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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by kirite

  1. kirite

    oh gawd oh gawd your signature I loves so much

  2. Just curious, are there any Canadian DC fans around here? There doesn't seem to be alot of us eh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakila


      *slaps forehead* that's right! Forgot the most important person!

    3. kirite


      YAY \o/ not alone~

      Nice to know I'm not the only DC fan in this like...country ;u;.

    4. Ranger


      nope i ate em all

  3. Please have another one sometime SO I MAY REDEEM MYSELFFFF


  5. I'm glad you like my Haibara colouring (I always give a start whenever I see it on your sig lol)

  6. hmm why did I get the feeling I just got hacked?

  7. Star gazing during Earth Hour was amazing <3

    1. detective-db


      i even forgotten that it was earth hour yesterday... :P

    2. kirite



      ;__; I wish more people celebrate earth hour (then I can see more stars!)

  8. Dear classmate. Next time we work on a major group project (which is never) try not to tell us you didn't do anything for the last few months until the very last min of the very last week so it made the rest of us not sleep for the past week finishing your part.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Last time that happened, we told the teacher and we handed it in incomplete with our sections done, and the kid who did nothing failed. Everyone wins, well except the kid who did nothing.

    2. HalfAngel


      Lucky, Kyuu. Our teachers just say 'too bad'. My friend and I ended up doing the work of five people. It was even worse for my other friend whose whole group (4 other people) made her do at least 60% of the work :/

    3. kirite


      My teacher is on the "meh I don't care about your problems, deal with it yourself" train for sure OTL

  9. Your sig right now is amazing. SO MUCH FAINTING~~

  10. Pfft hidden camera, why would I need a hidden camera if I'm right outside your wind- I mean yes that's mine, I mean no! *ninja's in your room to steal a cookie before ninja-ing away*

  11. I approve of the okiya pic and gin pic so hard. How the hell does Gin shoot with that hair in his face....

  12. Hmm it's snowing outside. I believe it's hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows time!



      >=D yeah it is lol

      Heheh sorry I just like hot CHOCLAte xP yum

  13. I-I'm glad you like my profile pic ////, it's a crop of the full pic I drew the other day. Ahaha emo Shinichi *shot*.

  14. I usually use oil paint for studies because they don't dry so fast. I'm not used to mixing colours yet and it's just more comfortable for me to use. Lately I've been painting some Rembrandt studies, and it feels like my paint is just getting thicker and thicker xD

  15. OM NOM NOM

    I mean hi <3

  16. CC <3333333

    I come around even just for stalking you <33

  17. I don't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep ;__;

  18. Oh gawd is that 天使暂时离开 on your sig? That was the weirdest doujin ever. With that said in that particular doujin Ran's name was Aquavit.

  19. Pfft, you crazy kids, my school started last week xD

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      XD Mine started three weeks ago.

    2. Parkur
  20. Yui plushie? IT'S NOT YUI IT'S SATOUUUUU

  21. I heard Volcaloid music at my local super market today : D. Awesome day

  22. *looks out window* canada is still snowing ;;

  23. *looks out window* canada is still snowing ;;

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