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Posts posted by CarpetCrawler
say, when's your next podcast?
We were going to do one a few weeks ago, but it fell through and instead Skyechan and I worked on another project that we had planned out. The next podcast will be recorded soon, though!!
No, it's pretty much a given that everyone will have their happy ending. Gosho doesn't do sad, depressing endings. Even in Conan, any sad and depressing "ending" is later proven to be not the ending. Kogoro and Eri is the only couple where there's any doubt, since it seems like Gosho Aoyama likes to keep them bickering and never getting anywhere with their reconciliation. I can totally see them still bickering at Shinichi and Ran's wedding.
I don't really see why people think fiction should necessarily be realistic. When I read or watch fiction, I do it to immerse myself in a world which gives a sense of hope unlike real life and where rare but good things are more common.
Absolutely. But we have every right to find repetitive nonsense boring as hell. It was cute when it was Aoko and Kaito as well as Shinichi and Ran. Then when we had Heiji and Kazuha it was a little expected and their cuteness kinda made up for it. Then it was Eri and Kogoro. Then Agasa and Fuase. Then Shiratori and Kobayashi, and by now it's starting to border on parody. And then it becomes Chiba and Naeko, fully completing the self-parody. And let's not forget the bunches of times that Gosho has inserted characters who have been in love in each other since childhood into his cases, the minor characters meant for that case and nothing more. Let's be real here, that's a little cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. And hell, even in Yaiba, that counts as a childhood love story.
And it's funny because with Haibara you'd think that the other stereotype would be prevalent (bringing up my semi-quoted main point: "a tsundere who warms their heart for the main protagonist is more stereotypical than a childhood love story") but he actually shuts that stereotype down, tenfold no less, with an overabundance of childhood love stories. I'm a fan of childhood love pairings as much as most folks but it's like, good lord, where do you draw the line?
I don't read comic books to have an accurate portrayal of life either, but it sure did get boring in The Secret Invasion story-arc where it was nothing but Skrulls over at Marvel a few years back, didn't it?
RE: The Black Demon:
At the same time though, the non-childhood couples are also unbalanced. Takagi x Sato received most of the focusing while we don't really know what would happen to Sonoko x Makoto.
Yeah, but I feel like this is kinda the point. Sonoko and Makoto are a long distance relationship due to his tournaments overseas, hence Gosho is trying to make it so that when Makoto does do something for Sonoko, it's a little more special. The problem here is that the series is just so long that it feels like the gaps for Makoto and Sonoko are a lot longer than you'd think. And it makes it a lot less special.
I think it's just because it gets freakin' old. Gosho is starting to border on self-parody at this point. Especially when he even has one for Chiba? Like, seriously?
My long-standing theory is that Gosho Aoyama had a traumatic incident featuring a love from his childhood and this is how he expresses himself. Sadly, I'm only half-joking.
"Note to self : stay away from the psycho with the dead-mommy laptop.'
YES!! The Night Baron Murder Case!! Perfection~ <3
The "we think it's the knife in his back, sir" line is great, but "Bert Bledsoe at your service" is up there, along with Richard Moore's ninjas line.
And of course "96" "Almost my favorite number!!".
Garnet Crow, the band behind various opening and closing songs in Detective Conan, is going to be breaking up in June. More details can be found here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-03-30/japanese-rock-band-garnet-crow-to-split-up-in-june
Kinda sad to hear, Garnet Crow was awesome and I'm gonna miss 'em, especially since Detective Conan openings tend to be flat lately...
Hi when will be the movie going to be in theaters
April 20th, 2013.
Well to be fair, of course she'd lose a spring in her step after Shuu died.
But yes, in general I stand by my theory on the podcast. When Gosho has "new toy syndrome", and loses interest in characters he used to be interested in, this is the kind of stuff that happens. He doesn't write her the way he used to because he just plain out doesn't want to write her, hence her character looks and acts a little too different.
3/15/13: Episode 32. On the premiere episode of 2013, special guest Melkior fills-in kinda last minute for Chekhov and does a fantastic job for being a first-time guest. Everyone explains what they did during the Winter, and Southpaw reads her resume on the air. We call Gosho Aoyama out on various issues, including how inexcusably long the Bourbon arc was, as well as how much of a poor romance writer he is. But the entire thing isn't anti-Gosho!! We swear!! Melkior talks about her fandom history, as well as running an Ask Gin and Vodka RP blog on Tumblr, and we all get into an interesting discussion about Gin and Sherry's relationship (and even a discussion about the APTX). Also, Southpaw has Tokumei Sentai GoBusters feels and Skyechan discusses the latest with her rewatch. She's in the 500's, so... yeah, feel sorry for her. We also talk *a lot* about pairings, so if you're a shipping fan, this podcast is the one for you!! Manga spoilers from 4:32-5:43. Length: 1 hour and 26 minutesMP3 download link: HereStreaming link: Here -
This happened to me as well with Chrome.
I fixed it when i updated my JAVA.
276. Missing Policeman's Notebook.
What about this episode:
I'm late to the party but I finally played Super Meat Boy for the first time yesterday... actually a pretty good little game.
Before I create the group I'd rather see how many people I can get in there first. If there's only going to be like 5 people from here in it I don't see a reason to make it. So we'll see.
I don't think gaming companies will realize DRM is destroying their own industry until it is too late.
Whoa. Let's see what comes out of this.
Hey there folks~! A status update on what's been going on with the podcast.
After some time off, the podcast plans to record for the new 2013 season very soon!! Our first guest of 2013 will be none other than Chekhov, so if you've got any specific questions you'd like for her to answer, let us know via a private message or in this thread!! See you soon!!
Hey there guys, anyone else here have a Steam account? If so, let us know your username!! I'd like to start up a Steam group for DCW members so that we can all be organized an in a group, and possibly play games together if we happen to have the same multiplayer games!!
My username on there is carpetcrawlerdc so feel free to add me and let's get a group started if there's enough folks over here that happen to have Steam accounts!!
the wine was the true victim
First of - I am not entirely sure what these are, but I'm guessing they're for breaking the rules (even though they aren't verified in anyway).
A user is typically notified when they get warning points added to their account. I say "typically" because like most everyone we will forget once in a blue moon, or will give out the warning in the thread where the points were earned.
Who actually needs to know if they broke the rules?
For certain not as well-behaved members, it does act as a pretty good way to keep some people's cool. Many moons ago we had two or three users on this board that didn't want to play nice (or in one person's case, only followed the rules when they saw fit).
Also say you got in an argument with another user - you were mean and you regret it, do you really want it to say "Warning points: 5" or whatever...
Yes, it'll teach you to argue more civily next time instead of focusing on petty name-calling or spamming, whatever it was that had necessitated you getting the warning points in the first place.
Either way this is an IP Board feature, this isn't something Maurice went out of his way to add. I'm thinking that if he tried removing it, it would remove the warning feature altogether. Invision is kinda picky like that unfortunately.
Twix is great, my favorite will still always be Kit Kat though.
Wiki is important. It is for the knowledge of the community. But the forums are important too... It's a DCW community. It's like family. Its like my house. I don't really feel sad when the wiki goes down (e.g into maintenance...), but I do feel sad when the forums goes down. That's the difference.
That's fine and dandy, but my point still stands.
and I hope everyone understands that DCW IRL may soon become just as important as the wiki.
There's lunacy and then there's just plain lunacy. For the love of pete, please read what you just said out loud. You're legitimately insinuating that a roleplaying group on a forum that barely gets most of the traffic that comes to DCW is going to become just as important as the top fan-sourced wiki/encyclopedia for Detective Conan information (Wikipedia's content is laughable).
DCTP is bar-none a bigger board than we are. They have more roleplays going on than we do. And they don't have a roleplay board. Why? Because there's not enough to warrant including the board. Even their semi-roleplaying game Mafia is in the games sub-forum. Take my Magic Kaito point, which everyone glossed over. Logic dictates that since Magic Kaito is Conan-related it would get its own board, right? There's not enough discussion to warrant creating the board for it. If there was, it would have happened by now, but there isn't.
I hate to break it to you kids, but like 10% of the traffic for DCW comes from here. It's all in the wiki. No amount of roleplays and special forums and all that jazz will ever change that. Believe me, I've tried. The wiki is a giant. It's what people come to this website for. The traffic comparison is never going to change. It's too large of a difference.
Basically one thread that has links to every past DCW IRL thread, like an archived list of them.
Former Kogoro Voice Actor Akira Kamiya Hospitalized
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I'm pretty sure he's alive and I'm pretty sure responding a two+ year old topic and not really providing anything to the conversation is probably not a good idea. I am locking this.