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Everything posted by Aeyra

  1. I have the volume upstairs, but I'm too lazy to get it. :V One of the chapter names in the case is 'Zero' if that helps... Actually, the wiki is very useful. XD It's Volume 61, chapters 631-634.
  2. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    SPAM! SPAM! SPAM! How much more have I drawn? :V Arcanine Gijinka: Summer Fun...? : A Haughty Sunset: Flying at Midnight: A Walk on the Bridge... Surf's Up!: Answer: A lot more! XD Information on my commissions here: (if you want me to to draw something for you, that is. :V Only thing I won't take from DC is ConAi or ShinShi. 'Course, you've got to wait just a little bit... I'm busy doing contest prizes.) Watch me on My dA!
  3. 96neko + Len sound so good together~ It's a Wonderful Cat's Life indeed!

    1. Sakila


      xPPP I love you've already become such a huge fan! ^^

      Although, I enjoy Valshe :)

  4. Your join requests are closed. To change this, go to the 'About Us' area and click 'Manage Members'. Go to the Members section and switch 'Join Requests not Allowed' to 'Join Requests Automatically Approved' or 'Join Requests Subject to Vote' depending on which one you want. I might join, but I don't have much DC art to contribute. The ones I have are extremely crappy and old. :V
  5. Aeyra

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I remember the rainbow Oreo! I was utterly stupefied at how many people said they were going to stop eating Oreos since the company supported gay rights. I could almost feel the hostility through the computer screen- how could so many people be this up over gay rights? I was absolutely shocked. But I'm glad someone typed up that response, because it shows how ignorant the rest of those posters were being. The world is changing fast- and the anti-gay community is going to have to change as well. In fifty years, they'll be the ones scrutinized by the future, just like how we look at the past and criticize all the racists who wanted to strip colored people of their rights. @Chelsea: I'm glad that you came out to them, but I'm disappointed in your parents' reaction. It does sound really maddening. Maybe you could try to have a long discussion on your sexuality with them, telling them that just because you like girls doesn't mean you like every girl you see, just like being doesn't mean you like every guy you see. You can still have a girl as a friend, just like you can have a guy as a friend, and you don't have to be attracted to them. Tell them NOTHING has changed- the only difference is that now they know. As simple as that. They shouldn't be judging you for it, they shouldn't worry, they shouldn't be acting like its just "a phase"- it's as much a phase as me being Chinese. <I>It's not going to change.</I> Educate them more on gay rights and get them completely on your side- that's what you deserve and more. They're your parents, and they're to accept you completely anyways. They just need a push. Best of luck to you!
  6. XD Me and Lupin were talking about how I joined Critics United on ff.net. ^^ How are you?

  7. The Infernal Devices manga is coming out this December. :x I swear, before I started reading that series, I was emotionally stable... Now I sit at the window for hours contemplating what's going to happen in the last book... It's the worst, most torturous, amazingly well-written, heartwrenching romance I've ever read. I love it. Of course, parts of the manga have been released online, but I need more... It's my yin fen...
  8. You know that moment when your lineart is perfect and you can easily put in your base colors with the magic wand? I'm not having that kind of day. :P

    1. AiSuigetsu


      xD I never have those days because my lines are always like...broken? if that's the word? so I have to color everything with my brush xD

    2. dw5chaosfan


      Cherish those days when they come by, because we all know they often times don't.

  9. Livestream on! Care to join? livestream.com/aeyra

  10. Neko is cat in Japanese. That's probably part of her reasoning. Are you sure you're fine with me submitting something I've drawn before? I could draw something new if you really want me to...
  11. Len, why u so awesome?

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. Aeyra


      Grammar Nazi now, aren't we? XD Whatever~ paradicholorobenzene! XD

    3. Aeyra



  12. Did I? Dang it, I hardly drew at all this month then.
  13. I have an OC you can borrow. (whether or not he can be easily drawn is still to be decided.) His name is Inferno (but he goes by Fern), I imagine him to be 16-17, but hey, he doesn't have a real age, so that's up to you. He's a complicated guy though, and I'm a bit too lazy to really write about him now. His story hasn't been written yet. And I am planning to use him for something, so if he interests you, just use his name and looks.
  14. Come watch me attempt to livestream. www.livestream.com/aeyra

  15. Aeyra


    I like it because it isn't real, and it gives the listener the chance to imagine their own feelings into the song. When I listen, I hear emotion that isn't there because I put it in there, does that make sense? (probably not.... but I'm insane, so it doesn't really matter.) Not to mention Len's little lisp is absolutely adorable. (and Len is adorable in general.) My favorite songs are probably 'Servant of Evil' (MUST. STOP. THE. TEARS.), 'The Riddler who Can't Solve Riddles' (very good mystery song- Len is now my favorite detective despite the fact that he is obviously insane), 'Hot Cocoa' (story of my life), and 'World is Mine- Kagamine Len's Version' (I like it more than Miku's simply because Len is so adorable and the MV is so cute...). I like most things by Len- I have a playlist of 20+ songs and I just got into Vocaloid about 2 days ago. THE STORY OF EVIL SAGA IS THE BEST!!!!! There is just so much Vocaloid can do and it does it quite well. At some points, it's very hard to tell that it's a machine singing instead of a human. They even have Vocaloid concerts- I really want tickets to a Len one. >.< 3-D holograms singing and dancing... It would be my first ever concert. XD
  16. "Nothing will ever get done unless you settle down and work on it. As for now, I think I'll have another cup of hot cocoa." ~ Kagamine Len XD I am the master of procrastination.
  17. Livestream off. :V Thanks for those who joined!

    1. Sakila


      I dropped by! *feels proud for some reason*

    2. Misaki-chan


      NOOOOOO missed it. :<<<<<<<<

  18. Livestream anyone? livestream.com/aeyra

  19. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    My computer was being retarded and slow. :V Thanks!
  20. I have no life. I already drew Len Kagamine fanart and I just discovered him today. :V http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1047-aeyras-art-thread/page__view__findpost__p__273865

  21. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    New Obsession, it's one day old, and I've already drawn fanart. .... I have no life whatsoever. Proven by the fact that I was also reading an AP Euro textbook while drawing. Len Kagamine:
  22. Aeyra

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Fossil records exist for humans. I don't know what you're talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_evolution_fossils <- There you go, proof for evolution. I still haven't found proof for Adam and Eve though. It reminds me of the myth of Pandora, which was also made earlier than the bible. Look, no one can convince me that there is a god. I hate it when people try to pull me into their religion- no offense, but to me, believing in a god is like believing in sparkly, pink, invisible flying unicorns. I have no proof they exist. Nobody has offered me reasonable proof they exist. The most they can shove onto me is a book supposedly written by this god or by this sparkly, pink, invisible flying unicorn. Note about how I feel when people when people try disprove my disbelief in god, I get kind of *facepalm*. When you're trying to argue with someone, you're trying to prove your side. You ask me to disprove something that I don't believe exists. What I need you to do is prove it to me, and then I can answer. You're right that I've never read a single book of the Bible. Hearing people talk about it is much more than enough for me though. My brother's read a couple books- I asked him why and he says he does it for the lulz. But I don't think you've spent as much time as I have reading science textbooks either, so we're even. And yes, I agree that some of the rules don't make sense unless you apply them to context. That's why the Bible is outdated. Okay, I know this is partially my fault, but can we move off of religion now? The more and more I talk, the more and more liable I am to simply snap and start tearing religion apart piece by piece. I'd like to move back to advocating equality and the right to marry between homosexuals before I insult about a third of the world. Thanks.
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