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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by NutCase

  1. It's good, but it really isn't as outback as most people think though......

  2. Hey. Sorry, for the late reply. :( I couldn't use the internet yesterday. :/

    I'm great! What about you??

  3. *Sigh* Got the Nyan Cat + Rebecca Black Friday remix stuck in my head. I better look up some DC songs on YouTube and try and get THAT stuck in my head....

  4. Hmm, I wonder how you gain reputation.....

    1. Tsukiko


      Also about good drawings

    2. NutCase


      oh~ Thanks! I get it(I think)!

    3. NutCase


      I finally get it. :D Thanks everyone!! :D

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Nice to meet you. Oh and thanks for welcoming me. :D

  6. That's good to know. :D

  7. Hi. I'm doing great, how are you?

  8. Thanks everyone for welcoming me to DCW!! :D

    1. Wildheart888


      ^^ No problem~!! xD

    2. hopes


      You're welcome~! :D

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