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Detective Conan Fan Dub Project - Episode 507

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My mac isn't wanting to work at all for some reason, it's probably because the video card is having some sort of problem. Thus, I currently have no editor and no proper mic for recording. All my files are also on the laptop so... yeah. For now, please keep auditioning until July 8th and I'll try to figure something out.

EDIT: Good news.. ish. I downloaded a trial version of Sony Vegas so I'm able to do some editing on this computer, but I don't want to kill this one too. If I have to, I guess I'll sneak on my mom's computer to record voice files.. And for all of you wanting to hear Kaichou's audition, I FINALLY posted it on YouTube, so look at the video responses and you'll see "IdentityUnknownDC - Audition" and that's hers :D

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I'd like to JOIN too...

I may prefer my audition to Conan..Well,good luck for me,,rolleyes.gif

But,is windows Movie maker use to do it?if yes...

icon_redface.gifBAD~!!I can't....If no...


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You should audition! :D If you have a mic, then you should be able to record. The easiest way is to use something like Audacity which is free to download and record. You can then put the audio file on Windows Movie Maker and put a picture or whatever while your voice is going, then upload, and make it a video response :D

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BAD!!!Windows Movie Maker is used...I can't .....Because my software now is WINDOWS 7,and in that Windows I can't find WINDOWS Movie Maker...

But,i will try Audacity...I have tried once...I used WMM,which I uploaded One video,that is titled 私の好きな台詞,resembles what Conan Lines,I loved...

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Wow this is amazing. Are the parts of Takagi or Kogoro still open? (Takagi being my first pick :D)

EDIT: Right now I'm rewatching Dtective Conan, I don't like to download so I just stream the episodes off youtube.

xXGoRaCoEnvyXx <-- I've watching episodes from this girls account. I donno if she has posted every episode, but if you need to quickly find an episode I suggest to go to that youtube account. They aren't HD quality, but it really doesn't matter for me :P

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@Genghis: Like Misaki-chan said, Takagi is in the episode and every role except Sonoko, Ayumi, and Arimoto are open for this fandub and auditions are open till July 8th. Also, a lot of the episodes aren't on YouTube, but that's cool XD If you ever need a place to watch them, let me know.

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If this project goes well, what kind of episodes do you think the winners will do? Popular ones (like episode 12 and 304), movies? OVA? Or just.. all of them? :D

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@Misaki-chan: No problem XD *hugs back*

@Genghis: Well, the people who get recurring roles (Ran, Ai, Conan, etc.) will hopefully agree to take part in more episodes, and for every episode we'll have to hold more auditions for the extra characters both recurring and non (like if we did one with Kogoro in it, we'd need a person to do his voice XD). I do hope to do some popular episodes after this one (and I hope to do 508 'cause they're connected episodes..) But we'll see what we can do with loyalty and time and all that fun stuff. If we get through 507, I'll probably hold a poll asking people to vote for which episode we should do next

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Well for characters that appear for only 1 episode (or 2 if the case is 2 parts) we could have one person that doesn't have a lot of lines do their character and the non-reccuring character.

For example, in episode 507, whoever voices Sonoko could also voice that female body builder. Actually now that I think about it, we could get a male to do her voice...

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