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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by astraculpa

  1. Hey, Rye-chan Thanks for the warm welcome BTW, you've got some pretty cool drawings! ... :D

    1. Rye


      Sorry for taking so long to reply (more than two months) O_O You're welcome, astra-chan! <3 Aw, and thank you!

    2. astraculpa


      Hahahaha....lol....it's okay.... ^_^ you're welcome :)

  2. that would be *RYE* !!! What rhymes with butler?
  3. accidentally drank formalin thinking it was water (you had an extreme case of runny nose so you can't smell anything)
  4. *panic* but later found out the pin was not pulled out so *breathes a heavy sigh* *throws a cornucopia*
  5. Trying to pronounce "floccinaucinihilipilification" but I still can't get it right. :(

    1. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      *never knew this word* *is in love with this word now*

    2. snowflake


      ^then you might like pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. :D

    3. Alpha the Errorist

      Alpha the Errorist

      XDDDD *is in love*

      And this too :P Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu

      It's a place though

  6. Hello everybody! You see, I'm basically new here so I'm not kinda familiar with the "environment". To whoever who wants to be my friend, I look forward to our great days ahead!!... Uhm... I guess that's all....
  7. What's on my mind? Nothing....just random thoughts.

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