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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by astraculpa

  1. ^Woah, I can see a spark of bromance. Dear Dad, +1 for trying to cook whatever you call that soup is. Though it tasted like water but the effort makes it twice as worthy to bear with your recipe. Love, Me
  2. Hot chocolate cause I can barely swallow solid foods.
  3. In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate. ~Isaac Asimov
  4. Yay!! I'm wrong!! Most of my extended family knows about my DCW friends.
  5. Dear baby girl, Sttaaayyyy???! That's the worst order I've ever heard from someone!! *ahem* Do you even know where twin a certain someone lives? How about the both of us working in tandem? :3 Deal? ☆Manang potato☆ Dear tweenie, She hasn't specified who don't be so confident it's me. :3 ( I'll do it even without her asking anyway. Jk. ) ☆Astra☆ Dear baby girl, So, you really are going to ask me. Do you want to hasten my death that bad? Seppuku is a more decent way to die if I were to choose. ☆Manang potato☆ (●^o^●)
  6. I want the fastest and most effective method to stalk a person.
  7. Dearest baby girl, Eh? If you venture on finding us (If I'm included in the ALL :3) and me doing the same thing, won't we lost each other along the way? I mean, will our roads even cross? Bring hubby along. Teehee! (*^^)v Your-sissy-in-law, Astra
  8. Hallo, hallo! Greetings from a potato! Welcome to DCW and enjoy your time here. I wish you'll stay active. Btw, phantomlady is the Lady of the Universe and I'm the Lord. Long story short, she's my *ahem* wifey. JK. Annndd one more thing, I hope you will post things which actually contributes to the betterment of this community and won't follow my footsteps. That is to say, I hope you won't *ahem* spam. Welcome! *fireworks*
  9. Whoever or whatever stole it, I want my voice back.
  10. Thanks for the sandwich wifey. :3 And no, divorce you won't have. 11316
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