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Detective Conan World

young detective

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Status Updates posted by young detective

  1. is there a latest chapter of detective conan?

  2. can you give me an anime to watch ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. young detective

      young detective

      XxxMiss-AixxX:anything that is good :D

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oh yeah, you could also watch Fullmetal Alchemist! ^_^

    4. AiSuigetsu


      Tsubasa chronicles or xxxHolic

  3. grrrrr.....i hate assignments :(

  4. hmm..help!! i still cant figure out how can i put a picture in my signature!! can you tell me ? :D

  5. i wanna be FOREVER YOUNG !!!.. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaze-rei


      Oh. My cousin love U KISS and that was part of one of their songs.

      My bad... Sorry. :V

    3. young detective
    4. Metantei Kiddo
  6. After a long time. I'm finally back here! Helloooooo ~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      It doesn't feel like two or three years, though!

    3. young detective

      young detective

      Yea, sorry I left without saying anything

    4. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Thanks for returning again! :)

  7. the exams are finish!!!...so gonna be more active here in dcw !! :)

  8. Its already 2:30 am >.< and still I cant sleep T.T

    1. Sakila


      I wish I could sleep at 2:30...I have so much hw, I only get three-four hours of sleep a day...

    2. young detective

      young detective

      anime girl 4 eva:were the same =)... but now were on vacation so I can sleep as long as I want

    3. Sakila


      xPP Lucky you. Breaks over for us :(

  9. another long trip tom.....

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Huh? You'll be on another long trip tom? Tomorrow? Hmm.. :( Well, I hope you'll have fun.. ^_^''

    2. Arima


      have lots of fun!! :D

  10. even if we walk in different paths,one must always live on as strong as you are able you must never treat your own life as something insignificant!! you must never forget the friends you love for as long as you live!!

  11. gotta go to sleep !! (-.-) i have a school tomorrow then a camp >.< ...so see you guys after a week ^_^

    1. Bicoy


      Hahahaha me too bye bye young detective

  12. finally after i think 2 months...I Opened my account in DCW again =))

  13. how can i know if the one i post is already posted?

  14. watching detective conan movie 15(quarter of silence) :)

    1. knpce


      Movie 15 is so amazing!

  15. arghh..more assignments and quizzes are coming so dcw peoples see you next week :)

  16. There are no regrets in life only lessons! Remember everything happens for a reason =))

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