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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by NutCase

  1. D'awwww. Exams. Last time I had exams was in year 2. Then I moved. Not gonna have any until next year. Woo! Well, hopefully you pull your grades up next time then. xD

  2. Ah. I'm sorry. I didn't log on for a long time. OTL I missed you too. How are you doing??

  3. Not Much... How've you been?

  4. I cry for an hour and a half straight, thought and almost attempted to commit suicide 5 times during that hour and a half (it's okay, I didn't, besides, I only had scissors), then my mum comes in and makes me feel 100 times worse. What kind of world is this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NutCase


      Hahaha. Yeah... the real world sucks. xD

      The great depression? Sounds... depressing. X3

    3. A L

      A L

      .......................I need to stop watching some vids.

    4. ShinRan1742


      I sometimes think no one understands me. Later, I discover that I was right.

      But not always...:P

  5. Waaaahhh!! I missed you my beautiful internet! Please don't EVER die on me like that again, especially when I have 500 assignments due. >.<

  6. AHHHH!!! What's with people and One Direction these days!? Everywhere I look it's One Direction this, One Direction that! What's so good about them? Personally, I think they're all ugly. Sorry, but I know a lot of better and better looking boy bands

  7. Oh! Indonesian! That's so cool! :D

  8. I come from Australia (live here now)/Taiwan (Born there). What about you?

  9. Thanks for the add! How are you?

  10. The Chuunin exams begin in half an hour for a Naruto RP I'm in~~ Wish me luck!!

  11. Going to Sydney for 2 days~~ ^_^

  12. I have just learnt my lesson of reading warnings. I'm NEVER going to ignore those again.

  13. Woo!! Back from camp! How's everyone doing??

    1. Valkyrie
    2. Bicoy


      i'm doing good!! :D

    3. NutCase


      I'm good. It's great that you're all doing good too. ^_^

  14. Going to a camp for 5 days! See you all soon!!! ^_^

  15. D: I'm losing my voice like REALLY BADLY and I'm singing in assembly tomorrow. Help me someone. Please? Anyone?

    1. nis-aihara


      hm... my friend drank some honey water and it worked. just mix a bit honey with water and you're done. sorry to say but i'm not sure if it worked by tomorrow.

    2. nis-aihara


      hm... my friend drank some honey water and it worked. just mix a bit honey with water and you're done. sorry to say but i'm not sure if it worked by tomorrow.

    3. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Lemon + ground up cayenne pepper normally does the trick. But I guess I'm too late. D:

  16. XD Yay! An Ace Attorney fan! Ace Attorney is like, the best game in the world. XD (well, for me. XD)

  17. Hi.

    *Notices your sig*

    Oh my gosh your an Ace Attorney fan too!?!

  18. Yay! I can access DCW again!!

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