Sophia walks out the airport and sees a girl holding a sign that says "DCW Forum", and goes to join those who have already arrived.
"Hi," the girl with the sign says. Her smile is easy, but a little bit cautious. "I'm IdentityUnknown, the organizer of this little trip." She offers a hand, which Sophia takes. "You can call me Jay. Most of us are here already." She nods towards some of the other people there. "That's Mark, though since he's reading the paper, I wouldn't interrupt him. Mohorovicic, that's his DCW name. Elizabeth, or Elli, or L--she goes by a lot of names--is the girl with the purple hair and combat boots. She's Sparrow. Oh, and that short girl is KKLT, also known as Amber. Just introduce yourself to the people around and you'll be fine." To her disappointment, they all seem a little preoccupied, but well, there's other people, right?
A few minutes later, a tall girl joins them. Sophia ignored her until she made her way over to Mark and said "Hey! I'm Misaki!" At this she turned around and caught the girl's eye and Misaki almost immediately leapt at her while exclaiming "Suki!" They chatted for a while until Mark said "Mysterious Serial Killer Strikes Again?" and started reading the paper he handed out while muttering a few notes to themselves.