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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by dw5chaosfan


    1. hopes
    2. dw5chaosfan


      It was awesome.

      church music for the first time.

  2. just created a new facebook account

  3. I have a science project on foresic anthropology due on monday, and I need suggestions on the cause of death for my made-up victm.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Haven't you watched enough DC?


      Poison... try not to use KCN... so over done... Animal venom is fun though!

      Guns are a blast as are explosives... If you know enough about rifling and gunpowder composition that should be fun...

      Knives are always a popular choice...

      Then you have blunt force and strangulation...

      Take your pick

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Pick a disease that causes skeletal problems, like rickets. I assume this class focuses more on historical death.

    3. AokoNakamori


      i say stab in the neck or heart with an icicle. that way it melts before anyone finds it. or a poisoned practice arrow, cyanide work..or aconite. try a disease? hmmm.lymphoma,AIDS,phnemonia, CANCER.

      hmmm...there are MANY MANY ways to kill or have a person die. i'm a mystery nut. i know.

      hmm...wolvesbane,over dose of drugs. sleeping drugs or cold drugs work.

      hmmm...drowning,suphocation,plain old beat downs, surgery mistake..wow. this is fun

  4. thinks that plants vs zombies is awesome.

    1. Miike


      It's fun, is it? :D

  5. I just learned that my english teacher almost got fired last year

  6. I just found ou tthat my english teacher was almost fired last year.

  7. tour guide of the underworld and steelswarm roach are overrated yu-gi-oh cards.
  8. Finally, the damn power outage is fixed!!!

  9. Oh boy, the power outage at my house won't be fixed until sunday, so only things that use plugs can run until then. horray.

  10. Apparently my friend hates his internet company since it wastes his time by calling for nothing.

  11. finally, my mouse started working again!!!

  12. Finally, my dad is lifting the DS ban.

  13. My math teacher is a complete dick with homework. She gave us a homework sheet plan for november and december, and it was typoed so that instead of yesterday's homework, we had a double of the day before and therefore didn't have to do any. However, when she found out, she added the homework we were supposed to have on the holiday homework! It's her mistake, not our's and she should be the one paying for it, not us!!

    1. TheBlackTac
    2. panda456


      dude that totally sucks

  14. completely bored.

    1. deane18


      read manga of detective conan or watch the latest episodes hehehe =)

  15. Greaaaaat. All of the teachers gave positive remarks at the parent eacher conference, but my dad STILL DIDN'T LIFT THE DS BAN!!

  16. I swear, what is it that is bothing me saying that I will never be in a romantic relationship?

  17. why is life so much like a killer?

  18. Parent teacher conference.

  19. dw5chaosfan


    My dad and my mom divorced 3 years ago, and I have to say, try to go with the parent you like.
  20. dw5chaosfan


    Just today, my English teacher gave the entire a minus on the project because we did not use pocket folders to hold them. WTF?!!
  21. I would like to read, but I don't have access to the books.
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