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== Bourbon Returns ==
== Bourbon Returns ==
Contrary to Conan's expectations, Bourbon has decided to stay nearby because he has become interested in Conan Edogawa and Sleeping Kogoro.
Contrary to Conan's expectations, Bourbon has decided to stay nearby because he has become interested in Conan Edogawa and Sleeping Kogoro.
== See also ==
* [[Black Organization]]
== References ==
<references />

Revision as of 02:33, 28 January 2013

Gin, Vodka, and the shrinking of Shinichi Kudo (Manga: File 1; Anime: Episode 1)

Shinichi is given APTX 4869 after being caught eavesdropping.

Gin and Vodka go on a roller coaster at Tropical Land in order to observe an individual that they have a transaction with, since they can clearly see whether their target has really arrived alone from the top of the coaster.[1] The man they have business with is forced to pay them a large amount of money, in exchange for the proof of his weapon smuggling business. However, their mission are delayed as they are counted as suspects in a murder case, which is solved by Shinichi Kudo. Later that night, Vodka completes the transaction, unaware that Shinichi have been following him.

Gin, in turn, sneaks up behind the teen detective and knocks him unconscious with a pipe. Vodka is about to shoot him, only for Gin to remind him that the Police are still around and proposes to use an untested poison on him as it will leave no trace in an autopsy. They leave Shinichi for dead, unaware that the poison reverted his body to the age of a seven-year-old kid. The transformed Shinichi (now going by the name of Conan Edogawa) seeks to gain a lead on the two men.

Akemi Miyano's one billion yen robbery (Manga: File 13-16; Anime: Episode 128)

Manga version

Gin confronting Akemi Miyano.

In order to free both her sister and herself from the Black Organization, Akemi Miyano decides to accept the mission that they required her to do, which is to rob one billion yen from the bank.

For the robbery to become more successful, she chooses to get more assistance from the outside. Akemi then hires two partners, one is a taxi driver, Kenzo Hirota, and the other one is a giant man. However, after successfully getting the one billion yen, Kenzo Hirota betrays his two accomplices, taking the money for himself and runs away. Using the fake alias "Masami Hirota", Akemi disguises herself as a high-school girl and pays a visit to Kogoro's Detective Agency. She asks him to help her find Kenzo Hirota, who she lies being her father and has been missing for the past months. Because of a lucky coincidence, Kogoro, Ran and Conan find out his location and inform this to Akemi. Excited about the news, she rushes to their agency a second time with an imperfect disguise.

After meeting up with Kenzo Hirota, Akemi contacts the giant, who strangles their traitor later. The two hang up his corpse in order to make it looks like a suicide. They then take all of the money and leave Hirota’s house. Gin then gives Akemi what he calls “sleeping pills” and orders her to put them inside the giant’s drink. Unknowing to her, they are poison which kill him right the moment he drink his beer. After finding out that he is dead, Akemi puts the one billion yen they robbed earlier inside some suitcases and leaves them at the hotel’s front desk. She then goes by herself to the meeting place with Gin and Vodka. Gin asks her to hand out the money, but she refuses and demands them to fulfill their promise first, which is to let her sister and herself leave the Organization. Gin, however, betrays the deal, saying that it is impossible as her sister is one of the top brains inside the Organization. This makes Akemi realize they she has been tricked and used from the beginning. Gin gives her one last chance to tell him where she hid the money, only to be refused by her one more time. He shoots her and leaves the scene. By the time Conan finds out her location, it is already too late. It is in this moment that Conan learns about the Black Organization being the true mastermind behind the robbery, he also reveals his true identity to her. In her last words, Akemi asks Conan to find the robbed money before Gin and Vodka do. Her death is later concluded as a suicide by the Police, because only her fingerprints are found on the gun that killed her.

Anime version

Even though Akemi Miyano/Masami Hirota was introduced much earlier into the anime series in Episode 13 with the Kenzo Hirota storyline that was closer to the Manga version, however, that case was heavily altered and had nothing to do with the Black Organization. In order to fix that plot error, the animators reintroduce her again in Episode 128 while her previous appearance is ignored.

Conan talks to a dying Akemi.

In Episode 128, Akemi Miyano, under the alias of “Masami Hirota”, goes undercover and has come working at a bank for a period of time, most likely to make a scout of the situation, in order to prepare for the upcoming robbery. Akemi, with the assistance from Shirou Kaizuka (a race driver) and Kishi (one of the bank guards), pulls up a fake crime scene of two robbers with firearms breaking into the bank’s car that is used to transport one billion yen, and force the bank guard into transferring these money into their own van. However, during a night, the Black Organization murders Akemi’s two accomplices. A lipstick is dropped at the crime scene in order to frame Akemi and mislead the Police into thinking that she is the third robber (which she really is), and also the murderer at the same time, who kills her partners so she can take all the money for her own (which she isn't). Akemi goes to the meeting place with Gin and Vodka, despite Conan’s prevention, saying that she may be killed. She questions Gin about her accomplices’ death, and demands him to release her sister and herself from the Organization, just as promised, before she gives them the one billion yen. However, she is betrayed and killed by Gin. Vodka finds out the key of the locker where Akemi hid the money inside her pocket and they leave the scene, without knowing that it’s only a fake. By the time Conan finds out her location, it is already too late. It is in this moment that Conan learns about the Black Organization being the true mastermind behind the robbery, he also reveals his true identity to her. In her last words, Akemi gives Conan the real key and asks him to find the robbed money before Gin and Vodka do. Her death is later concluded as a suicide by the Police, because only her fingerprints are found on the gun that killed her.

Exchange on the bullet train (Manga: File 33)

Conan encounters Gin and Vodka.

Gin and Vodka travel aboard the bullet train with the mission of completing a transaction. Their target is a woman, who wants to exchange 400 million yen for the information about gold worth even more money with them. They arrange the meeting place at the dining car on the second floor of the bullet train.

On the way to their seats, Gin and Vodka coincidentally encounter Conan at a hallway. However, neither of the two recognizes that he is actually Shinichi Kudo, whom they tried to kill using APTX4869 some time earlier, due to the fact that they are not aware of its shrinking effect. Vodka demands Conan to get out of the way and they continue to walk to their seats, which are very near from the Mouris', without paying further attention to the boy.

A while later, Gin and Vodka decide to leave their positions to go to the dining car, where they will wait for the woman with whom they are going to have a transaction. Meanwhile, Conan plans an eavesdropping bug on their seats downstairs, awaiting for them to come back. The woman gives them a large suitcase, filled with 400 million yen, in exchange for their black attaché case, which she thinks contains the precious information about gold that she wants. However, the black case that the two man prepared has been attached with explosives instead. They has planned to kill off the woman from the beginning, since she is no more useful to the Organization. They also trick her, saying that they're going to reveal the method to open the black attaché if she calls a specific number that they give her, at a specific time; and by doing so she will unknowingly activate the bomb.

After finishing the transaction, Gin and Vodka return to their original seats, without knowing that they have been bugged. Conan hears the two men discuss the success of their mission, he also learns about their code names. They later depart at Nagoya Station, before the bomb explodes.

Tequila appears at the Mantendo Convention.

Tequila at the Mantendo Convention (Manga: File 114-116; Anime: Episode 54)

At the Mantendo Convention, Conan encounters a tall, built member of the Black Organization with the code name Tequila.

Tequila appears at the convention to complete a transaction with Hideaki Nakajima, an employee from the Mantendo Corporation. He wants to get a list of the best programmers in the world from Hideaki, in exchange for a large amount of money given by the Organization.[2] The two man bump into each others. It is in this moment that they carry out the transaction, by switching their numbered tickets and the key to Hideaki's briefcase. He then goes to the front desk and uses Hideaki's ticket to acquire his briefcase, without knowing that the ticket has been switched beforehand by another employee who wants to kill Hideaki. Therefore, the briefcase that Tequila is holding is actually attached with a bomb.

After completing the transaction, Tequilas goes to a public telephone booth and tells Vodka that his mission is accomplished. He also reminds him to inform Gin as well. Later, Tequila enters the bathroom and tries to open the briefcase, which explodes and kills him.

The Black Organization then blows up the cocktail bar where Tequila and Hideaki used to meet, in order to erase every possible clue.

Ai Haibara's introduction (Manga: File 176-181; Anime: Episode 129)

Shiho swallows the APTX 4869.

For someone who has already resented the Black Organization for using the incomplete APTX 4869 that she created for killing purposes, the news of her sister's death is the final straw that induces Shiho Miyano to boycott her research until she receives an official explanation for why her sister was killed. The Black Organization refuses, and faces with the possibility that Shiho can defect or do something else drastic in revenge, decides to cut their loses by executing Shiho. Awaiting her execution, Shiho is handcuffed to a wall in a sealed room that also features a garbage chute too small for an adult to fit in. With no other way out, she takes a pill of APTX 4869 she has pocketed to commit suicide before she can be killed by the Organization, but instead she shrinks into a six- or seven-year-old girl. In her new, smaller body, she slips her hand free of the cuff and uses the garbage chute to escape the sealed room. She then attempts to reach Shinichi Kudo's house, hoping he may be able to help her. Exhausted, she collapses in front of Kudo's house, where she is found by Professor Agasa, who eventually adopts her. From that moment on, Shiho Miyano takes up the role of "Ai Haibara", the alias that Agasa helps her come up with.

Ai Haibara goes to Conan's class as a new student. She acts rather cold and reserved when the Detective Boys try to befriend her, and Genta notices she's looking at Conan suspiciously. She tells them where she lives but Conan fails to realize it's at Agasa's home. After school, a boy named Toshiya asks the Detective Boys to find his missing brother. The Detective Boys along with Haibara investigate Toshiya's house and find a painting of Natsume Sōseki. Toshiya reveals that before his brother disappeared, a woman, who had an interest in that portrait, approached Toshiya. The Detective Boys search around town to ask whether anyone has seen the woman or Toshiya's brother. Conan notices that a man was using a counterfeit ¥1000 and realizes Toshiya's brother was actually kidnapped and forced to help create counterfeit bills. After following the man along with the clues Toshiya's brother left behind, they are able to apprehend the organized crime group and save Toshiya's brother.

Haibara cries on Conan after asking him why hadn't he helped her sister.

On the way home, Haibara reveals to Conan that she was a former member of the Black Organization, with the code name Sherry, and the one who created the drug that shrank both of them. This makes Conan extremely furious. She also reveals that she accidentally sent a floppy disk containing data on the Black Organization to her older sister, which is now in the possession of her sister's professor, Masami Hirota. Agasa takes Conan and Haibara there to retrieve the disk, only to realize that Hirota has been murdered. The suspects are Hirota's three students who visited that day. Conan reveals the culprit to be a man named Akira Shirakura; Shirakura after bludgeoning Hirota to death tied the answering machine cassette tape around the key to the room which rewound when a call was made and subsequently bringing the key into the room. As evidence, Conan reveals that Shirakura's fingerprints should be found on the tape. When the case is over, Haibara breaks down and asks Conan why he could not save her sister, Akemi, from the Black Organization. Later that day, Haibara attempts to read the files off the disk. However, it has been protected with the Night Baron virus, which deletes all the data whenever the disk is accessed from a computer that does not belong to the Organization.

Runaway operative Numabuchi

Ki'ichiro Numabuchi was a serial hold-up murderer who got involved with the Black Organization. He was originally hired to become one of their assassins, but his mental lability soon exempted him from that career. Instead, he was to become a human guinea pig for the new APTX 4869 poison, under the supervision of Shiho Miyano. However, while Shiho had been given his file for close medical study, she didn't get to meet Numabuchi personally; knowing about his impending fate, he escaped the Black Organization. During his flight, he panickedly murdered several people he suspected of being Black Organization pursuers.[3]

In his younger years (before he became a murderer), Numabuchi and his fellow classmates from driving school caused the death of their stern driving instructor Inaba. Years later, his son, Yusuke Sakata, who had become a police officer to investigate his father's death, caught Numabuchi, who blabbered out a confession. Since his father's death case was long since time-barred, Sakata decided to murder all those responsible, keeping Numabuchi for last in order to put the blame on him. However, the Police discovered Numabuchi's location and put him under arrest. While he was being taken outside of the abandoned warehouse, he attempted to escape by taking a kitchen knife and ran at Ran's direction, but Conan threw his himself in front of her to block the point of the knife. He was eventually knocked out by Kazuha and taken into custody.[4]

Several months later, Numabuchi was escorted into a forest in Gunma after having claimed that the body of a fourth victim was buried there. Actually, he intended to pay a last visit to his special childhood friends, the fireflies, living in the forest before his execution. There he met Mitsuhiko, who was attempting to collect some fireflies in order to rejoice his friends Haibara and Ayumi. Instead of doing him any harm, however, Numabuchi carried Mitsuhiko back to the search parties and had himself arrested without putting up any resistance.[5]

Pisco, Vermouth, and the return of Shiho Miyano (Manga: Files 238-242; Anime: Episode 176-178)

File:Sherry shot 1.JPG
Shiho shot by Gin.

Conan encounters Gin and Vodka again. Haibara is kidnapped by Pisco and confined to a wine cellar, but she drinks baijiu to turn into an adult and escape up a chimney. Gin and Vodka intercept her on the roof and shoot her repeatedly until Conan appears. Conan shoots Gin with his needle, but Gin sdoesn't fall asleep. He tells Haibara to jump into the chimney, and Vodka shoots at her, but she gets away. Gin purposely shoots himself in the arm due to trying to stay awake. Inside, Pisco almost kills her, but Conan rescues her after Pisco accidentally causes a fire. Gin kills Pisco for failure before he's able to tell him the truth about Shiho. Haibara decides to leave the city, Worried that the organization is after her, after which Conan implies that it will be alright for her to stay.

Vermouth's disguise

Vermouth takes the place of Tomoaki Araide, the nurse at Teitan elementary and high school in order to get close to Conan and Haibara. Soon afterwards, the FBI who had followed Vermouth from America raid Araide’s office and see pictures of Conan, Ran, and Sherry tacked to her dartboard.[6] Vermouth works undercover to undermine the FBI and learn more about Conan, Haibara and their friends and family. As Araide, she witnesses Shinichi Kudo perform in a school play[7], and she helps Ran and Conan interrupt Shiratori's would be engagement to Sato.[8]

Busjacking and Akai's introduction (Manga: Files 287-289; Anime: Episode 230-231)

Vermouth in New York City (Manga: Files 350-354; Anime: Episode 286-288)

Suguru Itakura and the confrontation with Vodka (Manga: File 380-383; Anime: Episode 309-311)

Conan manages to arrange contact with Vodka of the organization, and goes to confront him in a trap, however, Gin arrives and realizes it's a set up. He and Vodka leave before Conan is able to find out more information about the Black Organization. Though, prior to the meeting, Conan does manage to obtain information from their original contact's diary that reveal a bit of the Black Organization's dark intentions.

Vermouth closes in and the Miyano family

Showdown with Vermouth and the FBI (Manga: File 429-434; Anime: Episode 345)

Many identities are finally unveiled: Vermouth is revealed to be Dr. Araide, Chris Vineyard, Sharon Vineyard, and the silver-haired serial killer in Shinichi's New York Case; Jodie Saintemillion is revealed to be an undercover FBI agent working towards capturing Vermouth, who killed her father when she was younger; Shuichi Akai is confirmed to be an FBI agent, and one with great skill too--enough to make the boss of the Black Organization believe that he is their Silver Bullet. Near the end of the episode, it becomes clear that Vermouth's purpose was to seek and eliminate Sherry, but her attempts are thwarted by several people: Shinichi/Conan, Jodie Starling, Shuichi Akai, and even Ran. When she becomes cornered, she takes Conan hostage and drives away into a forest. There, she sends a text message to her boss (still nameless), and to her surprise, Conan was recording the sound of the boss' number being dialed. In order to preserve the organization's secrecy, she sprays sleeping gas in the car, putting both herself and Conan to sleep. She claims that this would be a duel--whoever wakes up first will win. Vermouth does indeed wake up first, but does not kill Conan. Instead, she just crushes his recording device. Ultimately, the only clue Conan gained from this whole ordeal is the phone number that the boss uses; this is mentioned in episode 425 as well.

Although Vermouth often comes off as evil and malicious, her allegiance is rather ambiguous. She chooses to protect both Conan/Shinichi and Ran, most likely because they let her live back in the New York Case when she was disguised as the silver-haired serial killer. At the end of the episode, she could have very well killed Shinichi, but instead she lets him live and even drapes her coat over his sleeping body so he wouldn't get cold. She even kept her promise with Shinichi to stop her attempt on killing Sherry. For some reason, she seems to wish for the Black Organization to be taken down as well--for she believes that Shinichi Kudo is their true Silver Bullet.

Boss's phone number

In Episode 394, Conan figures out the boss' number, but Haibara warns him not to call it because it is "Pandora's Box", Conan then thinks he can get Detective Takagi to figure out who the number belongs to. But then Haibara warns if he does, Detective Takagi will be killed.

Assassination plot with Chianti, Korn, and Kir (Manga: File 499-504; Anime: Episode 425)

Black Organization´s members.

In episode 425, the Black Organization introduces three new members, Chianti, Kir, and Korn, who first make their introduction in the 16th Opening episodes before their actual appearance in the series. Episode 425 is also the first to show the most Black Organization members in one episode. Chianti and Korn are introduced in the very beginning of episode 425 as highly trained assassins that Gin recruits after seeing their sniping skills. Kir is first introduced to Conan and the others as a news reporter (Rena Mizunashi) and a friend of Yoko Okino's, however, she is revealed as a member of the black corps later on. After encountering FBI during her mission, Kir tries to flee, but gets knocked unconscious and crashes, resulting in her getting taken by the FBI agents. In the manga, Heiji Hattori mentions she has been seen in Osaka before.

Eisuke Hondou and the captured Kir

In episodes 462-465, the Black Organization reveals some information about Kir and Eisuke's father. Eisuke appears to be linked to the Black Organization, as Conan notices similarities between him and Kir, and he also appears to be gaining info on the secret behind Kogoro's cases. In addition, Vermouth is revealed to be linked to another murder case. In the following episode 466, Conan tells Haibara and Agasa that the boy involved in the previous case told a mysterious man (unknown, but sometimes thought to be Rikumichi Kusuda, as they have the same outer appearance, though, his face is shadowed) that he had seen Kir before.

In episodes 484-485, Conan investigates more on Eisuke and belief that he and his father may have a possible link to Rena Mizunashi and the Black Organization. This later leads to further investigations in episode 491-494 with a possibility that Eisuke and Rena are related when they watch a video tape from years ago.

The Clash of Red and Black (Manga: File 595-609; Anime: Episode 495-504)

Bourbon, Subaru Okiya, and Scar Akai

Jodie calls Conan and tells him that Rena Mizunashi reported a new member of the Black Organization, Bourbon, is looking for Sherry. As Conan and Haibara investigate a normal case, Haibara feels that an organization member is around. The organization member which she felt is implied to be one of the innocent suspects, Subaru Okiya. Conan invites Okiya to live in the Kudo's house since Okiya's apartment was burnt. Okiya appears in other cases later on.

Ambush for Scar Akai (Manga: Files 700-704; Anime: Episodes 578-581)

Masumi Sera and Tooru Amuro

Bourbon and Vermouth aboard the Mystery Train (Manga: File 818-824)

In chapter 823, Bourbon is confirmed to be Tooru Amuro and Okiya to be Shuichi Akai.

Bourbon Returns

Contrary to Conan's expectations, Bourbon has decided to stay nearby because he has become interested in Conan Edogawa and Sleeping Kogoro.

See also


  1. ^ Volume 1, File 1, Page 30
  2. ^ Volume 12, File 116, Page 18
  3. ^ Manga Chapter 360: Disappearing Mitsuhiko 3
  4. ^ Manga Chapters 185-188: Stabbed Wallet Case
  5. ^ Manga Chapter 358-360: Disappearing Mitsuhiko Case
  6. ^ In Jodie's intro case, she calls Conan "Cool Guy" meaning she saw the pictures prior to her intro, and most likely prior to joining Teitan high because she became a teacher after she tracked Araide there.
  7. ^ The Desperate Revival (Manga: 255–257, Anime: 190-191)
  8. ^ Manga: 328-330, Anime: 253-254