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Detective Conan World

Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. Just exploring

    Dont mind me

    Change is always a bit tough

  2. i have to say that the okc-gsw series was revealing in many ways for both teams i have gsw in 6
  3. Its not like there havent been teams that didnt win 3 in a row in a series Like denver and boston and houston And they went up against, to me, better teams Gonna be a looong week for gs I would love it if toronto went to the finals But its all about money
  4. Well On my computer it keeps loging me out after a few second And it did so on my phone just now, but it seems it stopped now or so i hope Any ideas, cause i cleaned it And the phone is gone too
  5. I think the case was nice You can follow it easily And discover thing before conan....whaaaa Also i noticed on one of the pisters that that girl who was interviewing her at the begining was in it So there is that The ventriloquists first part was amazing Then you get the second part and...yeah, cold I liked the hiko or yogo ( i crossed them ) case But it went from awesome to good And i dont like that
  6. In the shiragami case When she asked him if he saw them, while nursing her...scratched body i guess
  7. Teams have been down 2-0 before, who knows what the rest holds Tonight steph will be a beast Klay will focus on D KD will explode Green will be the x factor
  8. Now this toronto team is what i want to go up against the cavs Tonight is the big game
  9. So the raptors suck This looks like sweep if those 2 play like that again
  10. I think that if steph and klay get help from their teammates like last night it will be over in the nex 3 Livingston has jet to play good And klay to some degree
  11. so okc won the first game i was surprised
  12. im hoping for a finals rematch to settle the finals before
  13. The raptors are in the ecf I like it, god knows not...well, no one wants to go play in canada I would love it if the win the ecf, but that not gonna happen Whish derozen would shot the ball better, he cant make max dolla if he is like this Its like he is joe johnson
  14. they are missing a lot but the hustle i would rather have them than miami
  15. raptors ar slow paced eam in the playoffs you do what you must to win
  16. i think toronto should close tonights game with strong D they have the advantage
  17. is it true that the ticket price was double then last years movie
  18. so did shaq and garnett okc got the best of the spurs man, spurs should have won g2 aldridge scored 41 on 70% fg im expecting the gsw to win by 4-1 their bench is just that better and they shoot the 3 better
  19. its just that jordans team won 72 but didnt get unanimous vote
  20. I will be honest and say that i expected a even worse case in store for us when i saw the first 2-3 min. My god that was horible. I do share the same opinion and the UFO case from 2 years back is...hmmm, idk its just as bad and i will leave them at that. Its great that you got a few smiles out of it cause it did nothing for me in that area. I would rather that they just do more remastered episodeds then this. AOs are hard to, forget about watching cause geting yourself to watch it is hard enough, at least for me. Thats good, i do like them
  21. that was a surprising turn of events im still thinking it could go 7 games, kawhi and lamarcus are great tim has been...empty this should be his last year, there is no shame in walking away, he played for 19 years and is 40 years old russ will screw up one way or another but im curious to how is it that in 96 jordan wasnt an unanimous mvp while curry is this year
  22. 816 is out time to see if i was right and is this one as bad as i thought
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