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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. The rp characters from Walpurgisnacht~ (The current IRL Round.) Far left is Aster Lawrence (Usui-kun) then Sasaki Saki/Sakila (AnimeGirl4Eva) and Misaki Mimori (Misaki-chan.) Top right are Kavin Chills (Mohorovicic) and Rouge (Usui-kun.) Bottom right are Devin Song (Ren-kun) and Garnet Wisteria (Me xP) It's bad and I drew from profiles, but meh, it's something. xP I avoided drawing hands as well xD
  2. After Chills' tasteless joke, sentencing, and punishment, Garnet let herself be pulled along with the others, half dazed and still hungry. She hated the cold, and the frozen burning of frostbite wasn't agreeing with her. Dammit, this is weird. It stings way different from cuts an' burns... With some help from a surprisingly flameless Rouge and a water-manipulating Misaki, the group was soon through with the cold. Once she'd offered Misaki a few bandages and some aid, she cracked her fingers and stuffed her hands back in her pockets, following the others silently to Miss Seeker's room. The young girl who offered to make tea as they arrived was a bit odd. She didn't seem to know exactly what she wanted to do or be, and Garnet decided to stay clear of the brown-haired girl. Except for a couple of "Um"s, she remained silent, watching the exchanges between Rouge, Aster and Seeker. The woman didn't seem to like Rouge, but she was cold and logical when speaking to the other student. "Now, I've heard about what happened, care to tell me in detail? from start to finish?" Ms. Seeker asked. The odd girl, Syra, was making tea. It wasn't exactly a tea and cake occasion, but Garnet supposed it was a courtesy, and couldn't harm anything. Aster answered the teacher quickly. "It was mana drainage, her body mass began depleting rapidly. There would have been a fair chance of saving the victim, but-" "Boy, drop the but. There is no way to stop them. Had anyone interfered in the pathway of mana, they would have been added to the body count." Wait, the pathway of mana? Drainage? Is that why when I transferred mana to Sakila, I could no longer feel it? Even the traces of my flame, which I can usually sense from a mile... What was interfering that could do that to Saki? Silently, she again resolved to end whatever it was that had killed her classmate. The other boy... was it the same entity that attacked him? Whatever it is, it can't be allowed to do as it pleases. Two lives have already been taken... Breaking from her unnaturally long silence, Garnet fixed her yellow eyes on Ruth Seeker. "You understand the mana path, an' what would happen... Does that mean ya know what coulda done this?" Her grin was long gone, and her hands were still in the pockets of her jeans. The short-haired student looked increasingly serious about the situation. [ I put up a doodle of all the characters present up until Chills' office, even a ghost-chibi Sakila~ It's in my (Sparrow) Art Thread.]
  3. Stifling a chuckle at Misaki's response to Devin, Garnet smirked. She froze though as the girl popped up beside her and asked, "Will you teach me how to use magic for healing?" She blinked, then stared at Misaki. She wants to learn... from me? But, I wasn't even- Giving a lopsided grin, the girl scratched her head. "Well... Most o' what I tried to do there was theory. I never really studied magic before, it's all just things I've used in the past. See, when I'd get in fights with my- er, the cauterization thing's, uh, kinda useful, but ya risk infection. Other than that, all I can really do to help is a trick I learned to transfer mana from one place or person to another. For some reason it works well on people who can't use magic. Water's real useful, but I'm bad with it, so I tend not to mess with it..." C'mon, shut up, you're rambling. Just tell 'er you don't know anything. "I'll teach ya what I know, but you'll need a much better instructor for anything great. Maybe if Chills hasn't locked us down by tomorrow we can head to the practice halls an' try some basics. I'm a pretty good healing dummy." With a chuckle, she shrugged, smiling at the younger girl. She felt a little less bothered now by her thoughts, and risked glancing back at the likely fuming Devin, who she'd been avoiding eye contact with. Sure enough, he looked either miffed or like he was trying to think of a comeback for Misaki's jab at his intelligence. I wonder, was he trying to be kind to her...? Nah, prob'ly not... Frowning as Devin noticed her judgemental staring, Garnet twisted around to face forward, sighing, "I hope this meeting's better than the past hour has been..."
  4. Yeah.... I don't really look like a girl. At this length (especially since I don't wear makeup ever) I get mistaken for a boy by old people when I wear ambiguous clothes. But I don't care. My mom thinks I should grow it out. Not gonna happen. I'd tell 'em your hair isn't what makes you look like a girl, and if they're worried about your sexuality, it has nothing to do with hair length. Not that it's any of their business.
  5. Garnet was able to look away from Sakila and the scene and raise her hand at Rouge's question. Wordlessly she stood and followed as he led the way to Chills' office. She avoided looking at Misaki, hoping the girl could forgive her for failing to save Sakila. They'd appeared to be good friends, and losing one could be devastating. Staring at the ground, she yanked the bobby pin out of her bangs and stowed it in her pocket, wiping her bloodstained hands on her black t-shirt. While Rouge and Aster led the way, Garnet listened as a fifth pair of footsteps slowed. "Do you intend on appearing before Mister Chills with such an obviously pained look about you?" Devin's voice. It sounded as though he was talking to Misaki. Not wanting to look back, Garnet tugged her green scarf up over her mouth, breathing in the scent of fabric softener. Mother's going to have a field day if any news of this reaches her... Your first day couldn't have been this poor if you'd tried. Sighing, she watched Aster and Rouge's backs, tired with her thoughts. She was almost 18. If her mother wanted her out of Gretchen, it would be none of her business soon. Garnet could move in with her dad after graduating, maybe even get a job where she could use her magic, or go to a mana-friendly college... Did those exist? If they did, how much did they cost? That didn't matter, she'd get a job and- What the hell am I thinking about? I'm still technically a first year after my expulsions... Let's just focus on not getting ousted by Chills... The girl sighed again, glad her thoughts were private. She didn't want to seem like a chaotic mess.
  6. hahahahahahahahahaha- Internet. Nutella or Marshmallow Fluff?
  7. Harvest some from another planet or artificially create it from hydrogen and oxygen. What would you do if your life turned into a rom-com anime and you got to write it?
  8. [And then I make bad Bane references and try to convince you to live... Yeah... Stop dying! DDX ] Garnet sighed. There was no more she could do without creating complications, and Sakila's pulse was dropping rapidly. What could have done this?! Despite her violent past, she'd never had someone die in front of her like this. Even in her back-alley dueling days this hadn't happened. She'd always been able to patch up others, herself, life... but this girl was different. Whatever had done this was not human. Not even a mana-wielding human... Mumbling to herself, Garn brushed glass from her skin and shook her head. Resolved to destroy whatever had attacked the girl, she looked up at Misaki helplessly, now scared for Sakila's life. "What do I...?" As she asked, the pulse of the young girl lying beside her ceased, and she froze.
  9. Okay, I guess saving an island's superhumans in battle from those who'd take advantage of them is a good dream. Where the hell did the girl from 'The Ring' and the Maneuver Gear come from?

    1. Sakila


      ..................If Panko-chan is your nee-chan, and I'm her nee-chan, how are you also my nee-chan? :o


    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      I'm the adoptive big sis who pops up at family functions with cake and violence! ;D

    3. Sakila


      It's a circle of sisters xD

      and yeah~! Best Nee-chan ever!! \o\ /o/ /o\ \o/

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  10. [And my characters never deal well with that xP After we try to save you, then you have my permission to die. xD ]
  11. Garnet sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets, closing her eyes. She still couldn't figure out anything about that scene. There was no sense of magic, and no way the killer would have gotten away without leaving a trail of blood behind... No person could have committed that murder and gotten out, cleaned himself up, dodged suspicion, and either escaped campus or hidden without having been noticed... With a start, she looked up at the sound of glass breaking and screams. "Sakila!" "What happened!?" "Someone call Chills!" "Like, oh my gosh! The blood! Look! It spells out, 'It begins'!" "Sakila! Open your eyes!" "Hey!" The girl dashed away from the stairwell and pushed her way through the crowd, only stopping to kneel beside the fallen girl. "I dunno what's goin' on, but I've dealt with wounds before... Sorry if it hurts a bit, but I'm gonna try an' help..." I wasn't just a fighter. I was also the go-to for first aid. After all that, it's no surprise I know so much. Garnet took a bobby pin and swept her orange bangs out of her eyes, pinning them back before removing the once-white coat from the girl. Luckily there was no glass beneath her to be wary of. Taking a deep breath, she focused her attention on the glass shards sticking out of Sakila's skin. She coursed small amounts of fire through them, attempting to cauterize the larger wounds and prevent more blood loss. In the process, each piece of broken glass lifted from her and dropped away. The smaller ones that barely leaked any red were treated with her bandaids and antibiotic ointment. Working more delicately around the girl's face, she hurriedly picked shards out of her skin and focused mana on the areas, hoping a trick she'd used a few times would work again. She let traces of magic into the wounds and the girl's mind, hoping it could help with recovery, and closed her eyes. Beyond herself, Misaki, and the milling crowd of panicked students, there had been another presence... It didn't feel solid or even totally real, but it was one of the most negative things she'd felt in a long while. "Don't touch Sakila," she whispered. "Or the others... I'll find you. Then the fight begins." What the...? Did I just say that? Aloud? Stupid... SIghing at her assumption that this was more than an accident, she wiped away the blood with one of her spare cloths and felt the pulse on the side of Sakila's neck. Unsteady, slow, but there, it was a hopeful whisper. Checking that the bleeding had stopped, she took her tube of burn cream from the bag she always carried, shaking it. There was still plenty. Working quickly and as delicately as possible, she applied the ointment to the cauterized gashes, totally silent and for once entirely focused. I swear you'll be okay, so when you wake up, smile for Misaki, 'kay? You're giving her a heart attack over there... Glancing at the other younger girl, Garnet gave her a thumbs up, again monitoring Sakila's pulse. She ignored the shaking of her hands at the feeling of the other girl's blood and took her other spare cloth from her bag, wiping the red from Sakila's face and exposed skin before glaring at the message left in the same color.
  12. Nice. Mine will likely never get that long. I keep mine off my neck. xD Though I like my bangs kinda long since they're fluffy/curly. Eh, while we're discussing hair, I think ponytails look epic on guys. xP But then again I like ambiguosity~
  13. I throw it at you ninja star-style. Since it's a storebought cookie, it's hard as a rock and gives you a concussion. In your baffled state, you walk into traffic and are hit by a Keebler Cookie delivery truck. A pendant.
  14. I want an excuse to wear my cosplay without begging for candy at random neighbor's doors.
  15. Charmander. xP Unless it's Totodile, no water starters. Then again I stopped playing at like Gen 3/4~ Would ya rather bike two miles or run one?
  16. Would you try them Au Gratin? **
  17. "I don't care if I have to tear you away myself and hold you back until my words get to you, I'm not leaving this ledge without your hand in mine and a smile on your face."
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