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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AnimeOtakuDrew

  1. Apologies. I remembered inaccurately. With that being the case, however, that lends even more creedence to this idea. The de-aging wasn't the side effect, but the intended effect, the fact that it kills anyone who is not of the proper genotype is the side effect. Thank yoou for pointing out my mistake.
  2. I would like to see more done with the Apoioxin. Just how and why did the Black Organization scientists start developing it? How many people has it been given to? Are Conan and Haibara really the only ones who have been ffected this way by it? Was the de-aging they experienced really just a side effect, or could it actually have been planned during the initial research of the drug for some unknown purpose? I just think that there are a lot of unanswered questions regarding APTX-4960, and I would like to see more done with it storywise. I would also like to see episodes exploring the character of each member of Shonen Tantei. They were initially just comic relief, more or less, but they have grown in importance throughout the course of the series. Yet still (at least as of episode , which is where I am), they haven't really had a significant amount of development individually, even though the group has become more important. How did Ayumi Genta, and Mitsuhiko originally become friends? Is there some reason Mitsuhiko knows so much (he is almost at Conan's level a lot of the time after all, and has even figured things out BEFORE Conan a couple times)? Is he really a normal kid? Does he just study extra hard to impress Ayumi (andlater Haibara)? Why is Genta so obsessed with unagi? I would really enjoy seeing some background on each of them. Another thing I would enjoy would be more official crossovers. The Lupin crossovers were great, as was the crossover game with Kindaichi Case Files, but I want to see more. I obviously don't expect Aoyama to do it in the manga as (to my knowledge) he has never crossed it over with anything besides his own works, but there are all sorts of series out there thaat could potentially have awesome Conan crossovers. Maybe Remote (not even sure if there is an anime of that, but I really enjoyed the manga, and it is the type of story I could imagine Conan actually getting drawn into) or CLAMP School Detectives. Meitantei Conan has always pushed the point that real magic and the supernatural don't exist, so I don't see official crossovers happening with anything like Yu Yu Hakusho (even though it would be cool to see the Great Detective and the Spirit Detective working side by side), but there re plenty of cool anime and manga that deal with mystery/crime and do not involve the supernatural. I would like to see more crossover anime with them. I would also like seeing Conan get drawn into more real world cases. Historical unsolved cases (like one of the movies getting into the Jack the Ripper case). Maybe he could find the Zodiac or D.B. Cooper something. I think it would be really interesting to see him get involved in one of those legendary unsolved mysteries. One that I would REALLY like to see is between Conan and Kaito Kid. It is obvious, even though it has never been stated outright, that Kid has figured out Conan is Shinichi. I would like to see a story where Kaito Kid and Conan are forced to work together. I imagine Kid saving Conan's life, and Conan finds out that Kaito Kuroba Is Kid. I would love to see Conan struggling with that moral dilemma. His strong instict toward justice would push him to turn Kaito in, but at the same time, he's kept Conan's secret all this time and now actually saved his life? What would he do? (I actually think I am going to do this in my fanfic series, but I would still love to see it actually happen in the series). I also agree with Shinan-Kudoawa hat it would be cool to see the origin of the Black Organization. I want to see Kazuha finally tell Hattori how she feels about him! And finally, I want to see Conan discover that one of his deductions was WRONG (maybe new evidence is discovered with DNA showing they got the wrong culprit or something). It would be interesting to see how he deals with the fact that he was wrong and knowing that his incorrect deduction put an innocent person in prison while a criminal went free, then go back and re-investigate the case in this mindset to find the real culprit.
  3. Yes, the Baigar only worked once for Conan to turn back into Shinichi, but the original intent of the Apotoxin was not to revert a person into a child. It was created to be an untraceable poison. But consider this, at the point when Conan was given the Baigar, a lot of time had passed since he had been poisoned with the APTX-4869. If Baigar had the ability to restore Conan's body that first time, is it not also possible that, if drank quickly enough after being given the Apotoxin, it might be completely neutralized? Im not saying this is definitely the case, but it seems like it is at least POSSIBLE that, if the Baigar was consumed before the poison of APTX was allowed to be absorbed into the body and do its work, it might prevent the effects of the poison. And remember, the original purpose of APTX-4869 was not to revert its victim to a child's body, but to be an untraceable poison. It's effect on Shinichi and Shiho was an unintentional side effect. With that being the case, it stands to reason that the effect of the antidote would lessen after the poison had already had time to get fully absorbed into the body and do its work. With all other victims of the Apotoxin, it is too late at that point because they died, and pouring Baigar own the throat of the body would not bring them back to life. Again, this is not something I am certain about by any means, I just found it interesting that it was a type of alcohol that initially reverted Conan to his normal body after being given the poison by the Black Organization, who happen to name their members for types of alcohol. Of course, another possibility is that APTX-4869 was INTENDED to have that side effect. Then why have we only seen or heard of only two people who have been affected that way? Because it was designed to only have that effect on a certain genotype. When a person is going to receive a transplant, there are many different things considered to prevent rejection (tissue types, etc.) and it has been like that since organ transplants started. But with today's technology, we now can not only look at blood types and tissue types, but also the actual DNA. Over 99% of my DNA is the same as every human being on this planet, but in the little bit that is different, there will still be similarities. It has also been shown that there are certain genes that appear in only a small percent of the population. Is it not possible that there is some rare genotype that the Apotoxin reacted to inside Shinichi and Shiho in order to have this effect on them? And, if that is the case, is t also not possible that that effect was intentionally and secretly built into the APTX by the first scientists working on it for some reason we don't yet know. Perhaps Anokata had some plan to send an organization member, or even go him/herself for an undercover mission where any adult outsider would be suspect, therefore they had this drug developed and tailored to a rare genotype inside the proposed recipient to revert them to a child's body so they would be able to complete the mission. The effect on anyone not having this genotype is death, and the genotype is rare enough that the Organization chooses to also use the Apotoxin as a poison since it is untraceable. If this is the case, we can guess that whatever plan required an organization member to revert to a child body has not yet been completed as there was not antidote prepared to restore them. Sherry only knew about this side effect from her testing of the Apotoxin, so this would have been something built into it by the scientists working the project before her. It would clearly have been done in secret because Anokata wouldn't want this to be commonly known. Perhaps Sherry wasn't trusted enough to be told the secret, or perhaps refining the drug as a poison (which is really what she was tasked to do) just didn't require foreknowledge of its secret purpose. If this is the case, I am sure there is someone else within the Organization still working secretly to develop a cure to the de-aging effects of the APTX-4869. This would also open up some interesting story possibilities as Conan could somehow catch wind of this and investigate it: a child member of the Black Organization on a secret deadly mission, an unknown scientist working secretly in the Organization to develop a cure. If Conan could get Haibara together with this scientist to compare their data, perhaps a cure could be found. It is an interesting possibility. Maybe I will do something with this in my fanfic series. These are just some ideas that occurred to me which I found both interesting and plausible. Just wanted to see what other fans think. Thanks for taking the time to read it, I look forward to your thoughts again.
  4. Greetings, all! I have been watching through everything Conan (currently up to episode 530 and movie 13), and a random thought just occurred to me which I find rather intriguing, The Black Organization uses alcohol names for their codenames (at least thus far). Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, Chianti, Kron (presumably for corn whiskey), Bourbon, Irish (explained in the movie as Irish whiskey), Sherry. The thing that just occurred to me is this: What was Conan/Shinichi's first big hint toward an antidote for the Apotoxin? Baigar, a Chinese ALCOHOL! Could that really be a coincidence? Or is is possible that it was intentional? Consider this. Miyano Shiho was neither the only, nor the first scientist the Organization had working on the Apotoxin. What if her parents or some other scientist INTENTIONALLY made the APTX-4869 so the Baigar could counter it under the instruction of Anokata? Why would they do that? Clearly Anokata has a love of liquors as he/she bestows alcohol codenames upon the Organization members, perhaps Baigar is Anokata's personal favorite liquor. But why make it counter the new poison the Organization cientists are developing? Simple, if Baigar is indeed Anokata's favorite, he/she would clearly keep it on hand, so if he/she were ever betrayed by a member of the Organization who tried to poison him/her with the Apotoxin, he/she would have the antidote readily available. Conversely, for anyone not in the know about Baigar being able to counter the poison, it is uncommon enough that they would have little or no chance of accidentally stumbling across it and saving themselves, and even if they had somehow learned the secret, it is unlikely they could get to that particular kind of liquor in time. In short, Anokata have the counteractive properties of Baigar built into the poison from the beginning (which explains Sherry not knowing about it at she built on the research of other Organization scientists to create the Apotoxin) as a self preservation insurance policy! In fact, what if Anokata had the very first scientist working on the poison specifically find some chemical compound that will combine with something in the Baigar to neutralize it, then killed that scientist so nobody else would know exactly what the purpose of that particular compound was, and ordered subsequent scientists to base all of their research into the new poison SPECIFICALLY on that compound?! I think that fits, and I think it would be an interesting twist! And then, perhaps, the Baigar could be a clue not only to reversing the effects of the APTX-4869, but to finding Anokata and bringing down the Organization itself!!! What do you guys think? Plausible theory? I am probably not the first to have this thought, but there are just WAY too many topics to go through them all and ook for anything that might relate, so I sincerely apologize if I am restating anything that has already been run into the ground. Anyways, just wanting to see what others think of this theory. Ja na!!!
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only Ayumi/Conan fan out there.I actually took the time to read through this entire topic, and I must say that, while I agree with things on both sides of the argument, I still don't find the odds for Ayumi/Conan happening in canon being very favorable, no matter how much I like the pairing. But, I am more convinced of its likelihood now than I was before reading this topic. One thing I absolutely HAVE TO say, however. This topic is clearly a PRO-Ayumi/Conan topic! Anyone who is AGAINST the pairing for any reason (be it the characters' ages, because they like another pairing more, or whatever) is on the wrong thread! Coming on this topic and posting comments against it, and especially the ones I saw that come across as saying there is something wrong with anyone who supports it, is nothing but trolling, plain and simple! Offering arguments as to why you don't think it will happen is one thing, but to come on here and say "it's terrible," "it's wrong," "so-and-so should be with so-and-so instead," etc., does not promote a reasonable and friendly environment. We are all (supposedly) fans of Meitantei Conan, so belittling each other is unforgivable. Anyways, enough of the rant. Back to the topic. I got a kick out of the Genta/Ran idea. I don't want it to happen, but I suddenly had the image pop into my head of Gebta being given something that has the reverse effect that the apotoxin had on Shinichi and then he ends up with Ran. And the comment that followed about Heiji and Yukiko; "Mrs. Robinson" suddenly started playing in my head, followed by thoughts of Yukiko as Stifler's mom. LOL!!!!! I was also thinking about the idea of Aoyama giving the series a troll ending. Here's one for you. Conan finds the boss of the Black Organization and gets rid of him, then takes over the Organization and marries Sonoko! Will that happen? God, I hope not!!! The whole age argument. When I was 18, I had a girlfriend who was 31 for some time. When I was a preteen, my mother remarried to a guy that was 12 years her senior. Plus, for this pairing, it is just as IHKF said; we're not talking about them running off and getting married, or jumping into bed together, or even dating immediately. Nobody starts dating at seven years old! And as lax as the Kudos parenting is, I am pretty sure that even they wouldn't stand for it. If it turns out that Conan is stuck in his present form permanently, Here's what I see happening as soon as he learns this. At first, denial: He will pressure Haibara more than ever to find a cure just to prove it's not true. Next, he will sink into a deep depression: Knowing he could never go back to his old life and to Ran, Conan would sink to his lowest point ever. If the threat of the Black Organization has passed, he might confide in Ayumi and let her comfort him and slowly bring him back to himself. Once he has gotten over his depression and truly accepted the reality of being stuck, I think, rather than telling Ran the truth (which would cause SO much awkwardness between them), he would make one last call to her as Shinichi to let her go, because he loves her too much to watch her suffer while waiting for someone who will never return.By the time it reaches this point, I think Conan (physically) and Shonen Tantei will be about 10. After Ran, I imagine Conan staying closed off from relationships for at least three or four years, however, Ayumi would still be a constant presence in his life, and, when his heart finally opens up again (probably around the time she is 14), he will gradually start to see her as more than just a friend, finally ending up truly "together" around the time she's 15. As has been pointed out previously, his life experiences, and therefore his mindset) will still be that of a 17 year old as he will not have done any of the normal things beyond that level (college, work, marriage, adult responsibilities), so at that point, their mental age difference wouldn't be so drastic (17/15 as opposed to 17/7), and there would be NO social stigma as, outwardly, he is the same age as her! At that point, there would be nothing creepy or disgusting about it. This is actually KIND OF what I am going to do in my fanfic series (not exactly, and I AM only working on the first chapter right now, so my plans may evolve or even change entirely, although I am fairly certain it will remain an Ayumi/Conan fic: by the way, looking for test readers, and a place to post the fic anyone interested or have any ideas ideas?). The point is, by the time Conan would reach the point where he would be ready for a relationship with Ayumi, the age would no longer be an issue. As for the whole idea of Conan and Shinichi splitting into two separate people, I would love to see that happen! Sadly, I doubt that it will. I could imagine them doing an OVA where that happens (if they do any more OVAs), but it would just end up being a dream (*SPOILER WARNING*) like the whole thing with Yaiba or when he suddenly found himself 10 years in the future(*SPOILERS OVER*), but as much as I would love it, I (unlike IHKF) feel that it would be too much of a leap for Aoyama to suddenly spring that on us (maybe if there was some background in the series that established this as a possibility, like something from Sherry's research or Haibara's tests of earlier antidotes, but for something this big to suddenly happen out of left field... I just don't see Aoyama going there. Anyways, I might post more thoughts later, but I think that's enough for now. I'm curious whether anyone still cares about this thread, considering it's been two years since the last post. I guess I'll see how many responses I get!
  6. Also, sorry if this rehashes an existing topic, but there are so many pages of topic listings that I can't go through them all at once.
  7. Hi, all! I have been watching through everything Conan related in the order proposed by http://dcrewatch.tumblr.com/orderguide (at least, so far I have). I am up to episode #509 and growing extremely frustrated as I cannot find any sites that are hosting Magic File 2. It seems that animetv.io is great for ALMOST everything else Conan (except for the live action dramas, which is fine since I can find them on youtube, and the Lupin III crossover TV special, whic a buddy of mine has on DVD, so I am not worried about that), as they have up to episode 829 of the TV series, movies 1-20 and the Lupin crossover movie, all twelve OVAs, Disappearance of Edogawa Conan, Fugitive Mouri Kogoro, and Magic Kaito 1412, but for all my painstaking searching, I cannot find Magic File 2 anywhere with English subtitles. I found a few on youtube that had the title for it, but it was actually just an early epsiode of the regular TV series. I also found one that was subbed in Vietnamese, and even one that (annoyingly) had Vietnamese subs OVER English subs (drove me nuts as I could see enough of the English to tell it was there, but it was obscured so much that I couldn't read it). The best I have found is on dailymotion, which actually seems to have an English sun, but it has a border on two sides that limits the size so the subtitles end up obscured behind the bar at the bottom of the screen (showing the play/load status, etc), which will not go away for me as it does on other sites (like youtube or animetv.io) Could anyone tell me a site where I can go watch it WITHOUT having to download it? (That's why I love animetv.io as it is streamed fansubs for free, no downloading.) Also, I haven't really looked for the later Magic Files or the Magic Kaito Specials as I haven't reached those points in the watch list, but since they are not on animetv.io I figure I might as well ask now where I can watch theminstead of coming back and asking for each episode individually as I reach it on the watch list. The same for any other things I am not thinking of that are not on animetv.io as I will wanet to watch them as well. My deepest thanks in advance, my fellow fans, I appreciate your help, and I guess I will continue watching the stuff I already can find while I await your responses.
  8. I actually have two different opinions on this topic. In the canon storyline, I am 100% in favor of Shinichi/Ran all the way. However, in fanfics, I am a big supporter of Ayumi/Conan (if done well). I am actually in the process of writing what will be an Ayumi/Conan fanfic series (though, at this point, I am just getting started and still working on chapter one). Actually, do any of you know a good site where I could post my fanfics (when they reach a presentable for, that is)? And is there even anyone who would want to read that? For that matter, I could use a couple test readers to make sure it's acceptable before posting for general readership, if anyone is interested. Team Shin/Ran! WOOHOO! Team Ayu/Co! HOORAY!
  9. Exactly; someone like that would always have an out. Perhaps he would have had another organization member interrupt or any number of other things. And how do we know Kogoro didn't notice their arrival? If Kogoro is indeed anokata, then clearly his obliviousness is just a facade and he is most likely hyper-aware of his surroundings (any person in such a position would have to be continually on the lookout; for betrayal, for law enforcement, for assassins sent by rival organizations, etc.), so he certainly would have noticed them. But, even with a hyper-awareness, anokata would realize that he could not evade assassination attempts forever, therefore he would only have it going on as long as absolutely necessary to allay any suspicions. And, as that kind of person would be extremely intelligent and perceptive behind the facade, he would be able to guage the reactions of the persons involved and call off the hit once his goal has been accomplished. I am on episode 424 and I seem to remember at least one episode when Haibara failed to react to the presence of a Black Organization member. Additionally, anokata would be so deeply immersed into his cover and masking his presence, whether he is Kogoro or somebody else, that I would be surprised if she DID get a reaction to him. I am sure he HAS realized Conan and Haibara's situation. The reason he doesn't send the Organization to kill one or both of them is simple. They are too close to him, so their deaths might draw undue attention, but they are close enough that he can watch them himself and know when they become a real threat making their elimination essential. Additional evidence: -Kogoro's history with the police and friendship with numerous current officers, as well as his widespread regard among law enforcement officers since his increase in popularity as "Sleeping Kogoro" allow him to subtly keep tabs on any moves law enforcement may be planning against the Organization. -Kogoro's idiocy and ineptitude are the perfect cover to keep even the smartest of opponents (such as Conan or Hattori) or those closest to him (such as Ran) from suspecting anything. -An episode I watched recently had Kogoro's reaction to Conan's tranquilizer dart delayed by several seconds, suggesting he is developing a resistance to the tranquilizer. However, after this, he returned to being affected immediately, even though nothing was ever mentioned by either Conan or Agasa about switching to a different tranquilizer to overcome his growing immunity. This could, therefore, be interpreted as Kogoro feigning unconciousness and allowing Conan to make his deductions in order to maintain his act and to further observe Conan. -Even Kogoro's frequent drinking, while part of his bumbling facade, could also be his own private in-joke, thumbing his nose at everyone as they fail to make the connection between his love of alcohol and the alcohol-based codenames of the Organization's members.
  10. Okay, this helps cut that time down a little bit. The episodes that featured multiple cases (at least in the 224 episodes I have now watched) have pretty much taken place within a single day. Likewise, if that number is including the flashback cases, we can subtract those as they took place prior to Shinichi's transformation (there have been at least four in the episodes I have watched thus far). I think, between those two amendments to the timeframe, we should be able to cut it down by anywhere from two weeks to a month, which leaves my estimate somewhere between 10 and 11 months now. And it seems as though your estimate is pretty much in line with that, even if we had different methods of reaching it (though, arguably, one might say that the fact that, since such a similar conclusion was reached by two completely separate lines of reasoning, there is probably something to it). Warning noted and appreciated!
  11. Something I have often wondered myself. Let's see if we can figure it out! True, but I think we need to look deeper. First, a question. Is this manga cases or anime cases, and does this count seperate cases within a single episode as individual cases or as a single case and does it include the flashback cases (Shinichi and Ran on the plane or in New York, etc.), the movies, the OVAs, or the live action dramas? Anyways, 276 cases. Well, there are some cases where it is definitively stated that time has passed since the previous case. Conversely, there are some cases where it definitively flows directly into the next case. And finally, there are cases which it does not say either way. If the ones in which time is NOT clearly defined are taken as happening the very next day, or perhaps even (in some cases) later the same day, then we balance out the cases that have had a defined amount of time pass and those that have clearly flowed directly into their following cases, then we can make an educated guess. I am only up to episode 420 of the anime, and do not recall exactly how many cases have clearly defined a time period since the previous one, how many flowed right into the next one, or how many didn't clarify, but it seems that, at least in what I have watched, the vast majority fall into the final category. This means that, at least in the anime, we shouldn't need to add a very large number of days to that number of cases. That said, I will estimate adding 59 days (if anyone has a more accurate number, please let me know), leaving us at a nice, clean 335 days, meaning we are still one month short of one year within the story. So yes, it actually COULD have been less than a year for Conan since his body shrank, even though it's been 20 years for the audience! Thanks, DCUniverseAficionado, I couldn't have even TRIED to figure it out with the case number tally! What do you guys think? Does 11 months sound right, proportionate to the number of cases?
  12. That helps, thanks! But how do the live action dramas fit in? (Reposted to fix grammar and because I forgot to include the citation, sorry.)
  13. I agree the big reveal shouldn't wait until the end of the series, that's why I was saying the revelation should NOT be during the Black Organization's endgame and pointing out the story potential following such a revelation. I only said that episode 1,001 would be a good line of demarcation because the series is so close to that point already (less than 200 episodes short of it now). That way, the first 1,000 episodes are the pre-revelation story and 1,001-on is the post-revelation story. I thought that was a good place for such a major shift in the series. Other than that, what do you think of my ideas for HOW to handle the revelation and for Ran's reaction and how Conan/Shinichi should deal with it? Just curious. I am up to episode 420 now (that is watching the anime; my reading of the manga is progressing more slowly as I only just reached the introduction of Haibara). Not sure if that is far enough for your additional comments, but thought I would give an update, just in case.
  14. So much to say on this one. Where to start? A common thought seems to be of Ran being given the APTX. I am absolutely against this! I am up to episode 400, and thus far (as I recall) Conan and Haibara are the only victims we've SEEN of the drug. I must emphasize SEEN, as Haibara made it clear when she arrived that the two of them were the only humans to have survived it. We have no way of knowing just how many people the Black Organization has used APTX on, but we know that it has KILLED every one of them besides Conan and Haibara. Therefore, if Ran is given the drug, the odds are that it will kill her as well. I don't even want to face the chance of this happening. (And, conversely, if Ran is given the drug and DOES revert to a child form, that would make it a lot harder to believe this drug was so dangerous/deadly as to kill EVERYONE the Organization poisoned with it aside from Shinichi.) So please, no APTX for Ran! Next, should she even find out the truth at all? Well, I agree with the assertion that if the show just keeps doing the same thing over and over it will get stagnant. I also agree that Ran learning Conan's secret would change the tone of much of the series. Putting those two things together, I think Ran's discovery might revitalize the series and allow it to go further. It would allow for a few episodes (say 10-20) of awkwardness between them as she grows accustomed to the idea that the child who has been looking out for her for who knows how long is actually the man she loves. Then there could be plenty more episodes following that as she actively helps him preserve his secret, perhaps distracting people as he puts Kogoro to sleep to present his deductions and even learning from him to aide in those deductions. In short, working from the sidelines rather than watching obliviously. So yes, I think it should happen. The question then becomes WHEN should Ran find out that Conan is Shinich? I think this should happen somewhere after episode 1,000 (probably on episode 1,001), letting that be the line of demarcation. As for the circumstances, I imagine Ran being in some kind of danger involving the Black Organization (though not necessarily the Organization's endgame), and Conan is put in the situation where either the knowledge of his identity will somehow save Ran, or where saving her will somehow reveal his identity to her. From a storytelling standpoint, this would be the best way to present the reveal for its dramatic tension and intensity. This would also allow Conan, after the resolution of that conflict, to adequately demonstrate the threat posed by the Organization so as to somewhat quell Ran's anger at being deceived for so long. Finally, Ran's reaction to the revelation. In short, she will be LIVID. But, I think it will be fairly easy for Shinichi/Conan to defuse her rage, especially if the reveal is handled like I have already said. The demonstrable danger of the Black Organization should partly calm her, assuming Conan gives the FULL explanation following the incident that led to the reveal. I believe that he could then completely defuse the rest of her anger with four words. "I love you, Ran." I think the shock of hearing these words from him for the first time would take the wind out of her sails, no matter how many times Conan has seen her naked, slept with her, or whatever; all of that would leave her mind entirely in the wake of an honest, heartfelt confession. And I believe that he would do it, too. I honestly believe he was going to tell her he loved her in the restaurant where his father proposed to his mother, but he reverted back to Conan before he had the chance. I have always been in favor of Shinichi/Ran in the real continuity (even though the fanfic series I'm writing on is a Conan/Ayumi fic), so that is how I hope things will come to pass. What do you guys think of these ideas?
  15. TV series, OVAs, live actions dramas, movies, Magic Kaito 1412, specials? How does it all fit together?! I have been following the guide at http://dcrewatch.tumblr.com/orderguide for the most part, though I did go ahead and check out a couple of the live action dramas even though I am only at episode 400 of the TV series, but this listing is in order of release. I realize that most of the Conan related video media out there could technically happen in any order, therefore order of release is as good as any, but I have noticed that a few episodes of the series are about Shinichi and co. before he became Conan, especially with the live action dramas. And then there's Kaito Kid. At what point in the Conan timeline do the events of Magic Kaito 1412 and the Magic Kaito specials take place? I mean, by episode 400 of the TV series, it is already clear that Kaito Kuroba is Kaito Kid, but the actual videos/series of Magic Kaito weren't made until later (even though I know that the Magic Kaito manga predated DC), so the aforementioned listing hasn't had me watch them yet. I am really big on chronology and am going to watch the series again anyways as my sister has decided she wants to watch it, so I figured this time I want to do it in proper chronological order. Can anyone help me figure out what that is, please? I can't find a listing online.
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