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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by nis-aihara

  1. Same here. I HATE MYSELF!!! I'M GOING MAD!!!
  2. Trying to collect RM129 to buy a super awesome keyboard. And I only got RM74. Hope can get it before the end of April. . .

    1. Kaze-rei


      Just save a few RM a day and you'll get there.

    2. KeyChain3094


      You can do it! Good luck!


  3. dh terlambat nk reply rasanya, tapi thanks. skarang Maths dpt 91%.
  4. wa~~~ korang ckp pasal exam ni, aku ada exam lagi dua hari je tau!!!
  5. gomen, jitsuwa. . . atashi wakannai the sentence at all. (sorry, actually. . . i can't understand the sentence at all. )
  6. My mom sometimes won't let me read manga for the whole day. But that's OK. My dad never cares about me reading manga anyway. But I still can read it without them knowing.
  7. Great opening but I don't know why do they have to copy Pokemon? Seriously I hate that anime. And the song is Miss Mystery so they should show Sera (since she is a mystery) But I like the last ShinRan part though.
  8. The latest one, Miss Mystery by BREAKERZ.
  9. Wow, my first reputation! How did I get that?

    1. BK201


      a secret makes a woman woman... =X

    2. tengaku squared
    3. BK201


      no, it's not me... =X

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. I think he DID cry but the anime'll never show it. . . Maybe they'll show it at the ending ^^
  11. I add some answers to the poll ^^ Maybe I have more
  12. arigatto. but now benkyo, benkyo, benkyo!!! wait, benkyo means learn right?
  13. Sugoii ne minna! Sorry, I want to japanese for a while. He. . . he. . . :mrgreen: I don't remember what this instrument's called but it looks like a piano and has a tube thing for us to blow and it sounds like a trumpet. I play recorder, piano. Now I'm still learning violin and flute at once. And wanna know, give me a song and I can play it in a week, or maybe two. . .
  14. Don't we talked like this before?

  15. Taking an APTX-4869 and be young again!
  16. I know i posted here a few times but. . . In the seventh place, Kaito's Card Gun. #6 The glasses with all upgrades But I want a different style #5 Earring phone I can sneak it in school, no one will notice! XD #4 Tranquilizer watch I'm not sure who I'm gonna knock out but I guess it'll be useful. Sometimes #3 Power-Enhancing Kick Shoes and the belt I like football. Also can knock off bad guys ^^ #2 Voice changing bowtie I just want it. #1 Turbo engine skateboard!!! Em. . . show off my skateboarding skills? ^^ Oh yeah, here's my opinion. Conan's tone deaf right? So why didn't he asked Prof Agasa to make some gadget so Conan's singing won't be so bad? Seriously, why???
  17. hi. sorry i replied so late.

  18. hi. sorry i replied so late.

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