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Detective Conan World

Wondering, pondering...

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I wonder why I feel so lost recently


^Maybe life is just being a bit unfair?

Or maybe your phone is broken and you can't tell north from south, that might be it, too.

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I wonder why the Internet is grounded again

If only the Internet had parents...


I wonder why teachers want us to take such strict positions on some prompt question. Would it be so bad if we were more realistic and remained neutral?

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Okay, rant time:


I'm wondering why the hell Pixlr decided to incorporate advertisements into their program. As an avid user for many years, I am extremely ticked off by this implementation. The reason why Pixlr became so popular was because it was a fantastic alternative to Photoshop. I know I shouldn't be complaining because it is their program and they have the right to do whatever they want with it. I just think it's outrageous how every time I need to use it, I have to have this monstrous advertisement glaring at me now. Actually, it's not the advertisement that's irritating me--it's the fact that the ad covers one third of the page. Honestly, this is ridiculous; them trying to exploit the program for ad revenue in the most obvious manner possible. Gosh, it's such a waste of space. I seriously never thought they would stoop this low. It basically feels like a slap in the face saying, "hey, this is our program and we only appreciate you for the ad revenue so suck it up." It's sad to see a lot of programs and websites fall victim to this. I normally don't mind ads, but when they become this distracting, I get really ticked off. Couldn't they have at least made the ad less obvious?


Of course, I could always resort to Photoshop, but as Pixlr used to be my main photo editing program, this change was something I was not ready for.



sorry for the rant, I just needed to get that out of my system.

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I wonder what I'm gonna be eating tomorrow morning

1.) Instant noodles

2.) Fried Egg

3.) Hotdog

4.) Corned beef

5.) Luncheon meat

I wonder why I don't get tired even after hours of walking.

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