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Detective Conan World


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redangelran last won the day on February 6 2012

redangelran had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

29 Excellent

About redangelran

  • Rank
    DCW's Princess Heart
  • Birthday September 19

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  1. Dear Anonymous, Thank you for the wonderful message you gave me. I really am touched
  2. Happy Holidays Everyone! ::D

    1. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      Hyper Happy Holidays~~~~~!¡!!!¡¡¡!!! :P

  3. It seems I have seen you somewhere before.... :/ I'm from ph too.
  4. I rarely watch movies, but here are the ones that I loved: Cellular(2004) Taken(2008) The Dark Knight(2008) Tangled(2010)
  5. I dreamed of watching this really weird anime. After a while, I came to like it, but then I woke up. It's sad that no such anime exist. Maybe I kinda wanted a story like that~ :/
  6. Dragon Ball is so unending. The characters are never gonna die and the villains will always be there.
  7. Time after time and Puzzle <3
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