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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by yungching

  1. Happy birthday!!! xD

  2. Have fun and enjoy your "stay"!

  3. Hearty-chaaaaan! It's been so long! How are you? :D

    1. Wildheart888


      Omigooosh!! Ching-chaaaaan!!! XDDD I KNOWWWWW!! I'M GOOOOOD!! HOW'RE YOUUUU?? :D

    2. yungching


      Omigoooooosh Hearty-chaaaaaan!!!! XD I'm great :DDD How's life/school? XD

    3. yungching


      OMG I mised your birthday! Happy belated birthday Hearty-chan! >.< <3 And Happy New Year! :D

  4. Hi and welcome to DCW! Hope you have a good time here! :D

  5. Hi and welcome to DCW! Hope you have a nice time here. And as you have guessed or noticed, the people here are very friendly XD

  6. Hi and welcome to DCW! I see that you've already made some friends... That's good, and I'm sure you'll have a good time here :D

  7. Hi and welcome to DCW! You say you're from Malaysia? Me too! \o/ ;D

  8. Hi and welcome! (I joined a few days before you :P) How are you?

  9. Hi Cindy! How're you doing?

  10. Hi I'm fine, how're you? (I posted this here again, cause I'm not sure if I should be replying on my profile or here...)

  11. Hi I'm fine, how're you?

  12. Hi nis-aihara! Maaf sebab lambat reply OTL Tak banyak masa macam dulu, PMR tahun ni... D: Tapi congratz on getting your old account back! \o/ :D

    1. nis-aihara


      Thanks!Best giler guna account yg ni. . . 'TheGunner' tu buat backup la. :P

      Aku apa kurangnya, dh masuk asrama LAGI x banyak masa TT^TT

  13. Hi, I was having lunch but I'm finished now and of course you're offline again...

  14. Hi, I'm just leaving a note to say: Happy birthday! :)

  15. Hi! (as usual, a late reply :P) But now you're offline...

  16. Hi! :D How's it going down under?

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