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Detective Conan World


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Status Replies posted by conankoibito

  1. I change my username in twitter!

  2. Oh my god, today is the WORST day ever.

  3. http://sakuchan09127.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post.html

    : 皆さんがこれを読めますか?どぞう。。/can everyone read this? please..

  4. I had track today, and killing week is over.... (for now. 'Killing Week' is the week in track where they make everyone run for 40 minutes straight. I'm so glad I was sick that day.)

  5. @facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Petition-PrayforJapan/158590374199180?ref=ts&sk=wall Petition for Prayers...for Japan..

  6. I still can not believe in what happened to Japan :|

  7. does anyone know if conan creator is fine

  8. 私がサルは東京に住んで見るのが好き! ! !

  9. Why is the word for a "fear of long words" so long? "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia" =))

  10. "I am not running away from my fate. My fate's the one running away from me, so I'm chasing it." XP

  11. is there anyone can help me how to connect twitter in facebook?

  12. I recently lost a follower, and thanks to http://who.unfollowed.me I know who it was. #whounfollowedme

  13. Follow me @zulfaDnisa in twitter ^^ Thanks

  14. i don't CARE if all my friend said that i'm a conanmaniac, or anything else! because, that's true.. :)

  15. I failed my science competition! I only placed one event...

  16. I accidentally lit my pants on fire last night . . . it totally happened why would i lie to you?

  17. I want to sleep more. >.> haha!

  18. Phew...I wish my Stories can be shared whole wide world....

  19. Good Luck for me,tomorrow..For my exam...

  20. Hello My name is Radhika and i am from India... feeling good to be here

  21. I recommend a movie: Flipped (2010) ♥ so adorably cute!

  22. I am cramming for my exams.

  23. i went to a restarant today and ate with chopsticks

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