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Tna Uchiha

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Status Updates posted by Tna Uchiha

  1. ... I'm highly interested in Japanese. Do you mind helping me learning Japanese? :D

    Oh and you like Full House? Me too~!

  2. *knocks knocks*

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Edoga... nah, you've changed your name :P

    How have you been? And how's your Christmas and New Year? Long time no talk :D

  3. About three months ago. Nope, teaching is even tougher than writing and... boring. Writing is exciting though.

    Life's becoming more stressful recently. Many things push me down. I need more tons of patience to get it through. Oh, you still hate your life so much... how's your college life?

  4. Ah yes, I don't mind it, just call me Tina (that's my actual name).

    Of course, Chiro! I'll be more than willing to help you in English :)

    Anyway, may I have your Twitter? So I can ask you immediately about Japanese language. Of course if you don't mind :D

  5. Ah, hei. Hello, Big Bro. I'm doing good, just some troublesome tasks got me quite busy these days. How about you?

    Yeah, I'm Asian by the way, or rather you can say I'm Indonesian.

  6. Ah, somewhat agree, but not wholly agree tough. But yeah, maybe.

    What movies are they? Blood is awful anyway.

  7. Ah, typo. I meant 'women'.

    By the way, your profile picture kinda creepy.

  8. Ahaha perfectly right!

    So, you're using Google Translator? ;p

  9. Am I that old? Oh my.. I think I should hide my age sooner. Lol.

    But I really love Naruto and Detective Conan, no doubt :)

  10. Antara kuliah dan kerja :D

    I've graduated from my bachelor year ago, indeed ^^

    Masih kuliah ya? Dimana?

  11. At least you are in Japan now *really really envy :( *

    Haha I'm learning Kanji as well, but they're so damn difficult ~_~. How long have you been there? Teach me about Japanese language in daily life, please. Lol xD

  12. But even Konoha had no choice in order to avoid the early Fourth Shinobi World War (finally it's happening indeed :( ). However that's too much unfair for the Uchihas.

    I like Itachi, too. I really felt sorry for him. He was dishonor for an honorable way.

  13. Found it~! *follows*

    Thanks, Chiro :)

  14. Gin-kun! Welcome back! So glad that you finally come back :D

    But unfortunately, Savior has left D:

    How's your holiday?

  15. Gin, I'd like to ask you. How to insert onions head when posting?

    Do we need to install something?

    Thanks :D

  16. Haha I sometimes misinterpreted the gender of DCW members =P So, don't mind me xD

    Yeah, tell me soon as you're updating them! ;p

  17. Haha oke, oke. Kamu kerja di Jakarta mananya?

    Bukannya lebih enak di Bogor ya? Jakarta panasnya super duper ~_~

  18. Haha that's creepy.

    I haven't been active here for quite some time. Life becomes tougher each day. You? Wish you're not hating your life again.

  19. Haha. Yes, of course!

    Are you fans of Naruto too?

  20. Happy birthday, Akai-kun! Have a bliss :)

    *ough you're still so young, I envy you :( *

  21. Happy birthday, Kiel!

    Never convert from ConAi! xD

  22. Hasn't the one with subtitle come out yet yesterday? Yeah, that's what I meant! They looked so cute together <3

    Yes, I've just finished reading some latest chapters. It's kinda surprising yet confusing. Then who's Tobi actually? Geez... Kishimoto indeed successfully deceived us all. When do you think Sasuke will show off himself and fight against Naruto?

  23. Hello there~!

    No, I'm not :D I'm just obsessed with Japanese things so... yeah. Are you AiCon? Yay! Nice to meet you :D *highfives*

  24. Hello, Blunch, how are you doing?

    Thanks for the add :)

    Welcome to DCW and enjoy your stay here :D

  25. Hello, Blunch! How are you doing?

    Welcome to DCW and have some fun :D

    Thanks for the add btw :)

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