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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Awagode

  1. Wow. Haven't been active for a while now.


    1. ShinRan1742
    2. Awagode


      I KNOWW. It feels soo weird. I've been waiting for this moment for a whole year! *U* And now I finally watched it. II feel like a big black hole inside.

  3. Here's a link! :DDDDDD Mod says: No links to watch anime online sites please. Sorry, but we don't want to be sued.
  4. DC makes soo much easier this horrible school week :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. panda456


      D: what happened?

    3. Lovestruck


      It's okay XD And that's cool, Spain is one of the most beautiful countries I ever visited <3

    4. Awagode


      Panda> I just started school a week and a half ago so I was a little bit stressed. I just need to start all over again. This is my last year!

      Rosie> Really? Where has you been? :D I know, I love my country! (I just need to forget about our bad economic crises to enjoy it xDDD). You're from the USA, I guess.

  5. Just can't wait anymore T_T It's not fair! I mean, just because we don't understand japanese we have to wait 6 months more?! Equality, justice! Ò__Ó But I'm happy we have the DCTP. At least we will watch it with subtitles :mrgreen:
  6. Quite tired. Work to do, even on holidays :( But happy anyways!

  7. Ava: 6 Sign: 15/10 xDD I mean THAT'S THE LONGEST SIGNATURE I'VE EVER SEEN. How on earth can you do that and how much time have you spent on it? xDDD
  8. ^I got it from their Facebook. :3
  9. Awagode

    Spanish Chatroom

    I know learning a language is dificult and that Spanish may be quite annoying sometimes so... why don't we create a language game? I think everyone is on holidays now so it could be interesting to keep the level till clases start again! :3. What do you think? Keep it up! A alguien de los castellano-parlantes se le ocurre algo? Así, que si alguien conoce algún juego que pueda ser interactivo, que lo deje caer por aquí.
  10. I think there is a DVD release date but because I don't understand what it's writen I'll just post it here so someone can translate it to me? *u* http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/306542_297562523676423_1694842275_n.jpg
  11. The name of the wind and The wise man's fear. I absolutely loved them.
  12. Awagode

    Martial Arts

    Congrats, Lia! (Even if you fost it like 2 months ago u_u'). I've been looking for Aikido dojos in my city for a few months now and I discovered there's one about to get opened just round the corner! I can't wait *U*.
  13. Just changed my avatar :3. First time in 8 months!

  14. Awagode

    Depression Club

    I think I need a hug because I'm quite fed up with my parents divorce's issues. I don't want them to use me just because I can give a message to the other without fighting or just try to make me split all the other's weaknesses so they can tell 'em in front of the judge. This has been like this for a long time now and I really cannot stand it anymore. I don't care about the money issues, I don't care about what they are going to do with their lifes, I just want to have a break. This has been going on for about 10 years now and I can't believe they still haven't reached an agreement. Plus I don't want my little brother to get involved. As I was saying, I need a hug xDD. *u*
  15. Completely tired of hearing the word 'divorce'. I want everything to end right here right now :(.

  16. Avatar: 7/10. Signature: 11/10 :DD. (Doesn't even make sense xD).
  17. Cannot stop watching Grey's Anatomy.

    1. Lovestruck


      Me too <33333333

    2. Awagode


      What season are you watching? :3. (I'm in 5x21)

  18. Tomorrow to Ibiza *U*

  19. How are you doing? :3

  20. ONE EXAM LEFT BUHUHUHUHU. Tomorrow, 8 am. Everything will end at 12, AND I'LL BE FREEEEEE *OOO*

    1. ShinRan1742


      Now I think you're finally free!!!;D

    2. Awagode
  21. Exams, here I go.

    1. ShinRan1742


      I'm sure you'll get excellent results! ^_^

    2. Awagode


      Oh, you're so cute! Thanks and good luck for you too!

    3. ShinRan1742
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