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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. My first drink was with 13, and i still say it dont drink alcohol its bad
  2. What will you say after you were wrong
  3. What you think is OK but he is akai
  4. Well its not all bad, but the last one was better
  5. Never drink alcohol, its bad also what i tried gin vodka
  6. Easy said when you do stuff like the ones in the show and you collect DC
  7. OK, THX But the last one, it seems that he has nothing on his neck ( in 510-511, when he takes of his scarf there is nothing on it, unlles if it was under the shirt which would be seen) So these other theory's of yours are most likely it
  8. MAybe at the end of conan only one year will pas
  9. that one is the best BO epi
  10. Balthazar Manfredie


    Doubt that gosho will make any more after conans end
  11. Hes alive, why would he let kir back at the cost of his life, there were 2 more better plans to go.
  12. Maybe shell end up with akai, but i believe that she will stay with agasa in his home
  13. He could have erased all the prints and went with akai to rikumichis dead body to take another prints. He garbed them only to fool the FBI in his death
  14. If he ever, after the final problem has a son he will name him conan
  15. Im guessing at the end of the show they will be together again
  16. I was like 10 when i watched conan, and i like to finish watching this show Besides when you think on pair with conan its interesting
  17. Kudo ( i dont know the reason ) But akai and gin ( the coolest characters in the show )
  18. none of these are the boss, and kogoro is not the boss Not by a mile
  19. Why did the alcohol only 1 time turned him back to normal
  20. Balthazar Manfredie


    Hes kind a funny to watch
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