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Detective Conan World

Kaito Natake

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Everything posted by Kaito Natake

  1. Nope, it was 3! is it...3? 1-I eat bugs 2-I have 5 pets 3-I love the color teal
  2. Heya~! You name your anime and make up an ice cream and the person below you has to make up one that is somehow related to yours~! Good luck~! Bleach~! Kon's Favorite! Ingredients: -Fudge -Fudge Ice Cream -Chocolate -Cookie Pieces -Orange Segments
  3. Umm...I've never been on this b-4... how does one play?!?!?
  4. # 1??? '_' 1- I'm 75 lbs 2- I eat duck 3- I eat rabbit :-P
  5. Okiya Subaru...do I really need to tell you why? =_=" Um...an orange? :3
  6. Heyyy~ OTT~ New name? ^-^

  7. I'm totally in L-O-V-E!!!!

  8. I'm totally in L-O-V-E!!!!

  9. Meet me character, Stickette~ Stickette
  10. ...because they are pancakes. Why do I love someone?
  11. 4. A sign from naruto indicating the leaf village...
  12. Ask them why and draw my weapons in self-defense. What would you do if you met sherlock holmes?
  13. Hey! You can choose a theme on google chrome, and theres detective conan!!!!

  14. (o) Noooooo! He went to a christmas dance with me and told me I looked pretty and I really love him!!! :l

  15. Nothin' much, Gyakusatsu-sama... just ro-mance! I'm in love w/ a boy at my school~<3

  16. @_@ Mind-boggling picture-thingy!!!

  17. Ya, the raven is a really good one a well!~<3
  18. If you have anything you want someone yo make you,they can post it and your request here!
  19. ...Have you ever been in love?~<3

  20. Hello~ Have a good time here on DCW~!

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