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Balthazar Manfredie

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Everything posted by Balthazar Manfredie

  1. so boston played well my god, what is stevens doing to those guys
  2. i think klay will do a great job on D and than steph and KD will do their thang
  3. i see gsw wining it in 5-6 games
  4. i think that series will be good to bu there will be a lot of 3s
  5. toronto has peaked this is it they have no superstar we know what superstars are and al horford seems a lot better than their 2 seems we might get the great finals rockets vs warriors
  6. last night showed they have just a bunch role players no one comes back after 3-0, and neither will the sixers ben simmons could have done better and bret brown also its gonna be a good one in a few hours i think gsw win this one
  7. these raptors are so... i dont what to say utah and boston have great coaches that can do a lot if given the right players seems like gsw are good to take of
  8. what bothered me in that game 7 is that lance played 11 minutes which was stupid the pacers are just 7 guys you rotate and you cut it to 6 but i think they need to find a bench and they will be fine melo is so in his head, if he were half as good as he was we wouldnt be talking about a bench role
  9. i get that, but he cant make anyone better what can the okc do also donovan he needs to man up or go i think indiana might go to the second round
  10. i got to ask how bad is westbrook i mean a rook gets the best of him the pacers are not backing down
  11. utah made a mistake in this game, unfortunately they should feed of their home crowd and close this i expect snyder to explore westbrook and coach them to a win indiana also made a mistake oh well these two got to grind to win the next ones i expect steph to play game 1 with minutes restriction
  12. i know, they are strong but curry will make a return soon so this is going to be one feisty series toronto has been a disappointment as usual they dont know how to play in big moments
  13. you know who is probably going to make the finals if they pass the gsw the pelicans they are on a roll
  14. im highly impressed with boston they are so organized its scary so where does this leave the bucks if they cant pass a team lead by kids utah is amazing if i had to choose i would give mitchell ROY
  15. i was surprised to see indiana crush the cavs and whats interesting they have nice bigs in turner, young, sabonis they only need to defend the 3 and they will be fine lets have the real is portland overrated i mean sure they had that 13 game win streek but that was an aboration kobe had a month where he avg. more than 45 but that was 1 month i just dont see them passing the pelicans with the way they play
  16. man the gsw picked the spurs up where they left them so routine the pelicans are amazing they grit and grind if only boogie were there rondo is just underrated cause of personality and sixers are flat out scary with belineli and iliyasova they are so much better
  17. and whats worse they payed him all that money who is going to take him if he is on the trading block
  18. yeah i misunderstood something but those are great series also im thinking butler will do his thing just like KAT, but wiggins will be the key
  19. KD has issues, but he sholud consult a psychologist now that the seeding is concluded this will be sweet rockets will have a tough first round gsw got luck portland and okc will be amazing
  20. the gsw should be concerned going in the playoffs KD might be one of the best scorers but he cant play their style without steph steph should come back if he can
  21. how embarrassing would it be if the wolves fall of that wiggins is no star
  22. thats what i have been thinking robinson was old and came back from injuries duncan, manu, parker were good but nothing like superstars, those that make you go wow would be nice if okc olayed portland or Minnesota
  23. maybe pop is the best of all time only 10 days till playoffs gonna be amazing
  24. have you seen westbrooks 3s in close games my goodness maybe pop is the GOAT all these wins and he has no superstars
  25. they beat bad teams, but that shouldnt be held against them but embiid is out what a shame
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