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Forever Lost

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Everything posted by Forever Lost

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's so helpful you wouldn't believe. Thank you XD The funny part.. when fall comes around... I'll have honestly liked him for about a year now... ... dude I'll be a year closer to the day I can be rejected officially XD @Lady Irene Adler: LOL we're not together o.o
  2. .............said WHAT WAS AFTER YOU DECIDED TO ENTER THE CONTEST?! Gah. I'm so lost it's not even funny. Oh the irony of my own username.
  3. ....thanks but I'm still lost XDDD @Misaki-chan: Didn't you try to help by saying it was before you entered the contest or whateveryousaid? How are you lost..?
  4. Whaaaaaaaaaaat is by chronology? I missed something here, didn't I..
  5. *is lost to what is going on all of a sudden* Say wha?
  6. Yeah, J-man XD I'm getting really too relaxed around him -.- I'm only relaxed around my older sister, my mother, and my younger sister. My brother-in-law is a bit of a weirdo so I can't exactly relax around him. So yeah.
  7. SO THAT'S WHERE HE WENT. I'm not laughing or thinking that's hilarious at all. I.. >.>''''''' totally... am not... >.>''' WELCOME BACK KAICHOU And because I am high on tiredness.... He said my name twice. I listened. And ... he and I share a ton of attributes... apparently.. including our face looking all frowny even when we're happy. Oh dear. I'm relaxing around him... letting him into my world as much as he's letting me into his. SHOULDN'T DO IT. But I am o.o Don't mind me
  8. WOW! Awesome!!!! Btw you drew me awesomely :DDDD I lovelovelovelove it *hugs you super tight* Thanks for including me :DD

  9. Nothing super awesome special new :/ For you?

  10. It sucks 'cause I have to do it in the summer... I'm sorta happy it's easy only 'cause it means I can get it done quickly.. but... I get bored easily XD

  11. English I... second semester.. summer school... they don't have the stupid credit for some reason so they're making me take the stupid course..

  12. >3> But I dun wanna, Misaki-chan T.T I'm such a slacker and somehow I manage A's... Oh yeah.. this is a class two grade levels below my abilities >.>'''

  13. I know T.T I just don't wanna take this stupid 50 question test >3> and now I have a midterm and some other random assignment to do XD BTW I posted kaichou's audition on YouTube as a video response if you wanna go see it :3 I have a trial version of Sony Vegas, but I don't know when/if it expires, so I'm being careful.. at least I have something to edit with on this comp..

  14. My mac isn't wanting to work at all for some reason, it's probably because the video card is having some sort of problem. Thus, I currently have no editor and no proper mic for recording. All my files are also on the laptop so... yeah. For now, please keep auditioning until July 8th and I'll try to figure something out. EDIT: Good news.. ish. I downloaded a trial version of Sony Vegas so I'm able to do some editing on this computer, but I don't want to kill this one too. If I have to, I guess I'll sneak on my mom's computer to record voice files.. And for all of you wanting to hear Kaichou's audition, I FINALLY posted it on YouTube, so look at the video responses and you'll see "IdentityUnknownDC - Audition" and that's hers
  15. School... is..... >.>'''' I'm behind again XD

  16. I'm................. I wouldn't say well... but not bad XP You?

  17. o.o wakaranai desshi >.<

  18. Today I learned.. that people are annoying and rather superficial. Or rather, we reviewed this lesson. From my sister, my aunt, my mother, and the play Romeo and Juliet.
  19. Yay :DDD

    It's almost 3 am and I have to get up in the morning >.>'''

  20. I be relatively good XD You?

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