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Vi Graythorn

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Huh? How?

You know a little bit of Chinese, and at 10 years old I'm fairly positive that means you're Chinese yourself.  Unless I'm jumping to conclusions?  

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You know a little bit of Chinese, and at 10 years old I'm fairly positive that means you're Chinese yourself.  Unless I'm jumping to conclusions?  

Nope. You're right. Except I know Chinese fluently, but not writing it. That's why I have to learn it. Though, I'm the least of Chinese. I don't look Chinese and DEFINITELY don't act like the other Asians in my class. I guess my friends influenced me into being violent....But I do take advantage of speaking it. I say that I know how to speak Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, but I still speak Chinese. My classmates actually fall for it.

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I like saying sentences with huge complex words and everybody goes like "huh?"

my favorite word during middle school was pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I actually blurted it out so often that it became part of my everyday vocabulary. I'm sure my teachers were annoyed to an extent, but it brought me an unreasonable amount of joy. I even got some of my friends in on it, lol.


haha, good times.


oh, wow...whaddya know.

I just realized that this was the first time I was able to spell it right.

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my favorite word during middle school was pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I actually blurted it out so often that it became part of my everyday vocabulary. I'm sure my teachers were annoyed to an extent, but it brought me an unreasonable amount of joy. I even got some of my friends in on it, lol.


haha, good times.


oh, wow...whaddya know.

I just realized that this was the first time I was able to spell it right.

I know that word...Except I don't know how to spell or pronounce it.


"I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs" :P

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That sounds like something someone who hasn't seen a good sunrise would say.

but dude--look at this one sunrise I saw last year






...I rest my case tumblr_m42qvnm6qt1r58lid.jpg

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That sounds like something someone who hasn't seen a good sunrise would say.

but dude--look at this one sunrise I saw last year






...I rest my case tumblr_m42qvnm6qt1r58lid.jpg

I'm somewhat against sunrises because seeing them at the bus stop just remind me of how sleep deprived I am xD

But I do agree that sunrise>>>>sunset in terms of beauty <3

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