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Forever Lost

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Everything posted by Forever Lost

  1. So this took a lot of work, but I think it turned out pretty well. I used one of the more common pictures of Haibara as a reference and took off from there.
  2. Watching you draw :333

  3. Yep >.>''' So what have you been up to today?

  4. "Some people believe... that stalking is wrong. I call those people.. the cops." LOL

  5. >.>''' Not yet because I haven't taken the ACT as of yet..

  6. Dear Anonymous, I have to ask... what is good? What defines a good person? Is it someone who follows all the rules and all the laws? Is it someone who does things for others? Is it someone who never lies, cheats, or steals? What is good? How does one who loves evil define good? Does pretending to be perfect mean good? I am very lost as to your idea. Does that mean someone who messes up isn't good? Or does it simply mean someone who is not evil is good? I know you have a heart for people. I am the same. But I must say, we are still young. You are younger than I, so I will take this as a time to impart what little wisdom I have acquired from the past few years of experience. I don't believe that paying your taxes, taking care of everything, and overall being nice to people means that you are good. I don't believe that doing everything right means you are good. If that was true, then I'd always be a good person. But the truth is, sometimes I don't fit the bill. I don't reach the mark. I get angry and upset, I hurt people out of my own pain. I have lied, stolen, cheated, and done other things I'd rather not mention. If I was convinced these things were acceptable, then I'd be convinced I was a good person. People do stupid stuff. Sometimes, they believe its right. Almost every television show nowadays says it is fine to have "oneness" relations with people you don't marry. So someone who sleeps around is a good person then, right? They believe it is right - they think it is fine and everyone approves readily. It's not against the law. Does it make it right? No. Does believing that a lie is true make it true? No. So will you readily defend those lies that you believe? Do you realize that in actuality, you're causing more problems for that person? Raise a child and tell them that it is alright to steal. You feel like stealing, right, child? It's okay, then. Go steal all you want. People will tell you it is wrong but since you feel this way it can only be natural, so do it. You don't want to hurt the child's feelings, right? It's a big part of who they are. They want to steal. So you say its okay. You say you will support them and keep them from harm when they do it. One day, this child will be put in jail for stealing. You will be the one partially responsible. You can tell them that people will tell them that they will go to jail for their wrongdoing - but you are convinced that everything else this child does is sweet and innocent and good - no way would they put them in jail. Fool. I tell the truth because I know something very important about it. Lie to the child and cause them to fall and you will have their blood on your hands. I refuse to just give into this beautifully constructed lie. It seems like its not fair, right? How cruel to say to a child that they will go to jail or worse for their actions! The moment you enable it, the moment you support the wrongdoing and refuse to hurt their feelings by telling the truth, you are responsible. You want me to say pretty words like "oh that happened to everyone else who did wrong, but this certain wrongdoing will be hidden away by all the good stuff you do everywhere else" and "you're a good person so you will not receive punishment" and "only a cruel and heartless person would stop you". Are you stupid? I will tell the truth to you whether it hurts your precious feelings or it messes with your beliefs simply because I refuse to have your blood on my hands because I was too scared to hurt your feelings. You think that the "good" actions you do will cover up all the bad. You think that if in life you only do one thing wrong and everything about you otherwise is good that it will be enough. But really, is that all that there is to it? Do you think that an all-good person could have just one problem with them? Why does someone lie? Because they are selfish. Why does someone steal? Because they are selfish. Think about it. Many problems lie within another. Humans are self-seeking. Even the person who gives everything for others. If they do not give to God, then there is something inside that is self-seeking and self-serving. I'm not perfect. I've made tons of mistakes. I still make them. I'm still struggling with trying not to seem like Miss Perfect while wailing about how I can't do things right. But the difference is, I have the blood of Jesus and his forgiveness over me. I don't know if that makes me a "good" person or not, really. But all I have to say is this: If you cannot meet these things, then I cannot think of you as a "good" person - just maybe as a nice person, someone who needs love and care and respect, but not someone I will try to be like. He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Sincerely, Me.
  7. XD Yeah~ I figure I'm better for business anyways! And Marketing is probably one of the best mixes of what I want to do, so I'm going to go for it.

  8. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20).. This was shared with me quite a few days ago but it won't leave my head recently..

  9. It's nearby and they have a good local program for marketing and international business :D

  10. Awesome!! I'll be graduating high school after this next year finishes o.o''

  11. :D I'm doing pretty well, how about you?
  12. @Anime Girl 4 Eva: Oh~ I misunderstood! It's alright XDD @Phoenix Tears: 1 Corinthians 6:9 mentions it as well as Romans 1:26-32.. Matthew 19:4-5 Jesus mentions that a man should leave his household and cleave to his wife (in other words, not his husband or partner or whatever). I might add, however, that these mentions weren't for saying these people should go die - but in fact that we were once this way and we, as well as they, can repent and be followers of Christ, etc. It's not a matter of whether or not it's in the Bible, it's whether or not people chose to follow and/or believe it. And, random question, could someone show me how to do the spoiler tag so I can let people click a button before they read possibly-somehow-offensive words? >.>'''
  13. @The Banana Assassin: Oh, I see, yeah that's definitely a totally different ball park, and I have no personal experience with that ^^;; I only have research I did once for English IV and yeah, punishment is pretty severe.. Pretty scary o.o;; @Ezra Scarlet: True, the thread wasn't specifically made for that, but I do think it has a lot to do with the topic. People who are or support homosexuality (etc.) struggle with what they declare to believe. Other factors to do with this subject could include, but is not limited to, school bullying, social standards, and suicide. These are all struggles to deal with. Although, I forget who may or may not have referred to me as an extremist, I wanted to thank you! Because from the sounds of it, a lot of people aren't really sure what they believe (and that's not really wrong; at least they admit it and are willing to find out). I know what I believe and I think that as someone who really believes something wouldn't say that the opposite is true. For that reason, I'm happy to be called an extremist. That means I'm not normal and I don't fit in with what everyone finds acceptable. I'm not a hater or a person who is out to hurt people "beneath" them - in fact, that's actually against what Jesus teaches by example and words. So thank you for the honor. This is probably going to be one of my last posts on here soo~ If I remembered how to do the spoiler tag, I would probably do that for this paragraph simply because I figure you all would like to get off this subject and move on to another.
  14. Yeah, I was making a joke :) Currently not a part of either party.

  15. MISAKI-CHAAAAN!!!!! <333333

  16. The one down the street, around the corner and up the sidewalk.. I heard they have cake and icecream!

  17. @Akakata I have no idea.. this happened during the time that I was no longer at the school she goes to, so after that I lost contact with her. At least she's not putting herself in the hospital that I'm aware of..
  18. In regard for the way the Bible is translated over time, it was an extremely sacred document and was copied with tons of rechecks. If someone misspelled God's name (if I remember this correctly) they had to literally burn the page they misspelled it on and redo everything. It went through extreme and rigorous checks during copying and translations. They actually found some really old scrolls that actually had some of the ancient manuscripts for the Bible and they were exact word for word except for a few minor changes that had to do with sentence structure. It is one of the most (if not the most) accurate documents from history by the standards that historians hold to measure the probable accuracy of documents. The events were written down as it happened, not hundreds of years later. There were tons of copies and each of them were identical. The accuracy of the Bible is something that I do not believe is a very questionable thing, considering if you do your research you will find that what I am telling you here about it is very true. The only thing you really have to be concerned about with the different versions is when there are "footnotes" that have been added. These notes are from people and their speculations on what things mean and blahblahblah - don't treat those as actual scripture and you won't have any problems. If you're still unsure, just go back to the original Greek and Hebrew translations and look up word-for-word what something means if you want to know if someone translated your version of the Bible correctly. I know you didn't mean offense, and none was taken I hope this information was helpful to you in some way.
  19. @Akakata I think they were caught before they were hurt critically. This was someone she considered close, even though she's the one who still spread her diary around. This girl is just jacked up in the head and she was pulling my friend with her. They've harmed themselves before separately, but this other girl had the bright idea to just go do it together in the girls' bathroom which got them expelled. So, technically, she was a real close friend to her, but to me, I don't think she was a good friend to her at all.
  20. Hmm well first, let's respond to Akakata: She got expelled because... she was harming herself along with her 'friend' who convinced her to do it in the girls' bathroom. Second: It is in the Bible that it is an abomination unto God for homosexual-type relations to occur in an explicit manner if you catch my drift. It doesn't say "Go beat these people" at least, not in the New Testament where it is found. Third: Our country was founded by Christians in order to worship God. In fact, it was said that the US Government would be "wholly inadequate" for people who did not follow God. The original intent of "freedom of religion" was during the time where "religion" referred only to Christianity. Of course, our laws and beginning has been re-interpreted to fit anyone and everyone's agendas - so of course this was warped. Also, separation of church and state isn't in the law and doesn't even appear in the Constitution. I understand that I'm probably the only one here who is kind of on the "opposing" and "stubborn" side of this. However, I believe that if others are allowed to rant on their dislike of God and of people who many times unfortunately represent Christianity - which I follow - I should also be allowed some input. The thing is... a true follower of God is forgiving and full of love. This doesn't mean to agree with and support sin - but it does mean to not treat people that you think are "not up to your standards" like crap. People with nasty pride like that dig themselves a hole. I love my God and will follow what He says - He will never be irrelevant. People choose to do wrong, people go along with the flow, and are easily persuaded. There is both good and evil in the world - I don't think it's very responsible for a human who is fully capable of making their own choices to blame their choices on God, but never give God the glory when things turn out well. All in all, I'm not hating or anything like that, and I hope you didn't get that impression at all.
  21. @Akakata - Unfortunately, I haven't been able to keep contact with her. She got in trouble thanks to one of her 'friends' and got expelled - which in turn caused her to lose her cell phone because of her parents. I think she may have changed numbers or something, and she's hardly ever on facebook, so :/ But she is a rather wonderful person.
  22. Hmm.. truth be told, I don't support it. However, I don't support people being disgusting to others because of it, either. When I was in eighth grade I had a very important friend. She was a lesbian and so were some of her friends. She was one of my closest friends and was probably one of the most loyal people I know. She was probably the easiest person to get along with - but everyone hated her. They said her name with disgust. She hadn't hurt anyone. She didn't spread rumors and lies about people. She didn't start fights or get into it with people. She handled everything calmly and told her friends to chill out when things got nasty. I would often find myself yelling at people (I was rather outspoken during this time) for talking in corners with nasty expressions on their faces while obviously ridiculing my friend. She was even deeply hurt by one of her friends who decided to spread her personal diary around her friend group and made her an outcast even among those who were considered outcasts because of their 'sexual orientation'. But she always took it in stride and showed a brave face. She always found a way to forgive. Everyone is human - we all make mistakes. We all miss the mark. Although I don't believe it is right because that's what it says in the Bible, I don't believe it's right to treat people like crap. You don't see people treating those who go around sleeping with others before marriage like crap, or the people who get places dishonestly, or people who lie about everything, do you? People are very important. They should always receive a second chance, a warm smile, and Godly love in my book. No matter what you've done, who you are, or how you act. Every person deserves to be treated kindly and given grace.
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