Illogical and Irrational Behavior

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Within the Detective Conan universe, one of the most notable recurring tropes is the illogical, irrational, or outright contradictory behavior of a considerable number of characters. Sometimes, the easy explanation for such seemingly dangerous pattern is that Gosho Aoyama is artificially prolonging a story arc, by preventing a quick breakthrough. In that case, a plot device usually referred to as plot armor prevents anything too nasty from happening to those characters who appear to behave irrationally. Alternatively, the irrational behavior is intrinsically required by the universe itself for certain cardinal elements of Detective Conan to be possible in the first place (e.g., the Sleeping Kogoro act).


Lack of information sharing

Japanese law enforcement

The police is known for not taking any issue with children, teenagers, and other anauthorized individuals being present at, and messing with crime scenes. Conan, Haibara, the Detective Boys, Ran, and Sonoko are usually reminded not to interfere with any ongoing investigation, but no real effort is made by any officer to remove them from the scene, and to prevent them from re-entering it. Other than Kogoro occasionally punching Conan for being bothersome and insistent, being at a crime scene when not supposed to, does not have signficant consequences. While the presence of adult detectives such as Kogoro, and teenage detectives such as Shinichi, Hattori, and Masumi can in principle be tolerated, any contamination of the crime scene could both hinder the investigation, and render the collected evidence inadmissible. As such, the police is not doing a good job at restricting crime scenes, and enforcing those restrictions.

Sleeping Kogoro

The way bystanders react to the sleeping Kogoro act does not make much sense. The conditions for the ruse to be discovered by other characters appear to be arbitrary. Everyone should be able to see that Korogo is sleeping and not talking. Therefore, the level of intelligence required to discover the truth is unclear. Additionally, it is hard to belive that any adult would just stay there and listen to a speech simingly coming out of nowhere, without, at least, acting to check Kogoro's condition.


The F.B.I. team lead by James Black has been behaving sub-optimally for most of its mission:

  • No collaboration with the Japanese law enforcement has ever been seeked, despite no real obstacle exists, and the mission would benefit from it.
  • No explicit collaboration with the C.I.A. has ever took place, despite the shared common knowledge of Hidemi Hondou's allegiance.
  • Team members have been keeping secrets from each other which not only has hindered the quest against the Black Organization, but have also put many colleagues' lives in danger.