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What's on Your Mind?

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Hey mamacita!~ And folks, let us welcome back the kings of Hallyu, Shuper Juniour(Weo)! [super Junior]

yesh welcome back super junior xD

watching their mv/stage is certainly on my mind right now

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What's the point of giving us so much stuff to do if you don't want to give us time to do them? Amazing.

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What's the point of giving us so much stuff to do if you don't want to give us time to do them? Amazing.


To test our hidden potentials since they can't bring us to deaths' brink. Or is the brinks' death? Wouldn't be surprised if the brink itself died due to schoolwork.

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Wondering when I will have time to watch Detective Conan, Oh yeah, and when I'll have the time to finish my ICP homework, and maybe try and find some music sheets for Keyboarding class. I found some really great Acid Black Cherry piano sheet music that I could play. ^-^!

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My history teacher looks like Veronica Roth to me o.o

now my mind is completely occupied with memories of my old language arts teacher who looks like Jennifer Lawrence O_O

wondering why today has to be the last day of summer vacation...

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now my mind is completely occupied with memories of my old language arts teacher who looks like Jennifer Lawrence O_O

wondering why today has to be the last day of summer vacation...

Yay book franchises ^.^

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The department I got put in charge of just effectively became a one-man department. Yay me. Now there's just me to murder if anything goes wrong T.T Guess that should motivate me to get moving, right..?

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This thing:


Determine the winning strategy for the following 2-person game: 
Starting from a positive integer n written on the board, two players (A and B) take turns subtracting either a or b (both positive integers, with a < B), until zero is reached. The player who reached 0 wins. If a player cannot make a valid move, that player loses the game.

1. Suppose a = 1 and b = 2. Which player wins when n = 21? n = 22? Describe in detail the winning strategy for any positive integer n in general.
2. If a = 1 and b = 3, discuss in detail the winning strategy.
3. What is the winning strategy when a = 2 and b = 3?

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OMM: Ugh... I didn't know it was hard to look for creepy songs or creepy melodies that would really make my skin crawl. Or maybe there's just something wrong with me because no matter what my friends suggest, they just won't do. Ugh OTL

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OMM: Ugh... I didn't know it was hard to look for creepy songs or creepy melodies that would really make my skin crawl. Or maybe there's just something wrong with me because no matter what my friends suggest, they just won't do. Ugh OTL


Just listen to Battkhain. (Ducks).

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The release dates for a few of my favorite musical artists is on my mind. Breakerz new single "Change!" release date, which I believe is on the 8th or 9th of this month. I need to google it. And Acid Black Cherry, no name has been confirmed for the album yet, all I know is that a new single is coming in October.


Also, Breakfast is on my mind as well. I haven't eaten anything at all today yet.

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