the other person was thinking even when both were silent. Ran is happy to see that two people so suited to each other are marrying, but the moment is soon ruined: a waiter (who is dark-skinned) accidentally drops a cake on Banda, staining his trousers and making his sports shoes dirty. When the conversation resumes, the topic becomes Kogoro and Banda being overprotective in high school and not letting anyone approach their crushes (Kogoro’s crush was obviously Eri, and Ran is delighted to learn that Kogoro was once so), which slightly bores Kamon. She thus interrupts the two men and says that it is almost time for her appointment with the nail salon: she wanted to put on stick-on fingernails with a nuptial theme.

    Now that his fiancée has left (after kissing him goodbye), Banda decides that he should get more involved in the party rather than sitting at a table. As a result, he soon gets drunk, and does not notice that his phone is ringing until the dark-skinned waiter points out. He has received an email whose attachment is an image capturing Kamon and her stick-on nails, and while he reads the email (in which Kamon tells him that she will be back in half an hour) his other phone also rings. Conan watches him go to the bathroom and hangs up right before entering, and deduces that the person calling Banda must be in there. Soon, a man with sunglasses on (despite it being evening) comes out; he sits at an empty table and tells the dark-skinned waiter (who happens to pass by) to bring a cup of bourbon. Conan finds this man slightly suspicious, and thus asks if Kogoro remembers him (for Banda invited many former classmates). Kogoro says that he does not, but adds that it might be the case that twenty years have passed since they last met.

    The next few panels show that Kamon is back. While parking the car in the parking lot outside the restaurant, she receives a call. Kamon picks up, the caller says something to her, and she suddenly turns frightened. We, the readers, will never know her response, as we are taken into the restaurant at this moment. Presently a drunk Banda attempts to hit the dark-skinned waiter, and while he manages to dodge Banda’s fist, he drops a glass cup, which ends up cutting Banda’s hand. His former classmates ask whether he wants bandages, and he responds that the cut is not a big deal, and that he only wants to hear from Kamon. Perhaps because of the telepathic connection, Kamon does call him at that moment. However, she says nothing more than bidding him farewell, which confuses Banda considerably. Then he looks out of the window and finds a car burning in the parking lot.

    Kogoro and Conan also have noticed this abnormal situation, and while Banda stands where he is, petrified by the thought that it might be his fiancée’s car, they rush outside to see what is going on. But it is already too late.

    The police are notified of the incident and Megure, Takagi and Chiba come to investigate. They confirm that the deceased is Hatsune Kamon, and find one of her stick-on nails under the burnt car and mostly intact. Since they suspect that the nail is there because it fell down during Kamon’s struggle against the person who proceeded to set the car on fire and murder her, they have sent the DNA material attached to the nail to the laboratory for amplication (possibly by using the PCR), hoping to identify her killer in this way. They also have sent the DNA contained in Banda’s hair cells (obtained from his comb, which was in the car) to the laboratory for comparison, and end up finding that the two patterns are nearly identical. Banda is horrified by this outcome, as he knows that it makes the police think that he has burnt his fiancée to death. The dark-skinned waiter agrees with the police’s suspicions, and says that maybe the reason that Banda deliberately hit him and got himself injured was to cover up the fact that he had previously been injured during Kamon’s struggle. This angers Banda, but it is the man wearing the sunglasses that delivers a counterattack: he says that it is also possible that the waiter’s jealousy prompted him to kill whom he loved. Megure is confused by this tense exchange, and Banda, in order to explain the situation, lashes out at the dark-skinned waiter and declares him to be the secret lover of Kamon. The waiter, not scared by Banda’s accusation, replies that they did meet in private, but it was not an affair, as he is a detective and Kamon was a client of his.

    And this is how Tooru Amuro makes his first appearance in Detective Conan.

    File 794 - Genome

    Amuro explains that Kamon wanted him to spy on Banda, as she was not completely sure of his loyalty to her. He continues to say that although Kamon can no longer prove this, the man wearing sunglasses probably can. Megure asks for the reason, and Amuro replies that he is probably a detective hired by Banda in order to spy on Kamon. He then describes the inconspicuous gesture that the man used in order to communicate with Banda as evidence of his deduction, and this forces the man (Sanji Haruoka) to admit that Amuro is correct. Kogoro, who saw Banda get somewhat intimate with various former female classmates during his fiancée’s absence, suggests that Amuro might have reported that to her, which caused her to break down and commit suicide. Amuro disputes this in panic, saying that they stayed in contact only by email, and that they only met in person once (which is why Banda chose to keep trusting Kamon and decided to marry her in the end).

    At this point Conan interjects this conversation among adults and asks why the fire would burn so fiercely despite many parts of cars being made from relatively fireproof materials. Takagi explains that the car was indeed fireproof, but there were a lot of inflammable items, such as bottles of paint and cardboards, in the car. Banda clarifies that those things were stored in the car because Kamon and he wanted to decorate the car before the wedding (which is scheduled on the next day) so as to surprise the invitees of the wedding, and says that checking the email communications between the couple would show that he is not lying. Megure thus takes Banda’s phone; he verifies that Banda is telling the truth, but also deduces from the communications that Banda knew both the approximate time of her return and the inflammability of the car, and thus could easily sneak out of the restaurant to kill kamon. Banda, sensing that things are going against him, points out in an attempt to change Megure’s mind that the DNA patterns extracted from his hair and from the stick-on nails were not identical. To his frustration, Amuro says that his point is invalid: since the nail was exposed to water and soil (for it is an evening with heavy rain), the DNA was contaminated, and therefore one cannot expect the patterns to be exactly the same. Amuro keeps on going, which eventually infuriates Banda, and he throws his whole body at Amuro. However, Amuro is able to easily dodge Banda, and Banda ends up on the floor. As he gets back up, Conan looks at his shoes in curiosity and Kogoro calms him down and advises him to allow the police to do a proper DNA test (i.e. a test where the DNA amplified is extracted from the mucus in his mouth) so that he can prove his innocence. Banda reluctantly agrees, and Ran remarks that thanks to advances in biotechnology, DNA can now reveal the identity of a person, meaning that anyone trying to fake his (or her) identity by changing appearance will be immediately exposed; Conan is made speechless by this comment (although he knows that Ran is definitely not thinking about him and Shinichi) and can do nothing but agree by saying “yeah, yeah” weakly.

    Takagi reports to Megure that he has inspected all possible exits from the restaurant. He details that the backdoor was locked, that people could go out through the front door (and risk being seen by other guests) and that theoretically people could climb the window in the bathroom. However, since the area below the window is muddy and watery, anyone exiting through here would leave footprints on the outside and get mud on their shoes and trousers (however, there is no footprint and no guest’s garment has been stained by mud). Megure, who thinks that Takagi’s findings indicate that nobody has left the restaurant for the parking lot, asks the detectives whether they know of anything that might drive Kamon towards suicide. Haruoka can only think of things related to Banda, but Amuro says that he noticed one instance when Kamon was visibly worried. He recounts that in order to know his object fully, he did some research about Banda, and found out that both Banda and Kamon were orphaned during infancy, with their parents dying in a hotel fire and themselves being rescued from the burning building. They were then sent to an orphanage, and since their parents were not identified both were given new names. Banda was soon adopted by a family, but Kamon remained under the care of the charity until adulthood. Megure does not understand why this might worry Kamon, and Amuro says that he does not either, and that all he knows is that when he informed her of this, Kamon said that she would look into it. Conan, on the other hand, is alarmed by Amuro’s words, and asks Ran seriously whether it is the case that Kamon is shorter than her. Ran responds in affirmative, and adds that Kamon is probably around 150 cm tall (Conan thinks to himself that the average height of Japanese female adults is 159 cm).

    Presently, Chiba tells Megure that according to the coroner, there are only three stick-on nails on the body, which means that one remains to be found. Conan thinks that he knows where the missing stick-on nail is, and thus heads out (to the parking lot) to look for it. He manages to find the nail with ease, and notices that it has not been contaminated by the rain (which has already stopped), as it is under a van. He reports this to a security guard (or policeman?) nearby and tells him to take it carefully to Megure. Then Conan wanders around the parking lot, thinking that if his deduction is correct then the truth behind Kamon’s death will be a very saddening one.

    File 795 - Destined to Re-enter the Flames

    The result of the DNA test is out: the DNA extracted from the comb has exactly the same pattern as the DNA extracted from Banda’s mucus, meaning that the DNA attached to the nail is extremely likely to be Banda’s. The police therefore tell Banda that they must take him to the police station for further questioning, and since Kogoro tells Banda that he can do nothing with this unfortunate development, Banda has no choice but to go resignedly. It starts raining heavily again, and since police’s vehicles are parked quite far from the restaurant, Takagi tells him to get ready to be soaked. Banda says that he does not care about that, and as he is about to walk out, Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and tells him to stop. Conan asks whether Banda can really leave like this, and Banda, not knowing where Kogoro is coming from, responds that there is no other remedy, that he has to go to the police station and strive to prove his innocence.


  • Trivia

    • A special edition of Volume 75 was released that includes a Petit Nendoroid figure of Conan in a Tokyo Spirits soccer uniform.

    Cover in other countries

    • China
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Hong Kong
    • Indonesia
    • Italy
    • Korea
    • Malaysia (Chinese)
    • Malaysia (Malay)
    • Rep. of China (Taiwan)
    • Spain (Spanish, Volumen 2)
    • Thailand
    • Vietnam
    • United States


    See also

    Volumes of the Manga
    Volume 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106