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  3. Spot on, that's the way to approach it. Haven't really done much of it myself, but you should be ok to post some pics that relate to any of your stories. I'd imagine as long as they aren't too 'explicit'. You can definitely check up on that to be sure.
  4. What part are you finding complicated? Just getting started? Outline? Dialogue? I'd be more than willing to give a couple pointers. There are different types of writers, some have a general idea for where they're going with a story, and others just start writing and piece things together as they go. Or, somewhere in between even. I say just take a shot at it; I promise you'll get better as you go.
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  6. Lightest of Nights: A Deck of Minds Chapter 38 A Book Signing, Thief, and a Little Trap His short wavy hair flowed in sync with the hot wind that pressed in defiance of the chosen direction. Each stride brought an increase in the burn felt in his legs. How far had his morning jog taken him? Two miles… three perhaps? Keeping in top shape was essential in Subaru Okiya's mind. Powering down one last block, he halted in stride. Panting, he took a deep breath as he slightly hunched over. Easing upright, Subaru took a sip of water from the bottle in hand. "That should do it. No doubt more people will soon occupy the streets." Allowing his breathing to subside and heart-rate to normalize, he casually pressed on the rest of the way. It took all but a minute for his destination to fall into view. He would stop, greeting eye to that of the unexpected. "Who is that?" There, standing at the gate leading to the house, was a man he had never seen before. This individual wore a pair of jeans, sports cap, shades, brown jacket, and a hygiene mask over his face. Suspicion was now afloat. One step, two. Before he knew it, the distance between him and the mystery man was extinguished. "Is there something I can help you with?" Subaru politely inquired. Choosing not to assemble his hands from where they lay buried in pocket, the masked man faced him. Several seconds passed, not a spoken word from either. Subaru stared into the darkness of the worn shades, unable to gauge a read for the opposition. "Is he staring me in the eyes…? Or is he merrily studying me?" "No, unless of course your name is Kudo, Shinichi." The man finally responded. He would then wipe away a single sweat drop upon his forehead. "You know, this is actually quite a warm morning, wouldn't you say?" He was soft spoken, his pitch… perhaps early to mid-twenties in age? "Sorry, but I am the only current to reside at this location. It has been that way for months. However, I'm willing to take a message for him," offered Subaru. "Next I hear from Kudo-san, I'll be sure to inform him of your visit. I'll just need a name and-" "Never mind it." The man turned in the opposite direction. "I'll plant meet with him some other time. Ciao." Subaru's eyes sharpened on the subject as they faded into the distance. "Who the hell was that?" …. A new day arrived. His routine, not differing from any other morning. Conan, placing his bag over his shoulders, huffed. "It's all my fault… had I not invited him to help with the investigation Hattori would be-" The sound of his ringing phone would cut his inner thoughts off. "Hattori?!" Conan felt disappointment when he realized it was not him calling, yet surprised at who was. "Mom…?" "Shin-chan!" Conan quickly motioned for the bathroom, closing the door tightly once inside. "Not exactly the greatest time, was just about to-" "I know this is short notice, but are you going to be busy this evening?" Conan blinked, curiosity taking center stage. "What do you ask?" "Your dad is having a book signing at the Skytale building here in Tokyo tonight! Isn't that great?! I have two additional tickets, so you can bring anyone of your choice along for the event." Conan rolled his eyes. "That sounds lovely." Hearing the sarcasm in his voice, Yukiko countered. "What do you mean that sounds lovely?! Aren't you going to come and support your father?" "It's not that, it's just…" "Heiji-kun?" Yukiko assumed. "You're worried about him, aren't you? Listen Shinichi, you can't keep blaming yourself for what happened. I'm sure he'll pull through. The doctors are optimistic. If anything, a night out could get your mind off of things." "It's not just that, there's also the case that I'm-" "Excuses! You're just full of them this morning, aren't you Shin-chan? Fine, I'll just have to find someone else willing to entertain me through the evening. Have a good day, hmmph!" "Wait, it's not like that," argued Conan. "Can't I at least see how I feel after school, and maybe I'll change my mi….? Mom? You still there?" The line was disconnected. Conan found it amusing. "She really hung up on me, huh?" He attempted to call her back, only to discover she turned her phone off. "Ok, now's she's just being petty." Exiting the bathroom, he would come to discover Ran and Sonoko locked in conversation. "When did Sonoko get here?" "I'm sooooo not looking forward to it," conveyed Sonoko, her voice carrying a growing annoyance. "Like.. why does he need to speak with me? It's not like I have some ground breaking intel or something!" Ran half smiling, replied. "I'm sure it won't be all that bad, and besides.. at the end of it all, you might get another opportunity to see Kid." What was being discussed? Conan mildly interested, inserted himself into the equation. "What are you guys talking about?" "I see the brat hasn't taken off for school yet," murmured Sonoko under breath. "Nothing really, just another scheme in the works to catch Kaitou Kid," Ran informed. "And the new guy wants to talk to me after school," Sonoko added. "New guy?" Sonoko rolled her eyes. "Uncle Jirokichi hired some foreigner to aid with his next attempt to try to catch Kid-sama. Don't really know all the details. Apparently, he wants to have a word with me about my past encounters with Kaitou Kid." "Do you happen to know his name?" "Don't know, don't care," Sonoko coldly responded. "All I know, based on the few people who've worked with him thus far, all have said the same." "Which is?" "Talks very little, keeps to himself, not much for smiles. The only one he really converses with is uncle." "Maybe they have a lot in common," Conan jokingly noted. "You might be onto something. He's probably just some old-timer looking for thrills and a paycheck." Suddenly, excitement manifested. Sonoko quickly turned to Ran. "Oh, I know!" Ran was unsure if she should be worried. "What is it?" "After school, you can come over and accompany me! That way I won't get interrogated alone!" Sonko felt elated. Ran was less than thrilled. "I'm pretty sure no one is going to interrogate you." "Please! I'll feel a lot safer if you come with. For all I know, he.. he could be some creeper or something!" Ran raised her arms to hip. "Now you're just being dramatic, and besides, aren't your parents going to be home?" While Conan found himself somewhat entertained by the back and forth, he knew time was of the essence. "Would you look at the time. I better get going, don't want to be late for school!" Speaking not another word, Conan took off. …. The hand of the clock motioned, bringing about the passing of another hour. eight A.M. He blinked, feeling the exhaust from a lack of sleep. A sudden knock came from the door a short distance away. Motioning, he spoke. "Come in." A large man with a small scar across his left eyebrow wearing a dark-colored business suit entered, softly closing the door behind. "Chief…?" "Still no progress, Otaki." "I see." Silence rose. Clearing his throat, Goro spoke again. "I'm going to visit that coffee shop just down the street. Want anything?" Heizo directing his focus back to bedside, shook his head. "No thanks. I'm fine." Goro nodded, exiting just as quietly as he had entered. "Three days… it has been three days. Fifty two dead… yet, you survived. And now I sit here; juggling in mind how you are the only one to breathe its effects and not succumb to death." The tune of the heart monitor hummed to ear. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, only to gasp in the process of doing so upon hearing subtle movement below. "Could it be…?" The eyes of the young man lying before him flashed wide for the first time since being admitted to the hospital. Gazing up, he locked eyes with the man positioned over him. "Dad..?" "Heiji?!" Feeling a rush in adrenaline, Heizo's first action was to look toward the door. "Doctor! Come quickly! He's awake!" … The rise in temperature increased by the minute. A short-haired girl stopped after another step, raising a hand over her smoldering eyes that felt the effects of the fuming sun. "I certainly hope the mile run isn't scheduled for today's gym class." Gritting her teeth, she tightened her eyes momentarily, feeling the heats surging wave graze the entirety of her body. Pressing past the main entrance to the school, the circulating cool air inside pleasantly greeted her. The carrying voices of conversation from the many students tuned on all sides. She paid this no mind as she made way to her first period. "Good morning Sera-san!" Hearing the call of her name, Masumi looked over her shoulder, giving a quick wave to her classmate before continuing. However, she would only manage another half-step after catching wind of something. "Kudo, Shinichi? Do you know where I can find him?" Hearing the mention of his name, Masumi stopped to spot a boy with long brown hair she had never seen before talking to a girl from her math class just feet away. "Who is that guy? Furthermore, what does he want with Kudo-kun?" Masumi remained stationary as the pair conversed. Dialogue between the two would go on for roughly a minute. At conversations conclusion, both went their separate ways. Masumi managed a brief glance with the brown-haired boy as he passed, noting his green eyes. She would then step in front of the girl from her class. "Hey, who was that guy?" "Just some foreign exchange student." "Exchange student?" "That's what he said." Masumi got straight to the point. "I heard mention of Kudo-kun," "Oh yea. He was just asking basic stuff." "… Like?" "When's the last time he showed up for school, who he hangs out with, does he have a girlfriend.. you know, just the basic stuff. Supposedly he some big fan of his or something." Masumi blinked, immediate suspicion arising. Shedding eye on the exchange students who was now clear on the opposite side of the hall, she made a move to follow. "Sera-san! Where are you going?!" By this time, the hall was paraded with students and staff, making it difficult for her to maneuver toward the sought target. Maintaining view, Masumi witnessed as he stepped at the left corner far ahead. Masumi hissed. "Dammit, if I don't hurry, I'll lose track of him." After some difficulty, she reached the end of the hall. Turning, he was nowhere to be found. There were three doors he could have entered; the Men's bathroom, the maintenance closet, or the lunchroom. Masumi quickly checked the closet, no one to be found. Upon closing it, a student stepped out from the men's restroom. "Excuse me." Masumi kindly confronted him. "Is there anyone else in that bathroom?" "Nope, just me," the boy replied. "Are you positive?" Masumi had to be sure. "One hundred percent. No one else was in there except me." "Then that must mean he is in the lunch lounge!" Masumi took off in stride. "Hey, no running in the hall!" The boy shouted from behind. Determination pumped throughout, forcing the doors open with a powerful shove of her forearm. Plowing through, immediate contact was made with another. "Ahuhhh…" Losing balance, Masumi tumbled forward, drilling into the stiff chest of a boy. It was a move which sent the pair gliding to the ground. Pushing up from where her head had fallen beside his, Masumi looked down This wasn't the supposed exchange student she had spotted. He wasn't wearing a school uniform, and had short, spiked, wavy black hair. A notable difference from the lengthy brown hair of the sought man of interest. Their eyes locked, a captivating gaze that seemed to be timeless. "Your eyes…" The only words to escape her lips. ".. My eyes?" His voice, calming. The right, a bubbly blue in tint comparable to that of a morning clear sky. The left, a ravaging forest green makeup of a twirling flame. "They're different colors." He blinked, responding. "Heterochromia." "Heterochromia?" "It's a condition where a person's eyes present different colors from one another," he softly explained. "A foil of two sides of a coin, if you will." Masumi drew her own comparison. "Yin, Yang." "Earth, Sky." "Solid… liquid." He leveled up, bringing the two within inches of one another. "As much as we could go on, do you find it feasible that I may get back to my feet?" Blushing, Masumi made an immediate move to press up from her position upon him. "My deepest apologies. I got completely sidetracked." Dusting off her skirt, Masumi would hold out a hand, which he would accept. "I should really be more careful coming through those doors." Now back on his feet, the man across would adjust the strap to the bag hanging from his shoulder. "I better get going. I still have a few other soda machines that need to be filled throughout the school." "So, this guy is a vendor," Masumi realized. Looking ahead, she didn't spot anyone else. She turned back to the vendor exiting the lunchroom. "Excuse me." He would stop, leveling eye once more. "Yes?" "Before I entered, did you happen to cross a student with green eyes and long brown hair? He would have pranced through here shortly before my arrival." To her dismay, he shook his head. "You're the only one I've encountered in here since I filled up the machine, sorry." He would exit. Masumi would scour the room for a second time, not a single person in sight. "This makes little sense. He wasn't in the men's bathroom, maintenance closet, or here. Unless this guy can walk through walls, I should have encountered him at-" Spotting something on the ground beside foot brought a haste end to her inner thoughts. "What's that?" Reaching for the item in question, Masumi held it above head, the sun's beaming ray through window side bringing a reveal. "An eye contact? But what's it doing here?" Examining further, she found it to be green. It then clicked in mind. "Could it be?!" Racing for the doors once again, she pushed through just before the vendor was about to turn the corner. It felt as if her heart skipped a beat, spotting what appeared to be a brown-colored wig hanging from the bag over his shoulder. "Hey! Hold up!" Masumi took off after him. "Now I see, heterochromia was nothing more than a coverup. His eyes are naturally blue. He must have lost one of his eye contacts by accident when we collided. In other words; the soda vendor and the green-eyed student inquiring about Shinichi, are two sides of a coin...one and the same." Charging the corner, a large crowd of marching students would unfortunately greet Masumi. Her eyes ran rapid, clutching her fists in a deep, gutted realization. "He's gone." ….. The last bell for the school day rang clear throughout the halls of Ekoda High. Akako Koizumi patiently tucked a few of her unneeded books into her locker, taking note of the expected glances she received from many of the boys who passed by from behind; a very welcomed development. Finishing up, she firmly closed her locker to be greeted by a grinning Kaito. "Good afternoon Sunshine-chan," remarked the magician. An expression of awkward uncertainty mustered across her face. "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" "Only the best I have to offer," replied Kaito. Akako grasping the straps of her bag began to walk, prompting Kaito to do the same. "So ahhhh, you going to be busy this evening?" To say the witch was intrigued, would be an understatement. Stopping after only a few taken steps, she faced him. "What's it to you?" Kaito smirked, happily rubbing his hands together. "I knew I could count on your cooperation." Her face fell dull. "What's that's supposed to mean…? Just what are you up to, Kuroba-kun?" Kaito simply laughed. "Come on, I'll tell you all about it on the way out." Hesitant, Akako would follow his lead. …. The two walked nearly in perfect alignment, much to Ran's dismay. "Well.. we're here." Sonoko happily smiled. "Thanks again for coming with me. Don't worry, I'm sure this won't take long." "I certainly hope not," Ran murmured. "I'm home!" announced Sonoko as the two entered. It didn't take long for a short haired woman to appear from down the hall. "Welcome home Sonoko." She would note the girl at her side. "And I see Ran-chan is with you." "Yea, I asked her to come along for the questioning process. You know, since she has encountered Kid-sama as well. The more intel, the better, right?" "Speaking of which, Drake-san is actually waiting for you in the study," informed Tomoko. Following this, she would curiously step past the two in the direction they had come. "Where are you going mama?" asked Sonoko. "I have a few errands to run, I should return within the next hour or two." Making haste, she would exit, leaving just the two of them. "So.. the study," Ran noted. Sonoko finding position behind, firmly grasped Ran's shoulders as she forced her forward. "Sonoko, what are you doing?" "I think it would be better if you went first. After all, we still don't know if this old guy is some creep or something," Sonoko explained. "If he try's anything funny, you can take him down with one of those kicks of yours." Feeling the impact of the shove with every taken step, the study was reached far sooner than Ran would have desired. And then she saw him, standing a number of feet away with his back to the pair. She was shocked. "He's young." Feeling a joined presence, the man wearing a teal-colored three-piece suit and a matching fedora hat would turn to exchange glance, one that seemed to last many seconds. An almost questioning look came to be expressed. Ran was uncertain what to make of this. "You.. you're not Sonoko Suzuki." His tone, calming, yet.. carrying a coldness. Hearing the mention of her name, Sonoko would peek out from the side of her friend, shocked just as much as ran. "Huh? He's not an old guy?" Recognizing her from the pictures he had seen, Tim took a step forward, bowing his head. "The pleasure is mine, Ms. Suzuki." Adjusting his collar, he continued. "You're even softer on the eyes in person, the pictures I saw of you withheld the complete package of your grace." Sonoko blushed, looking away to try and hide that fact. Motioning to move, Tim would then turn eye to Ran. "I guess it's true what they say, lasses of the same feather travel in a flock." The complemented prompted the same reaction from Ran. After another marched step, Tim stopped, taking a moment to gander over the pair. This was something Ran took note of. "Listen, I know the two of you probably have more important or activities you'd rather dwell in than speaking with me, so.. I'll make this little gathering of ours as brief as possible," Tim promised. "Nonsense. You can take all the time you need," Sonoko girlishly assured. Ran couldn't help but narrow her eyes at her friend, muttering under breath. "Well, this is definitely a change in energy." "Very well, what can the two of you tell me about your experiences with.. Kaitou Kid?" …. The two walked side by side. Ai glanced over, Conan was clearly deep in thought. "You've been completely zoning out all day," Ai spoke. Conan did not respond. "Still thinking about that Batman, huh?" Conan huffed, grasping the edges of his pockets. "You've spent the past three days investigating the matter. So, when do you plan on telling me what you've uncovered? Or in the very least, what you believe? Tell me, has the brilliant detective figured out who Batman is yet?" Giving in, Conan would speak. "Well, there's two ways of looking at it. One; from a symbolic way, a unit of many working together that has brought about the birth of the legend known as Batman. While perception may be of a single person in operation, it could actually be many." "And the second?" "A particular individual. I at first believed it to be the former, but now… the latter is seeming a lot more plausible. Even if comprehension of it is clouded." "Explain." "Agent Jodie, the last we spoke, she mentioned the Commissioner of Gotham City, Gordon James, has some kind of bat signal sitting atop the police headquarters." "I recall. And you believed that Gordon-san was running his own little secret operation of these so called, Batmen, correct? Is that still your belief?" "A great detective never settles on a singular possibility," Conan stopped, prompting Ai to do the same. "Concerning the possibility of Batman being a specific individual. Well, there were several factors to consider." "Which are?" "Stories indicate the Batman mainly operates out of Gotham City right? So, it stands to reason if we're narrowing it down to one person, that's where they would reside." "Makes sense." "Secondly, it would have to be someone with not only a large amount of funds, but notable resources as well. Without that, they wouldn't be able to function on the level that the Batman is stated to operate on." Ai chose not to speak, curious to hear what his breakdown would lead. "Last, and one of the most important factors would be motive. What would motivate someone to such a degree they would feel the need to challenge crime on their own on such a large scale?" "So, have you locked in on a prime suspect, Shinichi?" "Ah Hmm," nodded Conan in confirmation as he faced her. "Bruce Wayne." This caught Ai by surprise. "Wayne? As in the same Bruce who is the father of Damian-kun?" "Of all the categories mentioned, there were several who fit the mold. But no one checked all the boxes, except Wayne-san. It wasn't hard, all of what I found was public record." "Ok, what's the supposed motive?" "Wayne-san witnessed the death of his parents as a child. They were shot right in front of him in an alleyway." Ai wasn't fully convinced. "You really think that would be enough to drive him to the extreme lengths that this Batman character has rumored to indulge in?" "Pain… sorrow, is handled differently by every individual. Do I think that to be the only factor? No. But I do believe, if Wayne-san is in fact the Batman, that was the starting spark that erupted his flame." "…" "Don't you find it a bit strange? Damian-kun shows up in Tokyo, and in under a week Batman appears, coincidence? Then came the night of the Kamen Yaiba show, when Hattori and I crossed him, Damian-kun stated he was looking for a man dressed in a Kamen Yaiba suit. Two of them turned up that night. Could it be the one he was in search of was the Joker? If Bruce Wayne is Batman, it stands to reason his son is aiding him in some fashion." Ai was impressed. "I shouldn't have expected anything less from you. However, not once in that summation of yours did I hear what you truly believe. So, do you actually think Wayne-san is Batman?" Conan placed a hand over his face, slightly tugging at his hair in frustration. "It's all just blocks of circumstantial crumbs and hypothesis as of now. I don't have any proof to say otherwise as of this moment. It's more likely Gordan-san of the GCPD has his own secret operation running like I originally came to suspect. But, all other possibilities are not something I can ignore." Conan motioned to walk again with Ai trotting a mere step behind. "What will you do next? Will you confront Damian-kun?" Ai was interested to know. The two reached the end of the block, marking where they were to part. Before doing so, Conan responded with honesty. "As of this moment, I'm not entirely sure." The two would go their separate ways, leaving the young investigator to dwell in his thoughts. Before he knew it, Conan found himself in eye's vision of the agency. He would reach for his phone, redialing the last number he had attempted to call. "She still isn't responding. How long does mom plan on keeping this up for?" He arrived inside in minimal time, taking a seat on the couch before choosing to turn on the TV. 'Breaking News' appeared on screen. Reading the words plastered, a rush of relief plowed to the surface. "Hattori! He's awake!" Upon seeing this, he felt the urge to call his friend immediately. Before he could do so, his phone rang. Could it be? Conan wasted no time in taking the call. "Hattori?!" A chuckle came from the other end. "I see you've learned of your friend's improving health. Saw the news myself just a couple minutes ago, Shinichi." "Dad?" ….. The meeting with Sonoko and her friend had gone well, garnering better results than Tim had expected. Stepping out from the taken taxi, he had arrived back at the hotel he was staying at. It took all but a few moments for him to notice someone of familiarity standing a few feet away from the main entrance. "Damian." Tim approached. "What are you doing here?" Stepping up from where he leaned, Damian uncrossed his arms. "I spoke with Grayson this morning. Learned father is currently on a private jet, and will land here in Tokyo in an hour." "Didn't hear a question." "I was told his return is your doing. Explain. I want to know what you've got going on," to which Damian replied. Dropping eye, Tim would step past. "Come, we'll discuss matters upstairs." The two would proceed to the elevator, neither speaking a word the entire time up. Damian would be the first to speak upon their arrival. "Let me guess, you need help deciphering the hidden message written for Kaitou Kid?" "Yes, and no." Damian was curious, "What's that supposed to mean?" "The location of choice, the day, and exact desired time for all to unwind, I've figured that much already," Tim revealed. "The thing is, the message was specifically meant for Kid's eyes, what I'm missing… the why? What does this mystery person want with Kaitou Kid? What do they have planned? I believe the only one who can answer that is the Kid Thief himself." "Does it really matter what they have planned?" "Better to know, so I can plan accordingly before the big meet. And if my deduction of the message is correct, only nine days remain for what they have planned." "So, what you're saying is-" "Yes. I need to unravel who Kaitou Kid truly is before then. Once I've done that, determining if he is an enemy or potential ally will cement how I'll proceed with the case. Either way, I may very well need his input to crack the code in full. I'm done waiting for an opening, it's time to reel everything into my corner to dictate." Damian's expression fell blank. "As per usual, Drake's sense for control has leaked to the surface. Let's just hope his brash decisions don't end up hampering us down the line." He would clear his throat. "That's all well and said, but how do you plan on getting him out into the open? It's not like his degeneracy is a nightly occurrence." ' Tim took a seat at bed's edge. "Bait." "Bait…?" "That's where Bruce comes in. By my request, he was able to find and purchase the 'Bird' Revenant statue. With it, we're going to lure Katiou Kid to a.. how should I say, public gathering tonight at the Skytale building. The plan is to keep it displayed at the Skytale facility, even after tonight's events." "There's just one issue I see with that plan. Kid doesn't just show up and take something of interest, he always gives notice days in advance. It's all about the thrill and spectacle. What's a show without an audience?" Damian would shift. "Your plan to catch Kid, while plausible, is notably more on the field of inductive reasoning. You need a more guaranteed approach, Drake." "That's where you're wrong. Kid will most definitely show up." Tim was sure of this. "From the lengthy discussions I had with Mr. Suzuki, Kaitou will typically visit the location for where he plans to obtain an item of interest, gaining knowledge not only of the layout of a particular facility, but to get an understanding of any and all security measures set in place." "I've yet to see a broadcast for tonight's event." "The televised announcement occurred an hour ago. Not only that, I'd imagine Kid became aware of the event prior to the public." This came as a surprise. "How so?" "I discovered someone had bugged Jirokichi Suzuki's office this morning, no doubt by Kid himself. If I had to take a guess, it was a move for him to learn not only about Mr. Suzuki's next scheme to apprehend him, but to study me as well. Unfortunately, I was unable to trace where he was recording from. By the time I found the placed devices, someone had already cut the connection." "With a new piece on the board, it makes perfect sense Kid would opt for such a move. Though, there's still something I must inquire. Couldn't you have accomplished this on your own? Why does father feel the need to make an appearance?" Tim held up six fingers. "The treble and the three sheep." "Batman, Detective Mouri, Kaitou Kid, Nightwing, the Flash, and-" "Kudo, Shinichi," Tim completed. "Bruce suspects the next phase of the Riddler's plan will involve all who took part in the first challenge." "Now I understand. We have accounted for everyone except Kid and Kudo. Where.. and in the case of Kid, who he truly is." "Precisely. Tonight isn't just about reeling in Kaitou Kid, but Shinichi as well," Tim revealed. "When coming up with this plan, I had that in mind from the very start. Kid was simple, the real task was finding a way to entice Shinichi's attendance." "And?" "Kudo, Yusaku. A well-known novelist, and also the father of Shinichi. He is the key player in summoning Shinichi. Besides the Bird Revenant statue being put on display tonight, Skytale is also the venue where Yusaku will be part of a book signing session along with a few other decorated writers. Speaking with Bruce, he informed to me that he also awarded Mr. Yusaku three tickets for entry to the building for tonight's gathering. Who do you think he'll bring, I'd wager.. his family." For the first time in their exchange, Damian smirked. "Two birds, one stone. Well played, Drake. I suppose there's only one thing I have left to question." "Which is?" "Kaitou Kid. How do you plan to figure out who he is?" Tim stood from the bed, walking over to the mirror across the room. Standing, he stared into the depths of his own reflection. "It's simple. Unlike everyone to come before, I'm going to play his game." …. Conan's reaction was to freeze at what was conveyed. "A masked man? Are you sure you weren't able to make out any identifying features?" "It was actually Akai-kun who encountered the individual in question. What he wants with you is a mystery." "And you don't believe it has anything to do with the Organization?" "Akai-kun certainly doesn't believe so, but even still, we should exercise caution." Conan stood silently, surfing through his thoughts of endless possibilities. "Are you at the house? I can be over in less than-" "Unfortunately, I'm not," Yusaku interjected. "I'm actually on my way to Skytale." Then it clicked. "That's right! Skytale, the book signing. Mom told me about it earlier. I can meet you up there." "About that, the two extra tickets your mother was given have been-" Conan's focus would be drawn away by the arrival of Ran who stepped in past the door, taking immediate notice of him. "Conan-kun, where's dad? And who are you talking to?" "I.. ummm, Hattori!" Conan announced. "I don't know if you knew, but he finally woke up." "Yea, Kazuha-chan called and informed me." Ran placed a hand to chin. "But it's strange, because what I was told, Hattori-kun isn't sending, or taking any calls right now." Ran growing suspicious would look down at Conan. "So why is it you're able to chat with him? Or is that even who you're talking to?" Thinking quickly, Conan would hold down the button to shut off his phone. "Sorry dad." Stepping forward, Conan would hold up his phone for Ran to take. "Here, you can talk to him for yourself if you don't believe me." Ran accepting the phone would place it to ear. "Hello… Hattori-kun?" No response came. Holding the phone out in front, she discovered that it was off. Conan laughed, rubbing a hand on the back of his head. "Oops, looks like the battery must have died." Narrowed eyes and all, Ran handed the phone back to him. "Well, isn't that just convenient?" Conan watched as she headed for her room, sighing in relief. "That was a close call. I better wait a bit before I call dad back." Taking a seat, Conan's sights fell on window side. Not thinking of anything particular as the sound of the shower sparked soon there after. "Now is my chance." Just as he was to turn his phone back on, Kogoro entered the room. "Alright, now to see what we're having for dinner tonight!" Disappointment washed over him when he discovered there was nothing on the stove. "Ran really is slacking this evening, huh?" "She just got home a short time ago," Conan informed. "Just got home? School ended hours ago. Where was she?" Conan shrugged. "I have no idea. You'll have to ask her yourself." Several minutes passed. After drying and putting on a new set of clothes, Ran would join the two out in the main room. With a paper now in hand, Kogoro would lower it to the desk. "Ran, Conan told me you arrived home shortly before I did." Ran nodded, giving confirmation. "I was with Sonoko. I accompanied her to her home. She wanted me at her side while she got questioned by Drake-kun." Conan looked at her curiously. "Drake-kun?" "From the little I know, Sonoko's uncle hired him for the sole purpose of apprehending Kaitou Kid. Basically, Drake-kun wanted to pick our brains regarding our past encounters with him. But, it was… strange." Kogoro leaned forward. "Strange, how do you mean?" "The way he talked, the way he looked at us even." Ran paused. "It didn't completely feel like a prototypical interview." Conan remained silent. Kogoro leaned back in his seat. "Under the assumption he's a young man, could it simply be he was checking you ladies out?" "Well, yea, but not in that kind of way." Conan's interest skyrocketed. "How do you mean?" "He started by complementing our looks. But… I don't know. It felt like more of a ruse, a move simply to get us comfortable." Ran took a number of moments to find the words to explain further. "Just as much as he digested what we said, he seemed to study our every move, the way we walked, talked, expressions, our gestures even. It almost felt like standing in a room with... a detective." "What?" Ran faced him. "Hidden behind his eyes, I've seen it all too many times.. with Shinichi." She then faced her father. "Dad, he had the same look you have every time you're analyzing a crime scene." Kogoro was speechless, as was Conan. Neither knew what to make of this revelation. Before either pressed further, Ran's phone rang. Stepping away, she answered. "Hello?" The two waited patiently. Ran checked her watch, as a look of excitement rushed to express. "Really?! Right now?!" Kogoro's eyes sharpened. "She's quite excited all of a sudden." "Of course I'll come! Just give me like ten minutes! I can't wait to see you!" Conan crossed his arms over his chest, a level of suspicion rising for him as well. "Ran is way too thrilled. Just who the hell is she talking to?" Ran placing her phone into her pocket would anxiously skip off to her room. She would return shortly after with a handbag now strapped upon her shoulder. Kogoro would question his daughter. "Ran, where are you going?" "I'll call you when I get there. I don't have time to explain!" "What about dinner?!" "You'll have to order out," called Ran in return. The sound of her steps faded down the stairwell. Conan and Kogoro looked to one another, this prompted Kogoro to stand from his seat. It was clear, the two were thinking the same. …. Now positioned atop a building adjacent to Skytale, Kaito looked on with a pair of binoculars. He couldn't help but laugh as he sighted the layout and the position of where the Bird Revenant was stationed. "This is really the set up they're going for?! This is going to be easier than I thought! It's like the old timer isn't even trying anymore!" Kaito was ecstatic , his laughter carrying in a presumptive victory. "Tell me again why I'm here?" questioned a disinterested Akako positioned beside him. Evading the question, Kaito would direct her attention. "There in the far-left corner of the room is old man Suzuki." "I know who he is," Akako felt the need to note after granting the requested. "Another key player is Drake, Timothy. He's standing near the table of beverages," Locking in, a devilish smirk formed. "He's kinda cute." Dropping the binoculars from her line of view, she faced Kaito who was still watching on with heavy anticipation. "Be truthful, why did you really invite me to tag along with this scheme of yours? Of all your heists, not once have you sought my assistance, like.. ever." "Admittedly, I don't need your help for this one either," a smiling Kaito responded as he continued his scope of the target location. Akako leveled a single hand to hip. "Then why am I here?" Kaito parting from the binoculars momentarily, faced her. "I need an extra set of eyes, or rather the use of your… special ability." Interest spewed. "Oh yea, and what specialty might that be?" "That red demon from that premonition of yours. If they are in attendance, you'd be able to sense them, right?" "Perhaps." Kaito was pleased to hear this. "Then it appears I was right in having you tag along." Rasing the binoculars in hand once again, focus would fall back on Skytale. "Fact of the matter is, with so many moving parts; Batman, the Royal Flush Gang, a Kaitou Kid imposter, seeking aide from Akako at this time, doesn't seem like such a bad move. Not to mention, I've still yet to determine who or what the Red Demon is; Akako is my best bet in that regard." "Kuroba-kun, you still haven't revealed my role or who you'll be disguised as once we enter," Akako reminded. Kaito chuckled. "Oh yes, I suppose the fine details are necessary." …. Moving with subtlety, the pair managed to stay out of sight in pursuit of the target. They watched as she stopped at the corner, signaling for a taxi. It didn't take long for one to appear. After it took off, the two would step out of hiding. Kogoro would state the obvious. "Ran took a taxi. Looks like we'll be doing the same." Finding way to the same spot she had stood, they too would call for a taxi. Thankfully for them, it didn't take long for another to appear. After the pair were seated, the driver asked, "Where are you headed?" "Follow that other taxi two cars up," Kogoro instructed. "That I can do." The pursuit was now on. "Just who is she be meeting? It must be that no good detective boy," Kogoro murmured. Conan vaguely hearing him found slight humor. "Definitely not, since I'm sitting right here." But if not him, then who? Conan was determined to find out the answer to that. They drove for several minutes. Finally, they came to a stop. Stepping out from the vehicle, Conan and Kogoro were both shocked to see where the pursuit had led them. "Skytale? What business does Ran have here?" "Your guess is as good as mine." Conan was just as clueless. After paying the taxi driver, the two looked toward Ran who entered the main entrance. "Hurry kid, we can't lose sight of her." The two hustled, not wanting to fall behind to the point of them losing sight of her. Entering the building, the two spotted Ran jogging down a long hall, taking a sharp left at its end. "She really is in a hurry. Whoever she is meeting, it must be important." Conan noted internally. Just as the two came within range of the corner Ran had turned, the carry of a familiar voice caused the two to slow in step. "Could it be?" Of the two, Kogoro was the first to peek around the corner, Even though he could not make out her face, because she stood with her back to them, there was no mistaking who it was in his mind. Her sharpened figure, the worn formal attire, her lengthy hair tied to where it did not hang. "Eri…?" Kogoro was at a loss. This was not who he was expecting to see. She and Ran were standing opposite of an older man who stood behind a counter. Were they checking in for something? Conan too got a look in as well. "Kisaki-san? So, that's who Ran was talking with over the phone. But what are they doing here?" The two observed in silence. Hoping to learn just that. "What do you mean we're not on the list?!" exclaimed Eri. "For the third time mam, neither you nor your daughter are on the guest list. I'm sorry," the man politely relayed. Irritation growing, Eri checked the time on her watch. "Oh great, the deadline for check in on the twenty fifth floor is two minutes." Ran worriedly looked to her mother. "What happens if we don't meet the deadline?" "We won't be allowed entry," replied Eri before facing the man across once more. "How about if I call the one who invited us? She's currently on the floor where the event is being held." He shook his head. "Sorry, but that won't be enough. Those not on the guest list are prohibited from entering. A condition set in place by Wayne, Bruce." Feeling the urge to say something further, Eri bit her lower lip as a barrier not to argue any further. Ran leaned close to her mother before whispering. "Who is Wayne, Bruce?" "A spoiled rich kid industrialist who is notorious for his playboy like tendencies. Just your average wealth seeking business man looking to expand his reach, even if unwarranted," Eri responded with sass carrying in voice. Ran, dumbfounded, couldn't find words for a response. "Come Ran," Eri said rolling her eyes as she turned for the exit. "I don't want to waste having you come out. We'll spend our evening elsewhere." She took all but a single step before bumping into a large man in a business suit. Glancing up, she immediately apologized. "Excuse me! My deepest apologies." "An unwarranted apology, Mrs. Kisaki, it was I who stepped in your walking path." Eri was shocked. "How do you know my name?" "I made it my business to know the names of all in attendance tonight." Raising his right arm, he held out his hand. "Bruce Wayne." Shaking away the expressed awkwardness, Eri extended her hand to grasp his. "The pleasure is mine." The clerk behind the desk spoke. "Oh, Wayne-sama. I wasn't expecting you to return to the lobby. If you could, these two young ladies claim to be part of the guest list, I did not see them listed. But based on your exchange, would it be right to assume they are?" Bruce faced him. "Correct. I apologize for not updating you sooner. I was just directly informed they'd be joining within the past twenty minutes." Bruce would then acknowledge the young woman standing beside Eri. "And you must be Mouri Ran, yes?" Ran nodded, giving confirmation. "It's an honor to meet you Wayne-sama." "You two better hurry on up. Mrs. Kudo is expecting you. Once you reach the twenty fifth floor, there is a section toward the far-right corner of the room, a round table. That's where she's seated," Bruce conveyed. He then reached for his phone. "I'll let security know the two of you are on your way up to avoid any further delay." "Thank you very much," Eri bowed. Making haste, she looked to her daughter. "Ran, let's go." Conan and Kogoro continued to monitor things from where they hid behind the corner, observing as Ran and Eri entered the elevator. His name leaked from Conan's lips upon seeing him. "Bruce Wayne…" "The twenty fifth floor? Just what is taking place up there?" Kogoro wondered. "Well, at least we now know who Ran came here to meet," said Conan turning back for the exit only to have his body take off from the ground. Kogoro grabbing hold of the back of Conan's jacket held him up to eye level. "And just where do you think you're going, huh?" "What's the point of us sticking around? It's not like she's hanging with some strange person you'd deem dangerous or suspicious," Conan stated. "It's simple. I want to know why they're here." Conan's slightly squinting his eyes would cross his arms. "You have to be on the guest list to be allowed entry, remember?" "You think I don't know that?" Coughing, Kogoro cleared his throat while lowering Conan back to the ground. "That's why I need to find a way to sneak in. And you're going to help me." ….. Silence hovered over the pair on their way up, Ran feeling an urge to break it, spoke. "Mom, do you think he heard what you said?" Eri, uncertain for what her daughter was speaking of, pressed for clarity. "Excuse me?" "Wayne-sama. Do you believe he overheard your remarks regarding him?" An almost half grin registered to her lips. "Oh, he most certainly did." Eri was almost sure of this. "How can you be sure?" With the elevator reaching the sought floor, Eri relayed but a single word. "Unwarranted." Ran was uncertain of what to make of it, but chose not to pursue the topic any further. Exiting the elevator, they walked into what resembled a comprehensive library. Every direction, there were books to find, shelves upon shelves expanding from one side of the room to the other. By her count, there were a number of five distinct lines of people in wait. The security guard standing beside the door would hand each of them a badge. "What do you think all these people are in line for?" asked Ran. "I imagine Kudo-san isn't the only novelist in attendance. No doubt these people are standing in wait for an opportunity for an autograph, or something of the such," Eri assumed. Recalling what Bruce had said, Eri marched toward the far-right section of the room. Ran quickly followed suit. Patiently maneuvering around the lines that had taken shape, they finally met face with the renowned actress who wore a purple-colored dress with an accompanying stylish floppy hat. "Eri, Ran-chan! So glad you guys could make it!" Her expression would briefly turn sour, bringing with it a murmur of disappointment. "Unlike a certain detective." Stepping around the table, Yukiko would greet them. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting long," Eri spoke. "No, not at all. I actually enjoyed my little alone time." Turning, Eri searched the room. "Where is your husband?" "Oh, he's in the middle of fan greets and autograph signings. Don't worry about him. What do you say we head down to floor twenty-three to check out the art gallery?" This came as a surprise. "Art gallery?" Ran questioned. "Yes. Outside of the book enthusiasts on this floor, there is a small spectacle on floor twenty-three for art. They're even serving snacks and beverages down there." "Not that I really care. But if this is a double event, why not have both take place on linking floors?" Eri questioned. "I asked the same. I was told by security they were having trouble with the surveillance cameras on the twenty-fourth floor, thus why they moved the art display to the twenty-third floor," informed Yukiko. "But enough about that. What do you say we check out some eye gravitating art?" …. Many people stood afloat, admiring the variety of art that decorated the space of the twenty-third floor. Ranging from different types of paintings, sculptures, and even eye captivating jewelry, Jirokichi stood confidently at the center of the room, peeking an eye at the Bird Revenant toward the left. "Come on down Kid, we've got the red carpet nice and rolled out for you." Tim watched just as carefully from the other end of the room, observing for anything out of the ordinary. A sudden vibration from his phone graced his attention, raising it, there were two words of text. "Knock, Knock." Checking who had sent it, Tim found it was a number he did not recognize. Regardless, he entertained his messenger, texting back. -Who's there?- A response came quickly. This time, a picture. It was of an American robin with a photo cropped red helmet over its head. Knowing who it was, he spoke his name. "Jason." Tim texted back just as fast. -What do you want?- -To meet, ALONE- -When?- -Tonight- -Where?- -Will come to U- Their string of texts would end there. "Just what are you up to, Jason?" In an instant, the presence of another showered over him. "Damian," Tim spoke his name, all while maintaining eye on the guests in his line of sight. "Drake," responded Damian who stopped after taking position beside him. "Kaitou Kid, has he arrived?" "No, not yet." Tim was confident in this belief. "But I have no doubt he'll soon make an entrance. One of absolute subtlety, at least in his eyes, and for everyone else not adapt to his deceptive nature." "Since you don't plan on apprehending him, I must say, I'm quite intrigued to see how you plan to go about peeling his mask away en route to his true face." "Unfortunately, that information will have to be provided later." Bruce joined the two in a corner of the room. "I take it you have a task for me?" Damian assumed. "We know from the discussion Bane and Shiva had that there is a small presence of the Ghost Dragons roaming this region. I want you to run a patrol. If you find or hear anything that could prove pivotal in disrupting their operation-" "I'll radio it in." The task was straightforward. "Before I forget, Tim, did your search earlier today amount to anything?" Tim shook his head in disappointment. "Unfortunately not. Both attempts at gaining intel hit a stone wall." "I see." Before Damian would depart, he had a question. "That tracking device, the one that you crushed in hand the night of the Kamen Yaiba incident. After analyzing what remained of it, were you able to determine the manufacturer?" "Based on the design and materials used to create that specific tracker, I was able to confirm it was in fact made here in Japan." "How many companies fell in line of suspect?" Tim asked. "Forty two in total." "That's quite a steep number." "Obviously, I had to narrow that list down. Which brought my focus to the child I encountered on the rooftop that night. It's not every day someone that age is carrying a utility such as that around. Based on that alone, I came to conclude they didn't create it on their own, but had it provided." "I'd conclude the same." "Keeping that in mind, I gathered a list of all adults in attendance at the live Kamen Yaiba show. One name stood above all," Bruce stated. "Agasa, Hiroshi." Damian quickly faced him. "Agasa?!" "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you're aware of who he is. After all, a girl by the name of Haibara Ai, who is a student in the class you were selected to serve as the teacher's assistant, lives with the professor." "Professor?" questioned Tim. "Yes, Agasa is a well-known inventor. His skills are remarkable," Bruce conveyed. "How does the Haibara girl factor into all of this? Do you believe her to be the one you encountered that night?" "After running an extensive search on Agasa, I did the same for any known relatives or potential business partners." "And I'm assuming this girl was the only notable hit?" "She doesn't exist," Bruce revealed. "At least, not from the standpoint of the system. No records of a mother, father, or even her birth. Whoever she is, Haibara Ai, that is most certainly not her real name. Furthermore, Agasa is also the neighbor to one of Riddler's named sheep... Kudo, Shinichi." "Who would have thought a simple tracer would take us down such a rabbit-hole." Tim's fascination with the situation only grew. Damian took center stage "I understand why you might suspect Ai father, but in that case, may I nominate another? Edogawa, Conan." Bruce faced him directly. "Conan?" "His showcased intellect is far beyond that of an elementary student. Every group of friends, no matter if they attend school, are part of the workforce, or even in the military. One thing is a constant, every group has their lead wolf. In the case of; Haibara Ai, Yoshida Ayumi, Kojima Genta, and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, observing them from afar, there is no doubt in my mind who stands as lead of the pack." "Edogawa." "Agasa has accompanied them almost every instant I've crossed them outside of school. Between Edogawa and the Professor, they seem to have a peculiar relationship, one not of child and guardian as you would expect, but rather, equals. Something else to note, there's also that detective I told you about who I met on the Sunshine cruise, Hattori Heiji," Damian continued. "What's the relevance of bringing him up?" Tim asked. "Well, when you and I parted the night of the live Kamen Yaiba show in an attempt to locate the Joker, I discovered Edogawa and Hattori together. Their relationship felt, platonic, to say the least. Above all, they seemed to be investigating something." By this point, Bruce had chained it all together. "The child on the rooftop, Conan's association with Professor Agasa, and the fact he was investigating something that night." Tim agreed. "No way that's coincidence, the kid in the gas mask-" "Conan Edogawa," Damian completed. "Well, at the very least, it's a high probability based on what we know concerning the situation as of now." Silence shadowed over the trio for many seconds. Bruce knew he'd a new person of interest to investigate. Placing a hand into pocket, he spoke. "Damian, it's time." He nodded. "Yes, of course." With nothing further to add, Damian marched off. In a moment's time, Bruce removed an envelope from his pocket. "What's this?" asked Tim upon receiving it. "The DNA results came back on the hair sample discovered attached to the Kaitou Kid replica outfit at the Gotham Museum." "You mean the one the Kaitou Kid imposter left behind?" Tim recalled. Opening the envelope, he looked over the results himself. "Well, now isn't this interesting?" Placing the results into his jacket, he'd revert to a different matter. "I gotta say. That high school detective, Shinichi. The way he operates, it's almost like he's one with the shadows. Quite reminiscent of our own moves across the board." "He might not have shown up tonight as I had hoped, but both his parents are in attendance. I'll gain as much intel from them as I can." "A direct approach could be risky." "Agreed. Yusaku being the primary subject I don't want to tip off regarding my intent. He's just as cunning, if not more so than his son, mainly because of experience," revealed Bruce. "While a superb writer, he is also a highly intelligent man. No doubt he'd catch on if we started asking questions about the whereabouts of his son, even if indirectly. That would only cause his suspicions to fall squarely on me." "So, how do you plan on working around that?" Bruce smiled. "You'll see." Tim looked over the room of guests once more. "If Kudo is as you described, there is no doubt he'll try to find out who you are. You realize that, right?" "… I know." "So…?" Bruce faced him. "I need to find him first." To Be Continued
  7. I need to tell you something. I apologize for stalking you guys. Can you please give me another chance? I don't want you all to get banned.
  8. My goal to create and promote my own brand on social media, starting with Facebook. Friends who are musicians recommended https://artistpush.me/collections/facebook-promotion to me. They quickly made a name for themselves using this source, and I want to try where it can take my brand!
  9. time for a scene kid double feature with breathe carolina man i wish people still dressed like this also holy shit the controversy section on their wiki lmao
  10. This is a fantastic casting idea! Dylan O'Brien would really bring a great blend of youthful energy and intelligence to the role of Shinichi Kudo. I also really like the adult ideas in 21sextury Videos, I think it's just a masterpiece. His experience in suspenseful roles like in the Maze Runner series may help him embody the character's detective skills and quick thinking.
  11. Lightest of Nights: A Deck of Minds Chapter 37 Fear now Laugh later The stench of its presence stirred through the room, expanding its mark with every passing moment. The eyes of the long-haired man dropped face with the locked across, electing to peer downward, drawing focus to the pair of bodies that lie before him. Pressing forward, his hands buried even further into the confine of his pockets. Joker tracing his every move felt not threatened, but curious rather. "Bro…" a single line escaping Vodka's lips. No response came from the man he deemed his partner. Gin coming within a half-step of the fallen made move to a knee, all while removing a glove. Joker blinked, his grin sharpening ever so slightly. Tracing a finger upon neck of one of the subjects, Gin came upon a sudden realization. Placing the glove back to hand he stood tall, returning eye to the man across. "It appears an apology is due." This prompted a sharp grin from Vermouth. The opposite arose from Vodka, who was notably shocked by the voiced. "What are you saying…?" Gin responded, emphasizing the opposition. "This joke had a death binding punchline after all." "Death binding…?" Vermouth who understood, inched a half step. "What he's relaying is that our laughing friend is cold, stiff, dead." With the sway of her hair, Vermouth would lock eye with the Clown Prince herself. "While intrigued, I don't feel that served as a big enough… how should I say, trial sample to make a deal." Joker chuckled. "Well, that is why we're here, isn't it? There is a reason I chose tonight to bring about the reveal of the curtain." Ai nervously watched on from where she hid a short distance away. "Could it be… more victims to come?" "We'll jot this down as merrily a tasty appetizer. The main course is yet to come." Clearing her throat, Vermouth would shift ever so slightly. "That was but of one. What of the other weapon I was told you would display tonight?" With a giggle bypassing his teeth, Joker lowered the weapon in hand. "Oh…but I already have." …. All details were provided in full. Heiji motioned back, digesting everything that was relayed. "You weren't kidding, this is a sophisticated case." "And if my hunch is right, everything will crash course here tonight," responded Conan. A multitude of circulating voices carried throughout the building, even so… it seemed as if dead silence had found shelter around the pair, who stood stone still in thought. The call of his name would break their trance of such. "Heiji, Heji!" The young detective would shift, expressing a scent of annoyance. "Hey, I thought we agreed I'd meet you in the stands. What are you still doing out here?" Leveling his sights upward, Conan immediately recognized who had joined them. "Kazuha-neechan?!" Surprised to see him was just as prevalent. "Conan-kun?" Kazuha would shift immediate focus to the surrounding area. "Is Ran-chan with you?" "Nope, just me, the professor, and a couple of friends," Conan smilingly replied. Unbeknownst to the trio, someone approached from the far side. "I thought I recognized you. Hearing the chirp of your name brought confirmation, detective." Conan shifted, discovering a large man who now stood before them. "Who is this guy?" His focus would lock on to one person in particular. "Hattori…" Heiji responded. "Bane…" Kazuha would look from one to the other. "How does Heiji know this man?" Placing his hands behind his back, Bane would elect to speak again. "Given your timely presence here, it only makes since that I relay gratitude from a fellow compatriot of mine. If you recall, when the Sunshine was struck by that torpedo, you took the initiative to push the woman traveling with me out of the way. Your actions prevented that incoming table from hitting her." Heiji would simply nod. "The honor is mine." "I owe you one… Hattori." Upon speaking his name, Bane would elect to march off. "Do find joy in the rest of your evening." The three would watch as he disappeared amongst the moving crowd. "So, he's one of the people you met on the Sunshine cruise, huh?" Conan spoke in realization. Hearing this, Kazuha would suspiciously shed eye on Heiji, crossing her arms over her chest as she did. "Hey… what's this cruise Conan-kun is talking about?" Conan gulped, not knowing beforehand Kazuha was not aware of the cruise. "Wait, I.. I can explain," Heiji stated as he faced a less than amused Kazuha. Conan was mildly amused. "Well, here we go." … Every moment brought another shocking reveal. "He's the one responsible for the spread of the fear toxin…?" Haibara was at a loss. Vermouth found an intrigue in the conveyed. "So, you're really the one responsible for the toxic substance that's been spreading all over Japan?" "Responsible for the fear toxin's spread, yes," Joker admitted. "However, I am not the creator of its origin. But that's neither here nor there. A meaningless detail." With that bit of revealed information, Joker would press to the main topic of discussion. "Now the question is, do any of the products I've put on showcase garner any interest?" "Before we proceed, there is something I must inquiry," interjected Gin. "Do you have an antidote for these… toxins of destruction?" Their eyes met. "Afraid you might accidentally take in a whiff yourself pretty boy? A great question none the less. The answer is yes, however," continued Joker who directed focus back on Vermouth. "That will cost more than the original discussed price." "A discussion that will come at the shows end. After all, you eluded to another.. demonstration, yes?" "The curtain will soon slide abroad," bowed Joker in confirmation. Standing upright, he would adjust his tie before looking to window side. "Oh, and since we seem to be on good terms, would it be so much to ask for your sniper on the roof across to stand down?" Vermouth smirked. "So, he was aware." "I'd hate for them to accidentally pull the trigger, for you see… if I go," began Joker who removed the Kamen Yaiba top to reveal a bomb strapped to his chest. "We all go kaboom!" Joker hysterical laughs filled the room. Vodka expressed a growing uneasiness, Gin remained stoic. Haibara watched on in fright. "What kind of demented maniac is he?" Vermouth would smilingly raise a phone in hand. "Korn, stand down, it appears we have… come to terms." She would then turn eye to her comrades. "Shall we?" With that the three would trot toward the door. "I wouldn't leave so sudden, at least not without these," spoke the Joker bringing a stall in step. Upon reaching the food cart, Joker would reveal a number of three gas masks that had been hidden away. "I'd highly recommend putting these on for the upcoming proceedings." Tossing one to each of the three he would wave. "Ta ta." They would then exit. Sighing in relief, Haibara would lean back. Staying low in position, she could hear the sound of Joker making way toward the door as well, hearing it slam once again moments later. The time was now, Ai knew she had to make a move, lives depended on it. "I have to hurry and let Shinichi and the others know what's going on, we have to get this place evacuated before.." Upon only taking four long strides, Joker stepped out from where he hid behind a pole. "I've always loved a game of hide and seek." Fear, shock, uncertainty… those were the waves of emtion running through her. Thinking quickly, Ai reached for her detective badge. "Shinichi I!" Joker would instantly knock the device from her hand before grabbing hold of the back of her shirt and lifting her from the ground. "I think not, can't have you ruining the show now can we? That little toy there, is it some kind of communication device? Is someone able to track you through it?" Holding strong, Ai would not respond. The smirk across Joker's lips would drop. "Let's try this again." Pulling a gun, he would hold it just inches away from her face. "Can your cute little gizmo be tracked?" Fear mounted, prompting Ai to give a confirming nod reluctantly. "See, now was that so hard?" Joker would pull the trigger anyway. Ai gasped in fright, only for a mini flag reading; 'BANG' to export from the muzzle. Laughter erupted. "You should of seen your face, you really thought the end of the road was knocking at your doorstep, didn't you?!" Joker's laughs only intensified. After collecting himself, Joker looked into the eyes of the fear filled girl. "Ohhhh, don't cry." Joker would wipe away the single tear to have formed before placing two fingers on opposite side of her lips to create the desired expression in defiance of her own efforts. "A pretty face such as yours, should be reserved only for smiles." Joker grabbed Ai's detective badge before standing tall once more, raising her to eye level. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you little gal. After all, once the deed is done, I need a survivor to give an inside scoop for all that occurred." He'd then go on to place Ai's detective badge back into her pocket. "We're going to play a little game. I wonder what happens first. The release of my special laughing gas? Or will your friends find you in time to give you the opportunity to warn all in attendance to run?" A devilish expression would arise upon the Joker's face. "Let the game, begin." …. The two had scoured the entirety of backstage. To their misfortune, there was no sign of the man they sought. Damian, growing skeptical of the information, asked Drake, "Did you actually see the guy dressed as Kamen Yaiba back here?" "I'm certain of it. Clearly, he isn't back here anymore. We'll have to expand our search to the rest of the facility." "Do you know how big this place is?" "That's why we're going to have to split." The two would exit backstage soon after, knowing that every passing second could be just as crucial as the next. Without speaking a word, the two took off in opposite directions. As Tim hurried along, the communication device in ear sounded off. "Red Robin, status update," Batman dispatched. "We've narrowed down our primary target to a specific subject. The man currently sporting a Kamen Yaiba suit." "Where is he now?" "Lost sight of him a bit ago, but Damian and I have split up to try and…" he stopped in mid speech upon laying eyes on an unexpected attendee. "Red Robin…?" "Batman, we have a problem. Bane…" "…Bane?" "He's here." This certainly complicated things. "Batman..?" "Trail him, but under no circumstances are you to engage. I want to know what he's doing here." "But what about Kamen Yaiba?" "We'll have to leave that to Damian for now. If Bane is involved somehow, following him might lead us straight to the target." "Understood." "In case things go south, do you have the gas mask like we agreed?" "Of course. I also have a single antidote dosage for both the fear toxin and Joker's laughing gas, as does Damian. If Harley is involved and causing trouble again, it's important to be ready for that situation too." "As discussed, Batman out." Tim watched him with intent. "Oh kay Bane, first the Sunshine Cruise, and now a Kamen Yaiba liver performance… just what are you up to?" He maintained a safe distance, determined not to be noticed. In a short time, Bane arrived at the stands, stepping down from one row to the next. Finally, upon reaching the fourth row, he found way to a specific seat. "The spot next to him is empty… could he be waiting for a potential travel mate?" That very question would soon get answered. Another approached, a woman. After reaching her mark, she took a seat beside him. "Who is that?" Tim wanting to get a clear view of her face, moved in position. Upon doing so, he made an alarming discovery, all too familiar with the woman to take company alongside Bane; one of the deadliest martial artists he had ever come to cross, and had the luxury of training under. "It can't be… Lady Shiva?!" …. Even as he explained the events leading to him boarding the Sunshine cruise, the look of annoyance did not seize upon Kazuha's face. "They simply invited me aboard the cruise as a surprise gift for the captain's son, as it was his birthday," Heiji explained for the third time. "And given he was a big fan of mine and all, it made sense that-" Heiji stopped, noticing someone of familiarity who walked along. "Damian-kun?" "Hattori," voiced Damian stopping in his tracks. "Glad to see you recovered. You took a good hit to the head on that cruise." "It sounds like everyone but 'me' was invited on that cruise," Kazuha sassed, shifting hands to her hips. "I suppose so." Damian turning, would press on again. Heiji was curious. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" "Looking for the man dressed as Kamen Yaiba." "For what purpose?" Irritation was now beginning to set. "I'm busy investigating something." "Investigating?" Both Heiji and Conan spoke at once, showing their piqued interest. Damian rolled his eyes. "I have no use for an elementary detective wannabe and an amateur high school investigator whose form in the art of deduction is mediocre at best." The critique left both Heiji and Conan dumbfounded. Kazuha on the other hand did not take kindly to his words. "Well excuse you! If you should know, Heiji is actually one of the best-" Damian would cut her off as he turned to walk away. "Didn't enquire for your opinion doll face. Now if you will, I have no more time to waste on such riffraff such as yourselves." Kazuha made a move to march after him, only for Heiji to hold her back. "I wouldn't bother. He's not worth it. Besides, the show will start soon. We'd best make way to our seats." Kazuha taking a deep breath, sighed. "You're right. I'd rather not miss the opening act if we can help it." Taking only a couple steps, Kazuha glanced back to find that Conan and Heiji walking in the opposite direction. "And just where do you two think you're going? You better not be following that boy." "Of… of course not!" Conan denied. "I just need to, um.. go to the restroom!" "And I'm going to watch him!" Heiji quickly added. The expression on Kazuha's face said it all. Heiji cleared his throat before clarifying. "You know, like as a guardian. Just to make sure someone doesn't nab the little guy." Narrowing her eyes, Kazuha held up two fingers. "Two minutes. The both of you have two minutes. Got it?! Don't make me have to come and find you." "Of course not," laughed Heiji. "We'll meet you in one." Kazuha pointing to her watch responded. "The timer begins now." As she turned to walk away, the pair sighed. "One minute… really?" questioned Conan. "You know as well as myself, it's probably going to take longer than that to piece everything together." Conan looked upward when Heiji didn't respond. "Hattori?" The detective of Osaka's eyes were locked on Damian who was now almost out of his line of sight. "He mentioned investigating something… could it be he's tangled in the same case as us?" …. The stands continued to fill as they waited for the shows beginning. It had been several minutes since Ai and Conan had departed. Mitsuhiko glanced down, noting neither had yet to contact him. "I'm sure it's nothing. Before we even realize, they'll rejoin us." …. Since spotting the two, Tim had moved in closer, hoping to catch an ear for what was being spoken between the pair. Not a single word was spoken for several moments, a trend which Bane would break. "Well…" "..Well?" Briefly glancing over at her, Bane would turn away. "That dress, it suits you well, if I should say so myself. It really brings out the bliss of your fine tuned-" Lady Shiva would kindly interject. "I know this invitation wasn't merrily for me to show face, just for pampering my ego, Bane. Tell me, what's a man of your talent want with a woman like me?" "Now look who's playing the lost lamb. You know exactly why I'm here Shiva," began Bane who eased back in position. "The Ghost Dragons." A smirk formed. "What about them?" "I am aware of their resurgence. I also know you have come to break bread with them… so to speak." "I failed to hear how any of that concerns you," to which Shiva replied. "Does this sudden interest have something to do with one of their former heads and also your father, King Snake?" Bane blinked. "Years have passed since his demise. I assure you he still dines with those of the afterlife." "I've heard this current regime of the Ghost Dragons has three primary bases of operation. One over in Nagoya, another in Golmud China, and the third-" "Gotham," Shiva finished. "Again, what is your interest in the Ghost Dragons?" "You see, my business here in Japan has just about wrapped up, and within the year or so, I have some plans… for Gotham. I want to know what the Ghost Dragons are planning in that region. And who else to gain intel from, then you. Knowing if they'll pose as a roadblock of sorts is all I'm here to determine." "This is it, perhaps we'll finally make some headway for what the Ghost Dragons are up to." Tim was hopeful. "Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have not a clue as to what their ultimate plans shape. I was simply brought on as hired muscle, and for… how should I say, talent scouting." "Talent scouting?" "The Ghost Dragons seek talented fighters to join their ranks. That's why I'm here in Japan," Shiva revealed. "This coming Friday there is a martial arts tournament to be held in Osaka, there is a specific combatant the Ghost Dragons have taken an eye to." "And whom might that be?" "A fighter by the name of, Kyogoku Makoto." This bit of information drew little interest from Bane. "Answer me this at least, who leads the Ghost Dragons now?" Shiva stood up from where she had been seated. "That is a mystery to me as well. All communication has been through the lower ranks of the clan. Finding out who calls the shots, well… that is something I plan to uncover. Until next time, Bane." Upon watching her march off, Bane too would motion to his feet. "Well, and here I was hoping this little meet would have uncovered some of the mystery surrounding this new group of Ghost Dragons. It appears I'll have to string out their secrets through other means." Tim observed as the pair walked in opposite directions. It's evident that neither of them has any connection to the rogue Kamen Yaiba. Bane shouldn't be an immediate problem, after all it sounds like his time here in Japan has reached its end." He took internal note of that. "Then there's Shiva… Friday, Osaka, a martial arts tournament, and a man by the name of Makoto Kyogoku. Looks like outside of unmasking Kid, I have another matter to see to. I'll have to relay all of this information to Bruce at some point, but right now, I have to find the masked man." The task was clear, find Kamen Yaiba. …. The duo of detectives pressed along, only for Conan to come to an untimely stop. Heiji, noticing the concerned look on his face, enquired. "Yo Kudo, what's up?" "It's Haibara. I missed a couple calls from her, so I've tried calling back and-" "No answer?" Heiji assumed. "Yea." "Hey, isn't she with the professor? Why don't you try calling him or one of your friends?" Conan would take him up on the suggested. Mitsuhiko would be the one he'd contact. "What's taking you guys so long? We have less than four minutes before the show starts! You and Haibara-san need to hurry back!" "Huh…? You mean Haibara isn't with you?" "No. I thought she was with you. After you left, she went to find you several minutes ago." Conan was now uneasy. "I'll call you back. I'll try tracking Haibara through her detective badge." Heiji watched as Conan strolled off. "And where are you off to in such a hurry?" "I'm going to go check on Haibara," Conan simply put. Watching as he vanished among the crowd before him, Heiji sighed. "Well, guess I'll just look out for anyone or anything suspicious by myself." … Through her eyes, she didn't find anything suspicious from the outside. Raising her phone in hand, Miwako dialed. "All things are clear out here. How about inside?" "Nothing to report. Everything seems pretty normal for an event such as this," another responded. "Only three minutes remain before the event begins," noted Miwako who glanced at her watch upon wrist. "Stay vigilant. If something is to occur, I imagine it will be soon." "Loud and clear Sato-san." That brought a close to the brief exchange. Miwako couldn't help but wonder. "The ticket for this Kamen Yaiba show, the expiration date for the milk that fell on today… did we truly decipher the contents of the hidden message correctly? Is what is supposed to happen going to be here?" …. Damian's impatience became more and more clear by the second. "Just where did that imposter Yaiba run off to? He couldn't have gotten far. So where is he?" Glancing down he made note of the time. "I've got just over a minute before the show starts. I've got to find him!" …. The mark of the tracer strengthened by the second. "Almost there," mused Conan as he looked ahead. Taking a few steps, he came upon an emergency exit. "According to the track, Haibara should be just past this door." With a pushing step, Conan shoved the door off to the side to make an alarming discovery. "There's no one here." Not a second more, he laid eye to the detective badge on ground, sitting atop a written note of some kind. "This can't be good." Foul play. That was the immediate thought to register. Grabbing hold of the sheet, Conan traced eye over the written. "Ooooopsie! The exits mark a deception of escape. I am two floors down, then five floors up." A moment thought was all it took for it to click. "Two down, five up… if my current position is considered, Haibara should be two floors up." Putting that thought to the test, Conan raced up the stairs. There was just one thing; "The exits mark a deception.. what could that be implying? Furthermore; who wrote the note?" After reaching the next floor, he could vaguely hear someone struggling a floor above. "Looks like my deduction was correct. No doubt that's Haibara." Caution, that was at the forefront of his mind. There was no telling what, or whom, he'd cross on the next level. Conan reached his mark, and there she was. "Haibara!" Placed against the wall, she sat with her arms and legs bound by duct tape. But of it all, there was something more questioning than everything else. "A gas mask, why is there a gas mask over her face?" "Haibara! What happened?!" the ace detective asked upon forcefully removing the mask. "THE JOKER!" shrieked Haibara. "We have to get everyone to evacuate!" "The Joker? Evacuate? Wait, slow down," began Conan as he cut her free. "What are you talking about?" …... More than two minutes passed since they had gone separate directions. "I should have known those two wouldn't show up in the time that they claimed," noted Kazuha with a hint of disgust. "What is taking them so long?" She reached for her phone. …. The final preparations backstage had been completed, and now the show's kickoff was ready to begin. Spotting him, the director was surprised to see the lead man for tonight's live performance. "Yomodo Kirshmeh?! What are you doing out of suit?! We're about to go live in twenty seconds." "Someone knocked me out and stole the suit!" Kirshmeh informed. "SAY WHAT?!" "Luckily, two young men stumbled upon me in the maintenance closet where I had been stashed away." Before the director could really process everything, the a loud sound erupted. "Now what?!" "That sounds like the fire alarm!" exclaimed Kirshmeh. "Then we had better get out of here," the director stated before looking to rest of the crew. "Alright everyone, head for the exit!" …. Heiji ran in stride, listening to the sound of the screeching alarm that seemingly boomed throughout the walls. In the heat of it all, he felt the vibration of his phone. "Kazuha?" "Heiji, are you ok?" "I'm fine," Heiji assured. "Don't know what's going on, but I'm heading for the west exit." "And I'm enroute to the east one alongside Conan-kun's friends and the professor, since that is the closest one to our current location." "Sounds good. We'll rendezvous once we're both outside, gotta go, another incoming call," Heiji stated. With the call ending between the two, he'd take on the second, having a good idea for who it was. "Kudo?" "Hattori, you have to get out of here!" "Thanks for the heads up Sherlock, I can hear the fire alarm you know," Heiji felt the need to point out. "I was the one to trigger the alarm," Conan revealed. Heiji stopped after hearing. "Wait, what?" "The Joker, he plans to release a poisonous gas!" "The Joker?" "No time to explain!" "Wait, aren't you going to exit the building as well?" "Not until I find him. Oh, and don't worry about me. I was gifted a gas mask from Haibara. How she got it, well.. that's another story in itself." Heiji's eyes widened. "A poisonous gas?! This Joker guy, sounds like fun and a half." "When I went to find Haibara, I came upon a coded message past an emergency exit door." Heiji began making way toward the exit once again. "Ok, and what did it say?" Conan would share just that. "Ooooopsie! The exits mark a deception of escape. I am two floors down, then five floors up." He'd pause momentarily. "I determined what I sought was two floors above." "But where does this Joker guy you mentioned fall into the equation? And besides that, I'd still say you haven't solved for the first part of the coded message." "The exits mark a deception of escape… given that exit is plural and not singular in this case leads me to believe it isn't referring to the emergency exit where I found the detective badge." "So, if not the emergency exit… could it be?" The same resided in Conan's mind. "All other exits. Heiji, how close are you to the west exit?" "Should be there in a matter of…" He stopped mid-sentence. "Hey, what's going on?" Heiji encountered a herd of people, all gathered near the west exit. With the alarm still ringing clear, why had no one chosen to leave the building? This was baffling in his mind. It wasn't until surveying the area that he spotted a man in tactical armor and gas mask shielding the door, in short, preventing anyone from leaving. "Hey! Get out of the way!" One shouted. "Can't you hear the alarm?! That means we all need to get out of here!" exclaimed another. "Hattori?! What's happening?!" Pressing the phone to ear Heiji would respond. "Some masked guy is blocking the door." As a number of other people approached, the masked man finally spoke. "Seems enough of you are here now." He chuckled. "May the fun… BEGIN!" With no notice, he hurled an object into the crowd, which promptly detonated. It released a green gas, causing many to run in fear. This was no different for Heiji whose eyes widened in fright. A whiff of the gas swiftly passed, breathing in a hint of its content. His eyes, it started there; a burning sensation. Following this was the dryness of his throat, prompting him to cough. "What the hell is…" Heiji chuckled. "Hattori, what's going on? Are you ok?" Heiji began to giggle. "Hattori…?" Not able to hold back, Heiji exploded with laughter, feeling a sharpness in his chest as he toppled to the ground behind. The young detective gasped for air in between laughs, struggling to contain himself. Ripping at his shirt, sweat streamed down his body. …. "Hattori! Hattori!?" No matter how many times he called his name, Conan did not receive a response. The only sound to come, the many echoes of haunting laughter through the phone. "Just what the hell is going on?" Knowing he could not waste a second, Conan raced off. "The exits mark a deception of escape. How did I not see it earlier?! The Joker anticipated I would pull the alarm after decoding his message to swiftly get everyone out of the building. Dammit, I did exactly what he wanted. Though, that raises the question… why make his move at the exits instead of in the gathered room where the performance was to be held? He'd of had everyone where he wanted them." Could it be his plan is to get everyone to retreat to the theater room for the climax of his scheme? This was a possibility that came to mind. "Whatever the case, I'm almost to the east exit. I need to get there before whatever happened over at the west exit doesn't happen here, then I'll reroute and check on Hattori." As he continued to run, Conan reached for the gas mask strapped to his belt received from Haibara, having a feeling he would soon need it. …. He listened in through the police radio. Word of what was occurring inside had advanced past the walls of the facility, the reports of dozens breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. It was now time to make his move. Batman stood from where he crouched, knowing exactly who he was dealing with. "Joker…" …. Chaos had since erupted on the streets outside the building. Miwako took cover behind a patrol car, listening to the sound of gunfire, she reached for her own weapon to prepare for a counter. An incoming call rang clear. Hesitant at first, she answered. "Sato-san, many reports have been called in from your location about a disturbance. What's the situation?" "Several gunmen stationed around all exits. I've counted twelve alone just by the main entrance. They all seem to be wearing; not only gas masks, but combat gear as well! After the gunfire began, the other three officers who were assigned to watch the front alongside me took action to other entry points. We're in serious need of backup!" "Have you been able to determine a motive for such actions?" "We've received calls from inside the building of several gas attacks," Miwako informed. "From what I have been able to gather, there are gunmen inside keeping people from being able to exit, and on the Flipside, there are gunmen out here blocking the authorities from entering to help assist those in need." "Clearly a coordinated attack. I'm going to send that backup you requested. Given the hefty traffic around that area, and due to the event, the swat team should arrive within ten minutes." "We don't have ten minutes!" A barrage of bullets pierced through the windows of the car she took cover behind. Shrieking, the phone slipped from hand. Miwako quickly motioned, evading the descending shards of glass. "Sato-san! Are you ok?!" Clutching her gun tightly, Miwako was now prepared for a counter strike of her own. That's when she saw it… its dark figure flying down from the sky above. She froze, almost as if everything erupting around her was nothing but a mere illusion of an inner trauma. It closed in, still no motion. Its wings widened, still unable to bring herself to move. Sharply soaring above her, it swiftly glided in the direction of the masked men. "Hey look!" one of them pointed. "A giant bat!" "Shoot it down!" another instructed. As they took aim the flying figuring dropped from the sky, fizzling down from the path of the bullets just as they were to make contact. "Dammit, we missed!" "Don't plan on missing for a second tim-" A ball of smoke dispersed around the area before he could finish his sentence. Gunfire ensued. With the gunmen distracted, if there was ever a time to take advantage of the situation, it was now. Twirling from beside the vehicle she had hidden behind, Miwako took sharp aim. Shock arose. As the smoke cleared, she came to discover the twelve gunmen all lying unconscious upon the pavement. It was only after searching the area that she noticed it planted in a nearby light pole. "What is that? I'm certain that wasn't there before." Advancing, Miwako found way to the object. "Aaauph!" Her index finger was slit after attempting to grab hold of it. "What is it? Some kind of shuriken?" Grasping the handkerchief buried within her pocket, Miwako would pull the object free. Now with it in hand she examined its shape. "… A bat?" Her phone would ring once again. "Sato-san, what's the current status of the situation in by the main entrance? How dier is it?" "Level green, all threats have seized," Miwako happily relayed. "What… really?! Not what I was expecting to hear. Excellent, I'll call it in!" Communication ended. Miwako referred to the newly acquired weapon in hand. "It's all thanks to that.. flying bat." She raised it to the sky, the moon's touch outlining its every corner. The young officer would question, knowing no response would come. "Who the hell are you?" …. It was now a race against time. Every stride brought a burning sensation as Conan traveled toward the east exit. "Ok, the exit should be just around that corner." Making a sharp turn Conan came to find a large crowd of people hanging near the only door in the vicinity providing for a way out. "Hey, get out of the way!" A man shouted. "Do you need your ears checked?! Can't you hear the alarm?! That means everyone has to evacuate!" A woman added. "And what's with the gun?!" shouted a third person. Weaving his way around, Conan finally laid eyes on the armored gunman who too wore a gas mask. "Just like with Hattori, there is someone keeping people from exiting." The gunman looking over all in attendance would then go to reach for something at his side. "I'd say we have more than enough test subjects." Conan laid eye on what he now grasped in the palm of his hand. "Could that be some kind of bomb containing the laughing gas Haibara alluded to? If so, no way I can let him release it. I'll strike him down with a soccer ball from the dispensing belt." There was just one problem. There were too many people in the way for him to lock down a clean shot. The gunman made a move as if he was preparing to throw the object he now gripped in hand. Conan gasped. It was now or never. "I may not have a clear cut opening, but that doesn't mean I can't hit him from here!" Releasing a soccer ball from the belt as he simultaneously activated the power enhancing shoes before kicking a curved shot. The ball would hit the edge of a vending machine, before ricocheting off of the wall, and finally contacting the face of the gunman. He would fall back with a loud thump, his gas mask falling off in the process. "Got him!" "Hey look! The path to the door is open!" "Let's get out of here!" With freedom now in reach, all civilians stormed the exit. Conan sighed in relief. It didn't take long for him to spot Kazuha, Professor Agasa, and all of his friends exiting the building as well. In a short time, only two remained at the east exit, Conan, and the fallen gunman. "Good, they've all gotten to safety. Now I don't have to worry about them." The young detective's demeanor would completely shift. "Now to find the Joker." Suddenly a number of five additional gunmen who all wore gas masks as well entered the vicinity. "Damn, everyone on this side broke free and escaped!" One of them one look toward their unconscious comrade. "Stanley had one job. Pathetic! We can never count on that fool to hold his weight." The five noticed Conan in just a few moments. "Hey look, it's some kid." "And he's wearing a gas mask like us," another stated. "Seems suspicious. Put em on ice!" Conan watched as one of them took aim directly at him. Just as he was to make a move, he felt himself lifted from the ground as gun fire rang out. In what felt like an instant, someone pulled him beside the vending machine. He glanced to his side. "Kamen Yaiba?!" Haibara noted the Joker was wearing a Kamen Yaiba suit. This couldn't possibly be him right? After all, he saved him. So…who is under the suit? Whomever it was, they were not only athletic, but insanely fast by Conan's account. "They're on the other side of that vending machine, shoot it up!" Before they could act, Kamen Yaiba drew a gun from the worn holster before peeking out from the corner of the machine. Picking his mark, Kamen Yaiba fired before any of them, shooting three of the gunmen's weapons from out of their possession. "Nice shot Kamen Yaiba," stated Conan. And with that, he learned just a bit more. "So… this guy is an expert marksman, too. Who is he?" "Nice aim," one of them praised. They would then reveal a grenade. "Let's see how you handle against this!" The grenade was hurled in their direction. "Not good!" voiced Conan internally. Kamen Yaiba reacting quickly, shot the grenade while it was still airborne, an act which would cause it to explode. The force sent not only Kamen Yaiba, but Conan crashing back to where the two were now out in the open. "Now they're sitting ducks," one of the gunmen stated. Before he could act a voice called from a dark corner of the room. "Stand down, he's mine." Conan who now lay on his stomach, looked toward where the voice had come. "Who is that?" It didn't take long for someone to step out into the clear, hoisting a gun just like the others. Conan's eyes widened. "Another Kamen Yaiba?! What in the world is going on?!" The standing Kamen Yaiba would aim his gun at the one who now lie on his back. "What do we have here? A cherry that the blender's touch has finally grasped?" The Kamen Yaiba on ground laughingly responded. "You seem to be getting awfully close. What's good? Afraid you'll miss with that third tier aim of yours?" The taunt in his voice only pressed to irritate the standing Kamen Yaiba, who removed his mask as he inched closer. The green hair, the pale white skin, there was no mistaking who he was. "The Joker!" Conan was sure of it. Upon reaching him, Joker's grip tightened on the firearm in hand. "Na, I just want to savor the moment," he devilishly responded. Conan slightly eased up. "This isn't good, I have to distract him somehow.." One gunman noticed his subtle movement, deciding to point a gun in his direction. "Don't try being the hero little kid, I'll have that face rearranged faster than you can sing ABC, one, two, three!" Joker took a single step back, looking down at the man sporting the same outfit as him. "Any last words." "If you're going to kill me, for the love that is all good, at least pull up your zipper," Kamen Yaiba jokingly stated. "It's a very unsightly, if I should say so myself." Joker's head fell back, laughter erupting. "This suit doesn't even have a zipper you moronic buffo-" The sound of breaking glass would cut his thoughts short. Conan's eyes locked on, feeling the pump of his chest as the dark figure glided from above. "The Batman!" one shouted. Raising his gun, it would get dislodged by a flying batarang, following up with a gliding kick that sent him crashing to the ground. "I got him!" A second gunman raised his weapon. Just as quickly as he took aim, Batman slammed the palm of his hand into his face, shattering the worn gas mask as he dropped to the ground, motionless. A third man opened fire from behind in a surprise attack, only for Batman to launch himself with a twirling back flip. While in midair, he pivoted, landing a sharp kick to the shooter's neck, rendering him unconscious almost immediately. Touching down, Batman would grab the left arm of the gunman before he could fall, swinging him like a frisbee into the remaining active threat. The force of the throw sent both men crashing through the nearby wall. Conan watched in astonishment. "He did that using only one arm?!" Batman took them down almost as quickly as he entered the room. Joker too expressed his admiration by clapping as he watched from a few feet away. "Bravo, you never seize to amaze ole Batsy." "Enough. This ends now," Batman scoffed in the direction of Joker. Things seemed to freeze for Conan in that moment. "That voice… could it be?" Seizing the opportunity of the distraction, Kamen Yaiba would flip to his feet, kicking the Joker with a thrusting kick which sent him crashing against a pole nearby. The Clown Prince of Gotham simply laughed, finding humor in the unfolding situation. "Well, things certainly have taken a turn for the worst, aye? Well that's ok, every good joke has its finishing line that is a PUNCH!" Reaching to his side, Joker pitched a grenade toward Conan. "Hey kid, you gotta get outta the way!" Kamen Yaiba shouted. Knowing he wouldn't be able to evade the impact of the grenade once it hit, Conan using strategy would activate the enhancing shoes for a second time. "Here goes!" Just as the grenade was to make contact, Conan slammed foot into the ground, propelling himself back with a launching escape. The explosion of the grenade caused part of the wall and ceiling to cave in, putting a barrier between Conan and the other three. Noting the stacked odds against him, Joker stood to his feet before deciding to take off. "Well it has been a doozy gentlemen, ta ta!" Batman and Kamen Yaiba chased after him. "He's heading for the emergency exit! We can't let him escape!" bellowed Kamen Yaiba. Conan, gated from the three due to the fallen wall, was able to make out Kamen Yaiba's words. "Emergency exit… that must mean the Joker is heading for the rooftop." Conan shot off, if that's where the Joker was going, then so was he. "I'll have to reroute and use one of the other emergency exits, no way I'm going to let him escape." "And then there's Batman." A grin formed as Conan trotted along. "So, the stories are true." By this time Batman and Kamen Yaiba were racing up the emergency exit stairs in pursuit of the Joker. "So," began Kamen Yaiba as the two ran along. "What's your calling card? Demon Knight, Bat-Person, Caped Monster of the Moonlight Night?" Batman did not respond. "Come on, I've gotta be close.. right?" "You can drop the act Jason," Batman finally replied. "I know it's you." Jason sighed, tossing the Kamen Yaiba helmet off to reveal his domino mask beneath. "That obvious huh? And here I thought my shift in tone was top of the line masterful." The two kept pace in their pursuit. "Red Robin, status update," Batman radioed. "All things are clear at the south exit. Things got a bit dicey, but I managed," Tim reported. "Damian handled things north side before heading to check the west exit, haven't heard from him since. I'll keep you posted." The conversation would end. Jason would speak once more. "Oh, and if you wondering about the suit… a little tight. But on the positive, it really showcases my stellar physique." The two would reach the rooftop in short, greeted by gunfire from a smiling Joker who was near the edge of the building. "As much as I'd love to stay and play, I'm afraid a raincheck is in order for this little dance," Joker stated. "Oh yea, and how do you propose you're going to escape?" Jason was more than intrigued to know how planned on getting past the two of them. "With a bang of course," replied Joker who tossed a number of five grenades in the direction of the duo. "Move!" instructed Batman. The two leaped in opposite directions as the explosions unleashed, revealing nothing but a spark of party confetti. Jason shrugged. "Whelp.. guess we should have seen that coming." Joker stood to the ledge. "I guess this is the part where I say… how's the saying go? Oh yes; 'Better luck next time!'." Laughing, Joker would free fall down toward the street below. Batman took off after him, only to get to the edge to be greeted by three helicopters that ascended from below. The door to the one in the middle slid open prompting Batman to lunge back as someone started firing off a machine gun. The same would occur with the other two helicopters. Joker held on from the landing skid, shooting at Batman as well with the held handgun. There was a number of three snipers as well, by Batman's count. Seeing this, both Batman and Jason took cover as the assault continued. "If he thinks he's getting away that easy he's got another thing coming," Jason stated as he reached for a grenade of his own. "I'm going to set Joker's little escape plan up in flames!" "No!" Batman protested. "If you bomb the helicopter out of the sky, it will fall to several unexpecting citizens below!" "I'm sure they'll have the brains to get out of the way when they see the laughing clown and his crew come tumbling down." Jason felt otherwise. "This isn't Gotham Batman, your rules don't apply here. I refuse to let you call all the shots." With his mind made, Jason prepared to launch the grenade, only to have it knocked from his possession from a batarang thrown by Batman. What followed was the sound of Joker's laughter that carried through the air, fading with every passing moment as the helicopters pressed further into the distance. ….. After running for a time, another emergency exit finally came into view. "There it is!" Conan was ecstatic. He forcefully pushed the door open, his excitement quickly fading after glancing up to see how far he'd have to go to reach the roof. "Soooo many stairs." …. The Joker's laughs had since vanished. By this point, they could only faintly make out the three helicopters, falling in disguise amongst the night sky. Jason clutched his fists in disgust as Batman approached from behind. "You disobeyed a direct order Red Hood." Jason spat. "Direct order? Did you mishear what I said before? This ain't Gotham Bats, I can do whatever the hell I want." Jason would face him. "If you want someone to flip at your every command and kiss your ass to stroke your sense of control, then you had better go find Robin. I've got my own investigation going, and the last thing I want is you or anyone else getting in my damn way." A brief silence fell between the two. "I know Quinn hired you on. I have no doubt that Kamen Yaiba outfit you're wearing was the one stolen from the Sunshine cruise ship," Batman deduced. Jason managed a grin. "Well, it seems you've mildly caught onto my overseas activities. Can't say I'm surprised. Though, you're off with some details." "Where is Harley? And more importantly; what did she do with the ingredients for Crane's Toxin?" Jason huffed, choosing not to answer as he turned to walk. "Do us both a favor and head back to Gotham." "Until we resolve all of this, I can't do that." Jason reaching the left corner of the building, glanced back for a final time. "There's far more going on than you realize." Jason turning would step up to the ledge. "Gotham needs you Bruce. Things are only going to get far worse from here, don't worry about the Joker… I promise to ship his head back to you in a picnic basket, my treat." With nothing more to say, Jason dropped from the building, using a grapple gun to extend to a neighboring structure. Just like that, he too faded into the night. Batman silently walked to the far corner of the building before coming to a halt. He momentarily closed his eyes, taking in all that had transpired over the last hour. What was the meaning behind Jason's words? What could he possibly be alluding to? The subtle sound of something whistling through the air would strip his deep focus. Sidestepping, Batman would grab hold of a small object. "What is this?" Using the installed scanner within his lenses, he determined it was a tracking device. Batman immediately crushed it in hand. Turning further, he came to discover the kid from before wearing a gas mask standing in the doorway leading to the rooftop. Conan stood in shock. "How was he able to grab hold of the tracer before it connected… let alone even hear it?" The first thought to come to Conan's mind, where was the Joker, and the man who was dressed as Kamen Yaiba? Neither spoke a word for what felt like an eternity, staring the other down with just as much intent. Batman was now sure this was no ordinary child. "Who are you?" Conan's eyes shot wide. "That voice! I'm certain now!" There was no mistaking it in his mind. "The one I was paired with during the Riddler's challenge… The Batman!" Before he could truly process this realization, the sound of several footsteps from the stairwell echoed. Conan glanced back. "The authorities, they must be on their way up here." When he looked back, Batman was gone. "That quick, I barely took my eyes off of him. He couldn't have gotten far!" Conan determined to gain answers, tossed the gas mask off before racing to the edge of the building where Batman once stood, looking over to find nothing but the crowd below. "He.. he's gone." Conan gritted his teeth in disappointment. This night had only brought twists, turns, and more questions than he cared to sort. There was a singular thought that stood afloat as he gazed into the eye of the moon. "Who is, Batman?" To Be Continued
  12. Can someone please unblock me?

  13. Junpei Mizobata portrayed Shinichi Kudo in the Japanese live-action drama special “Detective Conan: Kudo Shinichi e no Chousenjou”. For a Hollywood version, how about Dylan O’Brien? He has the right mix of youthful energy and intelligence. Wakana Yamazaki voiced Ran Mouri in the anime. For a live-action adaptation, perhaps Lana Condor could capture Ran’s determination and loyalty.
  14. Lightest of Nights: A Deck of Minds Chapter 36 Lights, Camera, and.. Smile! The stage was now set, the lights burning bright. The timer ticked less than an hour until the show was to begin. Conan eased forward from where he sat in the backseat. Glancing out window side he took in the sight of the gathering crowd. "We're here!" Ayumi exclaimed. "This show is going to be great!" Mitsuhiko was just as ecstatic. Maneuvering through the parking lot Professor Agasa managed to lock down a spot after a brief search. "And here we are." "The tickets, do you have them?" asked Haibara immediately after the six of them exited the vehicle. Checking the contents of his top pocket Agasa nodded giving confirmation. "They are all here. Don't tell me you thought I forgot?" "I'd rather us not get to the entry podium only to have to travel back.. that would be embarrassing," Haibara expressed. "It would indeed," Agasa spoke in agreement. Prancing along toward the facility Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko continued to voice their excitement. Conan moved with razor sharp focus. Any who fell in his line of sight he studied, noting all entering and exiting vehicles. "What is it?" asked Haibara who trotted to his side. ".. Nothing, at least not yet. I still don't know what they have planned." "And naturally that bothers you." Haibara too looked to those that walked among them. "I don't see anything that calls for concern. Most likely whatever this person has planned will take place inside." "I expect that much, but even so.. I can't be too sure." Conan was not ready to draw a conclusion. "Every possibility needs to be accounted for." "You can't be in two places at once." "I won't need to be." "Does that mean yo-" Ai came to an abrupt stop, falling stone still in place. Conan who was a half-step ahead glanced back to find a look of uncertainty, an expression of what looked to be an inner fright. "Haibara?" She didn't respond. Attempting for a second time Conan laid a hand to her shoulder. "Haibara, what's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Breaking free of her sudden trance of sorts she pressed forward. "I.. I don't know what came over. I just have a bad feeling about this." "You sure that's it?" Ai stepped past him. "What else would it be?" Conan looked on suspiciously. "Something is bothering her. I get the feeling it has something to do with a matter not related to this case." ... A drive of over an hour would soon come to a close. The destination was now near. Traffic was now at its heaviest. The man seated in the passenger seat grunted. "At this rate we'll be late bro." "Twenty minutes before the mark Vodka, we'll be there in under ten," Gin assured. "Tonight, is it a contract for hire?" "No, a sell," replied Gin. "An arms deal of weaponry from some overseas merchant." A questioning look fell upon Vodka's face. "What's the point of you and I being present. Seems unnecessary." "Our attendance is for one purpose; in the things don't go as planned.. you know what I mean." "A cross in fire huh? Just what I need." Even with their fast approach there was still a large uncertainty that loomed. "What of Horilka, will he be in attendance tonight as well?" "Unlikely. Word is they had business out of state yesterday. Doubt Horilka has returned." "Of course.." "I don't like it any more than you do." The street light lit green; allowing for him to drive once more. "This Horilka, you nor I have yet to meet.." "You're as suspicious of them as I?" "A perceived ally that is faceless is as in question as that of an unknown enemy." "How do you figure?" "Intent Vodka," replied Gin who briefly glanced his way. "Until you can figure ones goals can you really assume someone to be in line with one's own ambitions?" "Fair point. Time will tell." "Yes, I suppose it will." Gin agreed. ... Had the time really come? Would this night mark the end of the mystery behind the spread of Scarecrow's poisonous toxin? This was Damian's hope. By the minute those gathering for the show continued to pour in through the main entrance. Surveying the crowd he was surprised not to find him walking among the larger group. "Where is he?" Hoping to answer that very question Damian pressed down on his communications ear piece. "Father no sign of Drake; he should have arrived by now." "There has been a change in approach," Batman radioed. "You'll be working the floor alone." "What?" "I got Tim hired in as one of the extras for the show, putting a set of eyes backstage." "Drake serving in as a henchman who will no doubt amount to nothing but fodder in tonight's act.. almost too suiting," said Damian taking a jab. "Remember if you see anything, report," Batman instructed. "Don't engage. Given the hit you took on that ship, I'd rather limit your activity for the time being." "Where are you now?" "A building north-east of the theater, I'll remain here for the time being." "Anything strange or out of the ordinary since you'v-" "Damian-kun! You're here too?!" Damian sighed. "Gotta go, I'll keep in touch." Turning from the pole he stood beside he was greeted by Ayumi. "Of course you would be at a function such as this." "Are you here alone?" asked Ayumi. ".. I suppose. And what of you, surely you've been accompanied by your parents?" He would soon spot the others. "Well, it appears the Detective Boys are fully assembled." "Damian-kun, you actually came!" Mitsuhiko was thrilled. "What a surprise," Genta added as they too gathered before him. "I heard you got hospitalized after what happened on that ship." "How do you feel?" asked Ayumi. Damian responded by giving the trio a thumbs up. "Good as new?" "I attempted to reach you a number of times," Mitsuhiko revealed. "When did you finally awaken?" "Earlier today." "Wow, so you were knocked out for over twenty four hours?" Genta was shocked. "Don't you think it is too soon to be up and about?" Mitsuhiko questioned. "You should be at home resting." "I appreciate your concerns of my health status, I assure you I am perfectly functional," replied Damian who was looking to slightly shift the subject. "Think back Tsuburaya to the night of the cruise, what do you remember in the passing moments right after the explosion?" "I.. I can't really remember." Damian's eyes flickered. "Come, surely there is something you recall..?" Mitsuhiko shook his head. "Just like the majority of everyone else I freaked and took cover." "The majority? Did you notice anyone at the time not at all frazzled by what conspired?" "..Well there was Heiji-san who didn't seem all that fazed by wha-" Mitsuhiko would be cut off by the arrival of Ai, Conan, and Dr. Agasa. "Never expected you'd be here," Conan said upon spotting Damian. "What are you guys talking about?" "Don't let us interrupt," spoke Haibara sarcastically. In the click of a second Conan's phone began to ring, he pulled it from his pocket with such efficiency that one would assume he was expecting to get a call. "Hey, you here already?.. Where at?" Haibara crossed her arms as she looked to Conan in a suspicious matter. "He didn't mention anything about meeting someone here." "Oh kay, I'm on my way now." Motioning his phone down to his side Conan waved to his friends as he took off. "Be back soon, I'll meet you guys in the stands!" "Where is he going?" Ayumi wondered. "I dunno," Genta admitted. "I guess I'll be ejecting myself from the equation as well, there's a matter I must attend to," said Damian as he turned to walk. "See you bunch around." ... Stepping around those who were actively at work backstage like himself, Tim dropped eye to the watch on his wrist. "Twenty minutes until show time. I imagine that is also when whoever is pulling the strings will make their move. That isn't much time." The missing crate from the Sunshine ship that had props that were to be used for this showing, there has to be a connection? If there was one to find he would not let its mystery evade him. As he neared the end of the hall Tim stopped after feeling the vibration of his phone. "Glad to hear from you Alfred." "I take it your overseas journey has been one of delight thus far?" "More or less, a change in pace and scenery once in a while is quite refreshing." "Stellar to hear young man. I call not just to check on your wellbeing: the names you enquired for me to run a search on is now complete." "Anything incriminating?" "Quite the opposite actually. Everyone checks out, not a single person I wouldn't elect for the prize of a model citizen." "Looks as if I'll direct my investigation elsewhere. Appreciate the update." "It was my pleasure. Good luck, and if there is anything else you may need or just want a chat for the sake of passing time I'm just a couple of digits away." "Dually noted, thanks Alfred." With the acquired information that narrowed the window of suspects that much more. "The cast and crew are for the most part cleared. This scheme is either going to be orchestrated by an outsider or someone who plans to attend the show. Can't completely rule out the possibility of someone on set being involved, but at the very least no one-" "You there! Mind helping with transportation of these to the wardrobe closet?" asked a masked man to peek his head out from one of the rooms. Nodding Tim accepted. "I'll be right there." Closing the gap there was no mistaking what their role would be in the show. "You.. that suit, you're going to be playing Kamen Yaiba." "Right you are my boy, here." The masked man would then go on to hand him two boxes before grabbing hold of a set himself. "Right this way, the destination is just down the hall." "After you," Tim granted finding position behind him as the two began walking. "This your first time strapping up as a masked hero?" "From night to day, from the dark depths of the ocean to the beaming light of the surface, a complete one eighty of the wheel if you will." His response, it was cryptic as much as it was symbolic. "Let me guess, you typically take on the role of the big bad?" Tim assumed. "Clever one you are. A shift in role gives you.. how should I say, an enhanced perspective through the lens from the other side." The two stopped soon thereafter. "Here we are." Pushing through the two would set the stack of boxes in front of the wardrobe dresser. "Anything else you need help with?" Tim asked as the two exited the room. "Actually, yes.. there is something. Stay tune for the show, pay close attention for I have no doubt the fireworks will put a smile not only on yours but everyone who is lucky to attend faces." Tim nodded. "That's all we can strive to accomplish." "Well then, I must be going. Catch you around kid." From there he pressed on. "What an interesting man." ... Arriving at one of the secondary entrances he spotted him right where he said he would be. "Hattori, glad you were able to make it on such short notice," Conan said greeting his friend and ally. "Well you did say it was important," Heiji felt the need to say. "Must be a pretty big case if you elected to call me up. You said this whole thing might be linked to what occurred on the Sunshine ship I was aboard two nights ago? What did you mean by that?" "I guess I should start from the beginning huh?" "Story time it is." ... Batman observed who went in and out from his chosen position. Activity around the surrounding locations was accounted for as well. Of everything there was something that specifically grabbed his attention. "For a theater even there is an unusual amount of police patrol vehicles. It's almost like they're here on standby.. for what?" He counted off at least six of them within a block radius. Nothing else gravitated attention. Minutes passed since he had communicated with someone on the inside. "Robin, update." No response came. "Robin?" "Everything and everyone seems to check out. Haven't found or noticed anything unusual," Damian reported. "Stay vigilant, they'll make a move soon enough." "And when they do I'll-" "You'll report to me," interjected Batman. "Stick to the plan." "Loud and clear." ... Everything now made sense. "The episode of that poisonous gas, Fun Entertainment Inc., that abandoned house you mentioned, the deck of cards, the expired milk, the Kamen Yaiba receipt for this show, the Sunshine, and the package that went missing two nights ago on the cruise ship.. it is crazy to think that everything is tied together." Heiji was astonished. "You feel differently?" Conan asked. "No, but.. there's one element of everything that bothers me." Heiji looked him deep in the eyes. "The deck of cards," the two spoke at once. "What is their relevance to all of this?" Heiji wondered. "And the absence of at least one joker in the deck, was it intentional?" Conan was just as at a loss. "One thing is for sure whoever was in that house wanted that deck of playing cards to be discovered, this was no accident." Heiji was certain of that. "The question is; what are they trying to tell us?" "Kudo, you mentioned detective Sato was closely tied to this case. Is she here tonight as well?" "She is," Conan confirmed. "If I'm not mistaken she's currently stationed out by the lot." "How'd you get her to tag along?" "I called giving her all the details I had learned to this point." Conan grinned. "Of course; giving my best impression of the old man." Placing his hands to the edge of his pockets Heiji took a step. "How do you want to play this Kudo?" "Well we don't exactly know who we're looking for so we'll need to cover as much space as possible. Detective Sato and a few stationed officers have the outside perimeter accounted for, Haibara and the others have the theater room." "Which leaves everything out here for you and I, got it." "Anyone could be a suspect." "We'll cover more ground if we split.. say we meet back at this spot in ten?" Conan nodded. "I'll see you then." Saying no more the two would part ways. "Time to put this one to bed." ... Now seated in the stands along Professor Agasa the Detective Boys happily awaited the beginning of the show. "Almost all of the seats are filled, the show must be starting soon," Ayumi figured. "How much time is left?" asked Genta. "Fifteen minutes," Mitsuhiko responded after checking his watch. "I'm sure it will be a great show." Hiroshi looked to Ai, noting a concern that appeared to be present upon her face. "What seems to be bothering you?" "He should have been here by now," Haibara replied. Pushing forward she dropped down from her seat. "Have you tried calling him?" "I did. Either his phone is dead or he is busy." "Do you think something is wrong?" "I don't suspect so," Haibara replied before choosing to walk. "Hopefully it's just that he got caught up in something. I'll return shortly." Pressing up the aisle towards the exit Haibara crossed a woman dressed as a clown who held out a basket of cotton candy. "Hello there little one, would you like a delicious sweetie?" Starring up she blinked. "No thanks." After exiting the theater she attempted to call him once more. As before no response came. "Why aren't you answering?" The question now, where to look? She moved forward with no true sense of direction, maneuvering around those who were heading in the opposite direction of herself. She stopped after reaching the center of the room. Shifting focus from one side to the other there was no sign of Conan. "Shinichi where are y.." Bringing eye to the black dress, all seemed to freeze. The wave of her long hair flashing off to the side to reveal her face, the heart pumped as if to keep pace with a live band. ".. Vermouth." Fear was at peeks edge. Of all places, why here.. why now? In the process of gathering herself the evolving door of bad news only got worse. Vermouth stood with not a move to make would be joined by the duo of both Vodka and Gin. The three would exchange a relay of words before beginning to walk in her direction. No more doubt, no more uncertainty, she had to make a move. Looking right Haibara caught eye of a food cart. Breaking free of her stone stance she raced over, lifting the hanging cloth she took position on the bottom shelf. Her heart continued to race in panic. Had they seen her? Would they pursue after her? Those thoughts and more circulated through her mind as three familiar voices carried from the outside. "Enough about last months failed attempt, I care only to hear about what tonight is to bring," Gin voiced. "A shared sentiment," Vermouth replied. "Tonight's exchange will give us.. how should I say, another tool to play with in our already growing box of lethal weaponry." "You spoke little of this, 'weapon', when you initially informed us of this gathering," Vodka felt the need to say. "Now that we're here I'd like to-" Vermouth raised a hand, in turn cutting him off. "In due time." She managed a smile. "Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now would we?" "Well if you won't speak on that matter, how bout this.. Horilka," Vodka began. "I take it you've had the honor of meeting our new.. associate?" Locked in tight position below; Haibara's eyes widened. "Horilka.. a new member?" "Tell me, what's this guy like? Can he be trusted with the given assignment?" asked Vodka pressing for more. Brushing a strand of hair away from her left eye Vermouth responded. "What brings you to the assumption that Horilka is a 'man'?" Following her words the sound of approaching footsteps was heard. From what Haibara could make out there was at least two people. "What now?" Shortly after there would be a new voice to speak. "Hopefully we haven't kept you waiting long." "Not at all," Vermouth assured. "Nalban, grab the cart," one would instruct to another. "Yah.. sure." "Hey, you ok? You don't look so well." "Just a little.." Nalban coughed, wiping a sweat ball from his forehead. "Headache. Nothing a little water won't fix for the time being." "You can get some shortly," the other spoke before shinning attention back on the subjects. "Right this way, the room where the meeting is-" "I know where it is," Vermouth cut off. "I handpicked the spot myself." She wasted no time in taking lead. Before Haibara had the chance to gather what was happening the food cart she had chosen to hide beneath began to move, a moment that brought realization finding place there may prove to be a costly mistake. ... Damian had made his rounds left and right throughout the facility. There was not one person that called for suspicion. It then occurred to him, perhaps he wasn't focused on the right thing. "There's something we're missing.. but what?" Damian was growing frustrated by the minute. "I wish I knew what it was we were looking for." Damian heard the swing of a secured door from the side. A man came barging out; locked in a heated discussion over the phone. "Alert me when you find Kirshmeh Yomodo, we have less than ten minutes before show time, we need him backstage right awa-" The man paused after bumping into someone. Looking down he spotted a young man. "Watch your step kid." "My apologies," replied Damian as he watched him continued onward. "Oh, and thanks for the card." Damian then walked to the door the man had exited, swiping the security card he was granted entry. Damian casually walked down the narrow hall, careful not to bump into the many people who were moving about. Clearly last minute preparations were in order for the big show. Progressing halfway down the walked path there was one question that came to mind. "Where's Drake? I thought for sure he'd be back here somewher-" Hearing a sudden sound from behind a door he had reached Damian stopped. "What was that?" Reaching for the door knob he found it to be locked. "Of course." "Damian?" "Drake," replied Damian who turned to face him. "It was only a matter of time before I found you." "How did you even get back here? This is a secure location." Damian shrugged. "It wasn't hard to swipe a card off of-" he stopped in the middle of speaking. "What's wrong?" "This door, I keep hearing something," Damian said bringing attention back to it. "Do you know what is on the other side?" "It's just a storage closet," Tim answered before stepping forward. "What exactly did you hea-" Just like before the noise was heard for a third time. "Sounds like a person," Damian took note of. "Yea, a person who is struggling," added Tim. "We need to get this door open, stand back." "Hey, what are you two doing over there?" Someone called from a distance away. Ignoring the spoken Tim took a step back before launching forward with a flying kick. With the door now open the two glanced down to find a man bound by his wrists and ankles; stripped down to his underwear and socks. "Clearly he's not much for fashion," Damian spoke in reference to his green colored underwear with pink poke dots, in addition with his black and yellow stripe socks. Stepping in Tim dropped to a knee before removing the tape from his mouth. "You ok?" "They came, I tried to stop them, but.. but I was overpowered! They took my clothes, tied me up, and gagged me, before shooting me with some kind of spray! Next thing I know I woke up in here!" "Wait, slow down," Tim said calmly placing a hand upon his shoulder. "Want to start off by telling me your name." "Yomodo.. Yomodo Kirshmeh," he responded. "I heard that guy mention him over the phone just a minute ago," Damian recalled. "Kirshmeh Yomodo." Tim brought a hand to chin, clearly with something on mind. "Drake, what's going on?" Damian asked. "Mr. Yomodo, you're scheduled to be playing as Kamen Yaiba in the show, yes?" Tim asked as he cut him free of the rope. Kirshmeh gave confirmation by nodding. "That is so." "When do you suspect the time was when you were attacked?" "Well, I came too at least ten minutes ago.. so thirty to forty minutes, give or take?" "That means," Tim's eyes bolded, he wasted no time in leaping back to his feet. "The man in the Kamen Yaiba suit I encountered before must be the one behind this." Tim took off in a hurry. "Drake, what's going on?!" Damian called. "Follow me, we need to find Kamen Yaiba! The man behind the mask is our target." Damian couldn't hold back a grin, cracking his knuckles with growing anticipation. "We're so going to kick Kamen Yaiba's ass." ... The shrill of fear surfing through Haibara's body waved like a streak of electricity. The food cart had yet to halt. Where was she being taken? No one on the outside had spoken a word in over a minute. That would soon change. "We've stopped.." "Here we are." A sound, the ring of something.. keys? The cart began moving once more. If there was a conclusion to make it was that they were entering another room. Rolling for a couple feet more the door closing behind was heard. The cart pressed against something(a wall perhaps?) No further movement came. Listening to the path of their steps she could hear them strolling to the opposite side of the room from where she had been stationed. "Can't let this opportunity slip, if I stay here it will only be a matter of time before I'm discovered." Lifting the hanging cloth Haibara peeked out to find an opening, just a couple feet was a pile of stacked crates near the corner. Staying silent as possible she dropped to the ground, quietly crawling as she found position behind the wall of opportunity. Managing success Haibara exhaled in relief. "Gentlemen and the lone lady, so nice of you to join us here tonight! I take it you're ready for the exclusive?!" "Who is that?" This was not one of the individuals she had heard speak before. Focusing in, she spotted Gin, Vodka, and Vermouth. Standing across from them was two men in burgundy colored three piece suites and a third who wore a full body Kamen Yaiba outfit. "The money.. do you have it?" asked the individual in the Kamen Yaiba suit who placed his arms behind his back. "In a secure location," replied Vermouth. "How do I know-" "You promised a demonstration of this.. weapon," Vermouth interrupted. "You have my word the money will be in your possession if this product of yours brings satisfying results." "How about an appetizer?" Yaiba offered. "I don't know what kind of game you're attempting to pla-" Nalban began to giggle, prompting an immediate reaction from all in attendance. Vodka glared. "Something funny?" "Sorry, I.. I don't know what has come over me," Nalban responded before breaking out into tears of laughter. The look of promise that once filled Vermouth's face now turned to that of someone losing patience. "I am not amused." Nalban dropped to his knees as the laughs intensified to hysterical proportions. Tossing his jacket off and removing his tie Nalban dropped to his back, reaching for his neck as if to gasp for air. "Nalban, get ahold of yourself!" The other man dropped to a knee to check on him. There was now an almost calculative look to find upon Gin's face. "The hell is wrong with him?" Haibara looked on, terrified just as much as she was uncertain. The laughter would soon subside; the ending result leaving Nalban with bloodshot eyes and a lingering large smile across his lips. "Nalban, Nalban! Talk to me buddy. Are you ok?" Placing a hand upon Nalban's neck he made an alarming discovery, turning immediately to the man dressed as Kamen Yaiba. "Boss, he.. he's dead!" "Rest his soul," replied Kamen Yaiba who pulled a gun and shot him right in between the eyes. He fell to the ground next to Nalban, a stream of blood rushing for escape like a park fountain. Vodka who had seen enough reached for his gun only to have Yaiba strike first. "Don't bother," stated Kamen Yaiba who now pointed his weapon at Gin who casually stood with his arms stashed in his pocket. "Or else Tarzan meets James Bond here will be the next used piñata to hit the pavement in delicious fashion tonight." Hesitating, Vodka would be prompted by a direct order. "Do as he says Vodka, whatever advantage he thinks he has he'll soon come to realize is a mere mirage," Vermouth stated. Gin was less than concerned by the current circumstance. "Stand down partner." Grunting in disagreement Vodka finally complied. Still holding the firearm firm in hand the gunman began to laugh. Vermouth was now on teeters edge of losing her patience. "I'm going to ask you something Mr. Yaiba, and I'm only going to ask it once." Haibara watched on anxiously, there was no telling what would happen next in the revolving events of the unexpected that lead to this point. "Oh dear beautiful goldilocks who jumped from the pages of the fairy tale itself, no need to be so formal." Using his free hand he pulled the helmet from atop his head to reveal his true face; a face which brought shock to all. "Call me, JOKER." To Be Continued
  15. Lightest of Nights: A Deck of Minds Chapter 35 Mystery of the Letter The message had been mapped out in full; every written character looked over in assurance it was right in place. The message was clear.. decisive. Happy with the results Kaito sealed the envelope before turning for the door. Taking a sip of the cup of tea in hand Kaito sported that snarky smirk of his. He stopped halfway across the room. Its title in bold across the bottom of the TV screen; 'Breaking: Kaito Kid's latest challenge'. An immediate spatter of the liquid in hold occurred. "What?!" Hearing the commotion from across the room Konosuke hurried over. "Young Master what has caused the uproar in..?" Laying eye on the TV Konosuke realized the cause in reaction. "Oh dear, it would appear Suzuki-sama has received another letter from Kaitou Kid.." "Except I have yet to send him my latest note, meaning.." "Meaning someone else sent the note posing as you.. it leaves one to enquire, who?" "The Royal Flush Gang," Kaito muttered under breath. …. A public park; that was the chosen location for their meet. Thirty minutes passed since receiving the message, if all went according to plan he would soon arrive. Scouring the area he spotted him closing in from a distance. "Right on schedule." Damian was pleased to greet him. Standing from where he sat at bench side he strolled over. "Good to see you father." "Glad to see you're up and functioning. How do you feel?" Bruce asked in response. "I'll survive. I was surprised by the news of you traveling here," Damian admitted. "How long do you foresee your stay?" "Until this matter is resolved. Whoever is behind this there is no mistaking that their endgame is near." "What makes you so sure of that?" "The evidence." "If you've come to such a conclusion I can only assume more evidence was gathered since my unintended leave." "We have a lot to discuss." "No need to keep me waiting." "Not here," Bruce spoke in response. "We'll go over everything once we get to the train station." Damian was puzzled. "What's at the train station?" "Tim just wrapped up his initial meet with Mr. Suzuki and is now headed our way by train. I'd like for him to be present before we commence." Damian shrugged. "Then it will be so." "Come," said Bruce taking lead. "We have a case to solve." …. Conan stood to the side, patiently awaiting any information Haibara could pull possibly linking the missing chains in the mystery at hand. In the drift of it all his mind trailed back to the collected evidence at the station. "The mystery house, expired milk, the receipt, and the deck of playing cards.. then there is the Sunshine ship and the captain himself, Aldor-sama. Aldor and Sunshine put together marks one of the names found on the list of suspects in Sato-sans investigation, and also the name that was registered as the owner of the searched house." He paused for a short time. "The question now, outside of name coincidence how does the crumbs of evidence found in that house tie to Captain Aldor and his ship?" Fortunately an answer might come sooner rather than later. "It looks like I might have something," alerted Haibara. Conan who was hopeful strolled over to her side. "I knew I could count on you. What did you find?" "The Sunshine was more than just a cruise for those looking for a sightseeing adventure." "How do you mean?" "Its other use was for transportation goods for notable companies," informed Haibara. "Believe it or not this was the case the night of the incident. They were to be exported from the ships luggage room following the conclusion of the cruise. Want to take a guess as to who had some merchandise on the Sunshine?" "Fun Entertainment Inc." Haibara nodded in confirmation. "And let me guess that wasn't the first time F.E.I. had product being delivered from the Sunshine.." "Two for two Sherlock," replied Haibara. Her eyes shifted back to the screen. "Transactions confirm just that." "Where was the eventual destination for the products that belonged to Fun Entertainment Inc?" "A studio here in Tokyo." "And did they arrive?" "There were twenty eight crates on the ship that were tagged as Fun Entertainment merch, all but one were still aboard the ship once authorities assessed the damages on the ship." "The single missing crate must have gone overboard after the explosion." "I thought so at first, at least until what I discovered what was missing among everything." "Now this I have to hear." Smiling as she turned in seat Haibara waved him in. "Here, why don't you take a look for yourself detective." Laying eyes on the screen himself Conan mustered a grin of his own. ".. It's as I thought, there is a connection after all. The missing crate.. maybe it's disappearance isn't due to the explosion at all." ... 'Ring in the bell. On noon brings your coming Year.. And Lit bring the FLame i find Under the years past greatS. Game is Now in play, may the Anointed one strike at midnight to !Grasp the tusks of the beast at the step of our first meet?' Kaito studied over the message carefully, taking each word as a smaller piece to a larger puzzle. What was before a seeming certainty was now becoming a doubt in belief. Konosuke could see the shift upon his face. "What seems to be the problem?" "The letter.. something is off," Kaito noted. "How do you mean?" "Ignore the message as a whole and merrily pay attention to the capitalized letters." "And you end up with?" "R..O..Y..A..L..F..L..U..S..G..N..A..G," Kaito read off. "If this was in fact a riddle mapped up by the Royal Flush Gang there are two errors in this design. There is a missing 'h' that should follow the 's'. Secondly the 'n' and 'a' in GANG were swapped in order." "Two letters switched and a missing one altogether. Strange indeed." Konosuke took a second to contemplate. "Do you believe an accident was made?" "They would have had plenty of time to proof read, I don't think that's the case we are dealing with," replied Kaito. "The makeup of it all was intentional, I have no doubt about that." "The Royal Flush Gang, you still believe they are the handlers of this.. riddle of sorts?" "My mind says so, but my gut.. we could be dealing with someone altogether. Someone who wants me to believe this is the Royal Flush Gang" Konosuke was surprised. "And who do you suppose that may be?" "Only way to determine that is to decipher this message, not just the mystery of the capital letters but the package as a whole," Kaito responded. "Everything we need to uncover the truth is right here." ... They had been sitting in wait for approximately ten minutes. Damian's eyes flashed down at his watch, growing impatient with every passing minute. "He should have been here by now." "He'll turn up any moment now," Bruce assured. The next train came strolling in shortly after, docking into place as all passengers exited out. Sure enough he came trotting along, putting an end to the wait. "It's about time Drake," Damian remarked. "Good to see you too," Tim replied before looking to Bruce. "So now that we're all here are you going to give us a rundown on how you want to proceed?" Standing up from the bench Bruce pressed forward. "Walk with me." Sharing a brief glance both Tim and Damian did what was instructed. "How did your first meeting with Mr. Suzuki go?" "He was skeptical of me initially, expectedly. Think I won him over in the end," Tim replied. "And your discussions in regards to catching Kid?" "We didn't get that far. The makeup of our conversations was focused on Kaitou Kid's latest message." "Latest message..?" "Mr. Suzuki received another letter from Kid within the last couple hours," Tim informed. "You were still aboard the plane during the broadcast." Damian's curiosity had been sparked. "What was the content of the written?" Pulling from his pocket was a folded piece of paper. "Here, I have a copy of it if you would like to take a look." Damian took the paper in hand before reading off what was written. "Ring in the bell. On noon brings your coming Year.. And Lit bring the FLame i find Under the years past greatS. Game is Now in play, may the Anointed one strike at midnight to !Grasp the tusks of the beast at the step of our first meet?" "If you pay attention strictly to the capitalized letters you end up with; R, O, Y, A, L, F, L, U, S, G, N, A, G," Tim noted. "Nothing but a clutter of gibberish." That was Damian's take on it. "Only because the message wasn't meant for us," Tim spoke in response. "It's tailored for a specific set of eyes. It's our job to decipher what that message is." "Don't you mean yours? Last I checked you were the one assigned to deal with the clown thief," reminded Damian. "Damian let me take a look at that." Bruce took a number of seconds to analyze the message himself. "So what do you think?" inquired Tim. "ROYAL FLUS GNAG seems to be how the message lines out," Bruce noted. "Few spelling errors. If this guy was trying to send a love letter to the Royal Flush Gang he certainly gave a lack luster performance," Damian made note of. "That night with Riddler, you did say Kaitou Kid was caught in a clash with the Royal Flush on some level," Tim referred back to. "The complete makeup of their encounter is still a mystery," Bruce said. "The only link to speak of is the Revenant Statues. There is a common interest in collecting each from the pack. For what purpose is still yet to be determined." "You think this is Kid's way of calling out to him?" Tim questioned. Many silent filled moments would go by. "Bruce?" "On the night of the encounter Kaitou Kid was evading the Royal Flush Gang, it was them who were more or less in pursuit of him." "Then that would mean.. you're right," Tim realized. "Why then would Kid want to reach out to them through a note given to Mr. Suzuki, that is of course if the capitalized letters are in fact referring to the Flush Gang." "If we are to take that detail into account, then perhaps we should consider the possibility it wasn't Kaitou Kid who sent the letter to Mr. Suzuki," Damian suggested. "But rather the Royal Flush themselves." "Unlikely," Bruce responded. "Letters and riddles aren't their m'o, furthermore they wouldn't risk the chance of someone catching onto their activities." "This could be their way of contacting him," Damian said. "I mean, it's not like they have his number." "There are many methods they could use to gain his attention that are far more discrete," Bruce replied. "And as I said before such a move would be out of character for them." "Either way, if we are to assume the Royal Flush Gang have some interest in Kid there is no doubt they'll make a move soon." "We get Kaitou Kid, we'll have them as well," Tim said. "Well, at least that's the plan. Obviously, that isn't top priority." "Crane's toxin," Damian grunted. "So what's the plan boss?" asked Tim who looked to his mentor. "We've been largely reactionary up until now, tonight we're going to take a more assertive approach," Bruce stated. "Bout time." Damian was pleased. "Regarding the events of the Sunshine ship, we know Harley Quinn along with an unknown accomplice seized control of the materials needed to create the toxin," Bruce ran down. "Obviously Quinn is involved somehow, but I'm strained to believe she is the mastermind behind what has conspired." Damian stumped. "To be honest I'm surprised she would even involve herself in a scheme like this," Tim said. "I can't quite put my hand on it, but something feels off about it all." "Outside of the toxic materials there was another container that was taken from the ship when Harley departed," Bruce brought to light. "Do we know what it was?" asked Damian as they continued to walk. "According to the ships log of luggage what lied in that particular container was two props and a suit," Bruce informed. "Both which were to be used in a live performance tonight." "For what?" "A Kamen Yaiba show," Bruce revealed. "Kamen Yaiba.. what's that?" Tim enquired. "Yaiba is a fictional hero who brings doom to all wrongdoers," Damian informed. "And don't bother asking me how I know that." "Don't see how that connects at all, at least not in hindsight. Why steal apparel for a show such as that unless.." "Unless that Kamen Yaiba show stacks in their plan in some capacity," Bruce said. "I would imagine it wouldn't be hard to get your hands on duplicates of basic Kamen Yaiba accessories," Damian noted. "Keeping that in mind it does raise the question of why Quinn took the package that was on board." "To leave a message." Bruce seemed sure of this. "Harley isn't the one behind this. She's clearly working with someone; their motive.. the end game, I believe it comes full circle tonight." "Whatever it is we'd best figure out what that is before they pull the trigger," Tim said. "I fear for the ramifications if we don't." "That won't happen," Bruce stated. "We'll stop them, we always do," Damian added with just as much confidence. "On the flip side tonight will knock another tally off of my bucket list." Tim's interest was piqued. "Oh ya, and what's that?" Damian looked to him as to respond with a hint of sarcasm. "I get to attend my first Kamen Yaiba show." To Be Continued
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