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Yea I bought some stuff from there xD cuteeee <3

yaaaaaay~~ send me some, KKLT! :3

*Grins* 9:48 pm huh? 5 Hours difference. XD

lol. you want me to tell you more? just ask ;D no need to stalk :Palright, five-hour difference. hoho~

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O______o Mk, you got infected by the Girly avatars disease. Tsk, Tsk.

Rose! your Erza siggy is soooo awesome! D: you beat me to it ;____________;

:P nah.. She is my fav anime character

WENDY MARVELL <3333 you now like fairy tail, too, MK? :Dim really good at influencing people

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How dare you Ezzy? D: All of my siggies are awesome. Dx

of course they are! who says they aren't anyway? D:< but with your Erza siggy right now, you really, really beat me to it OTL *goes off to find better images that could beat Rose's*

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of course they are! who says they aren't anyway? D:< but with your Erza siggy right now, you really, really beat me to it OTL *goes off to find better images that could beat Rose's*

I wuv you Ezzy. <333333

Try to beat me hun. :* Got tons of images I haven't use yet. Yestereday, I saw every post in tumblr that contained mirajane. \o/ Now ill search for Ezzy. <3

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I wuv you Ezzy. <333333

Try to beat me hun. :* Got tons of images I haven't use yet. Yesterday, I saw every post in tumblr that contained mirajane. \o/ Now ill search for Ezzy. <3


XD lol. I'll try me best~~ XD *starts searching*

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Rose! your Erza siggy is soooo awesome! D: you beat me to it ;____________;

WENDY MARVELL <3333 you now like fairy tail, too, MK? :Dim really good at influencing people

yep :P friend got me into it. never knew im missing on an awesome anime xD

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yaaaaaay~~ send me some, KKLT! :3

lol. you want me to tell you more? just ask ;D no need to stalk :Palright, five-hour difference. hoho~

I would love to xD but I think I only bought chopper items. Weird thing is... I don't see fairy tail items anywhere in Japan...

DC stuff limited as well... Though probably one of the more popular ones...

It's weird how just being in a certain place at a certain time with certain people can change you so much.

Agrees >__<

:P nah.. She is my fav anime character

Oh my!!! MK!!!

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I would love to xD but I think I only bought chopper items. Weird thing is... I don't see fairy tail items anywhere in Japan...

DC stuff limited as well... Though probably one of the more popular ones...

Agrees >__<

Oh my!!! MK!!!

something wrong twin? :P

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