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Detective Conan World

What Gets on Your Nerves?

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KKLT san wears glasses too :)

What gets on my nerves...

when people say they don't care about something yet make a big deal out of it... like one of the guys in the writing class, who insisted that my work is too short for the group to give me advice.

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Yea... I wear glasses. :P I think Misaki chan asked me to give a description of myself to her... :mellow: So I posted it on her wall.....

When you search the entire house for something and cant find it at all....... Then get all frustrated and angry then gave up.... and ... there it is. <_<

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It's not wrong kid!!!!!! It's just... Different! Why do you hate gays? Thats what they are!!! Just... Different! Like you!!! And it's not all the gays we like. WE CHOOSE. It's not like we like them because they're gay... We most prob ALREADY like them whether or not they are gay... And find that their relationship with another guy friend is soooo cute! So we just pair them up and wish to shrill at some intimate encounter that's all. Some fans may take it to another whole new level, but it's not really like what you think. We just love the excitement... :P

I never said that I hate gays, I just said that it's wrong for girls to like gays!! I think it's okay to be gay, but it's just not okay for girls to like 'em... And it's disgusting too!

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