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Detective Conan World


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Kirsch last won the day on January 17 2018

Kirsch had the most liked content!

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95 Excellent

About Kirsch

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    Chocolate Tophee

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  1. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. It's about a man of IQ 60 who undergoes an experimental treatment to increase his intelligence. However, with increased intelligence comes increased awareness of the cynical world around him--those who laugh at him are not doing so out of friendship, but of mockery. As he reaches genius levels of thought, his predecessor, a now-genius lab mouse by the name of Algernon, starts to go crazy. dun DUN. I'm doing this book no justice with my synopsis, but would recommend looking at some reviews if you're interested! It's a great insight on the human condition (lots of Freud to be found here) from a pretty unique perspective. I really liked it and 11/10 would recommend!
  2. whoaaaa in ten years, I hope to have found a career that I like! and to have spent my 20s doing really cool stuff.
  3. "We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one." - Tom Hiddleston
  4. Kirsch

    I wish...

    ... but higher changes of a white christmas! that's what i wish for. hasn't happened for yeeaaars
  5. an infinite sum of money smaller fish in a big pond or bigger fish in a small pond?
  6. went to school and managed to not fall asleep in any of my classes! not even during the guest lecturer!!
  7. dear anonymous, i've always considered myself a loyal person. i like to think that i make friends based on personalities i admire, and when i find a good friend, a good person, i treasure them. but i hate how i latch on. i'm clingy at times and i need affirmation. i've learned how to not actively seek it, but i still need it even if it's just from time to time. i hate feeling like i'm the one giving more than i am receiving on the blunt end of this unbalanced relationship. but i know how you hate clingy people how you hate sentimental people because we used to laugh at those girls who seem to latch onto you and we'd laugh at how needy they were but i never told you that each and every time, i get scared that, in your eyes, i'm no different from them. but somehow you always know when to tell me i'm important when to spend an afternoon with me when to take me on an adventure, sneaking into secret places where we shouldn't be, sitting across from each other in comfortable silence. at the end of the day i hate how reliant i've become of you. if something makes me crash and burn without hesitation you'd still be the one i'd call. signed, me
  8. Macbeth by Shakespeare Love the monologues and the insight to the twisted human psyche!
  9. Oi read your PM btw one last time :V I just have to tell ya something

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      I really am sorry. I know what I did was silly and that's why I was telling you coz I just thought that it would be a bit disrespectful if I just keep it to myself of what I thought I found.


      I think I'm going too far and I do not know if this is forgivable to you so...


      I definitely wouldnt resist if you report me of stalking and get banned over it. I think I deserve it...

    3. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Been here for 6 years, I think that's a long time already and I just keep returning back after I decide to leave. Getting banned would definitely completely stop that. And dont really worry about it, wont be your fault. 

    4. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Gad my sorries are looking meaningless now T__T But I really mean it. Like all of it. So like really sorry again.


      ...Have I really been good to you? Coz you know, I can only see through my point of view and I always thought that I've been but maybe, it's different on your side. It's just that you seems to be always mad at me now. I dunno.

  10. Till my last breath 

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