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Detective Conan World

Forever Lost

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Everything posted by Forever Lost

  1. New... nothing XD Anything for you?

  2. It's not humid here 'cause a bunch of storms went through.. but it's not cool enough to cool me down T.T
  3. o.o'''''' P.S. IT'S HOT T.T And I don't wanna finish reading this play. I don't wanna do schoolwork. ALL OF IT SHOULD DIE :DDDDD
  4. *hugs back* :3 And nana-chan, it makes me happy to hear that *I'm strange..*
  5. XDDD that's a good thing :3

  6. :3 You have the perfect member title for you
  7. I can't wait to see o.o *has never been drawn by someone else in anime form using my actual appearance* I almost said "never been drawn by someone else using my actual appearance" but my creeper 'friend' was doing that the other day.. *shudders*

  8. Fuufuufuu :3 I'm glad you like it XD
  9. XDDDD It does so HA I changed it. I'm strangely happy.
  10. o.o''' Sure... XD

    I have brown curly hair that goes halfway down mah back... straight side bangs.. Brown eyes (although I've recently discovered hints of green in them..) and.. I wear glasses all the time XD

  11. You're welcome and thank you! :D

  12. XD FINALLY Sankyuu Yes, I count all my chatroom posts as worthwhile :3
  13. >.> I 'smile' a lot.. ha. Good luck and keep up the awesome work :3

  14. >.> As in wait inconspicuously around where he might be just to say hi.
  15. Hahahahahahaha It's kind of his life. I wouldn't keep my crappy shift if I FINALLY got moved to a better one just for the ability to drive some random kid every Tuesday wasting gas and patience. Would you? I'll just have to be stalkerish on Sundays and Wednesdays...
  16. Yup T.T So... His happiness or mine... GEE his
  17. *hugs back* I am XD For work... he works really early hours till 2:30 pm and they're doing a shift change for his group.. which means he wouldn't have to wake up so early - but it also means he'll be at work when he'd normally pick me up to go on Tuesdays...
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