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Kyuu Nye

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Everything posted by Kyuu Nye

  1. Happy birthday to David Bowie. He has reached the age of 65, without seeming to age a day past 40... Miraculous!

    1. CarpetCrawler


      Happy birthday. Still the man. Always will be the man. <3

    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      You know, his inability to age, may in fact be the inspiration for Vermouth. I think we should ask Gosho this all too important question.

    3. CarpetCrawler


      You know, that rumor that David Bowie and Vermouth were HUGE fans of American Bandstand when they were younger may be more true than we all thought...

  2. I totally disagree. While I can forgive the video (as CC said, it is kinda laughably bad), I cannot forgive the horrid state of the song. I really can't. It is frankly one of the worst songs ever used for a DC opening. It is worse than when I listened to the full version of Mysterious by Naifu (I LOATHE the full version of that song). It is to the point where I don't want to seek out the full version. Up until now, I haven't made a decision whether to like or hate a song used for a DC opening until the full song was listened to, but this... this is just too much. I refuse to look for the full version, let alone listen to it. Bad synth, sub par vocals, overly generic chorus, generic title, and it is quite frankly a bland song that they tried to make sound exciting and fell horribly short on. I say, in lieu of this new song, we, as a community, start researching how to resurrect the dead and bring back ZARD. Sure, it might cause a zombie apocalypse, BUT IT WOULD BE A SMALL PRICE TO PAY I SAY! WHO IS WITH ME????
  3. Truth be told, Ringo, at the time of the Beatles, was not as good as he became. He was slightly better than decent and had a good feel for the music that the Beatles made. And was certainly better than their first drummer who was literally chosen because he fit the image the Beatles were looking for. But at the time there were so many more talented drummers out there... I'm looking at you Ginger Baker especially. Also, he isn't much of a song writer. Unlike the rest of the Beatles he was a drummer through and through, where as John, Paul and George were full on musicians who strove to learn and experiment, allowing them to create creative songs.
  4. We all knew Granny Smith was a boss. Was a good episode. Though I think AppleJack is due for another episode of her own. I mean... every episode that was hers, except for Applebucking (or whichever that name was), was basically her having a conflict with another pony. Also Epic Pie Time was awesome. Vinyl Scratch is awesome.
  5. I could not listen to the opening for more than three seconds without pausing it. This has never happened before. That opening synth was PAINFUL to listen to. The use of synth by the Breakerz is just god awful. I mean... really... it sounds unnatural and awkward the way they use it. Then we get to the chorus (before that, if you take out the synth, it is dreadfully average), which I cannot discern from any number of DC Opening choruses. It is generic of the worst sort. If I paused it, and unpaused it with the screen off, I'm sure I could not tell you that it was from this song as opposed to another DC opening that uses a similar chorus. Ok, so the song was not good (It is borderline awful imo). The video... I don't know what to say... I don't get it... If "mystery" wasn't being repeated in the song, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't know that the show had anything to do with mystery. DBoys and wire cutters and a bomb? That won't end well. Walls of text reminiscent of Summer Wars? Throwing badges like Pokemon? WHAT THE HELL! Are they even trying anymore?
  6. I totally disagree. That isn't haibara's personality... She never was a killer, she just made a lethal drug. I think she is more inclined to torture him, which she has already technically done in canon at the hot springs.
  7. Are you suggesting that ran would not kill shinichi with her karate?
  8. I grew up on the Beatles. While My Guitar Gently Weeps is my favorite. George Harrison should have been given far more opportunity to write imo.
  9. Just finished watching The Princess Bride after many years of not seeing it... And it is still an awesome movie.

    1. CarpetCrawler


      That movie will never stop being awesome.

  10. Kyuu Nye

    Martial Arts

    The international title was the kung-fu kid. The original was from the 80s, and was actually about a kid learning karate.
  11. Kyuu Nye

    Martial Arts

    I'm going to say this, and it is very important... Taekwondo is one of the worst martial arts to take for self-defense. I blame the Olympics, but the second the focus of most schools became competition, it stopped teaching the techniques that are effective in real life situations. Not to mention you are not taught to expect everything as would be possible in a fight. NO! Books and internet instruction is NO substitute for a proper instructor or master. You will not know if you are doing something wrong, and in martial arts that leads to bad habits and things that can damage your joints. In Karate, one of the hardest things to learn is how to PIVOT properly. As a former instructor I have seen COUNTLESS students pivot improperly. What ends up happening is that they end up twisting their joints and causing irreversible damage to their joints. I made it a point to teach that properly to all my students. They may not have always won in competition, but they sure as hell knew two things when I left. 1) How to perform proper techniques 2) How to defend themselves IRL. And that is all I cared about.
  12. You really need to acquaint yourself with DCTP... You can find all the answers there in terms of where to find [insert DC episode, movie, ova] subbed and DC manga scanlated. I know direct linking to media is frowned upon here (for good reason), but last I checked, linking to another forum is not... http://forum.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=7273.0 Enjoy.
  13. So you like it when Heiji insults people by calling them an idiot? Interesting....
  14. I regret regretting the regrets I've regretted.
  15. I regret nothing, unless I don't learn from my mistake and repeat it.
  16. Fuck you Cee Lo Green. How dare you change the lyrics to John Lennon's "Imagine." I don't think he should be allowed to sell another album ever again for this travesty!

    1. CarpetCrawler


      My friend's Dad works for the City and helps set up the stage and all, and according to her, he was a real pain in the ass the entire time, and had someone hold up CUE CARDS that he could read off of while he was playing. Yes.

    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Heh, sounds like my friend's band and their experience with Malmsteen.

  17. Kyuu Nye

    Martial Arts

    Yeah, it is. But I think they used a made up variation of Okinawan Karate.
  18. Kyuu Nye

    Martial Arts

    Tell them that the dojo in Karate Kid is NOT an accurate depiction of Karate dojos. And learning martial arts was possibly the best choice I made in my life.
  19. Kyuu Nye

    Martial Arts

    @Awagode I kinda sorta did. Someone tried to pick pocket me, and I grabbed his hand and wrist locked it. Picked up my wallet and then let him go and went on my way.
  20. Heiji became static after his major development in the beginning. Sato and Takagi developed only once except for their relationship. Ayumi not since the beginning. Eri we don't see enough to make a solid call on. Haibara stopped too. It is pathetic that there seems to have been no development since pretty much the midway point from where we are now.
  21. Happy New Year everyone!

    1. AokoNakamori


      happy new year kyuu. i'm trying to console my freind Yutaka-san right now since the japan "new year earthquake" hit not even an hour into 2012

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      dont drink too much for new year, kyuu

    3. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      @Baltha: Ah, let him be. :P

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  22. My resolution is to not make a resolution that will be inevitably broken within 2 months.
  23. But there isn't even minor development like Ran not freaking out when she sees a dead body. She must be desensitized by now...
  24. Agreed. It is mostly the side characters.
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