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Status Updates posted by Valkyrie

  1. 2nd?? O_O Apart from Kanna-chan and I, who else is your elder bro/sis?

    @Cindy: Yep he is! XD Now I can tease him everyday! XPPP

  2. 7-10 MY time. I don't know what time it'll be there.

    I'll go on now. Din's in Yahoo. Now how on earth did he get the Internet acess??? O_O

    Ask him that from me please. :)

  3. 888+88+8+8+8=1000

    Is that right? O_O

  4. A new story? What is it? :)

    And you should hurry off to school. Don't be late~

  5. A party? O_O

    What do you mean?

  6. A person?



    Well... I just hope that it will turn out alright... I can't do anything much. Sorry. I just hope that you will turn out ok and everything will just go fine....

    P.s: I'm terrible at this... DX Just ignore me if that makes you feel better...

  7. About 7-10am. I am always there at that time cos I want to talk to you. Din too. At Yahoo. Dx

    Not sure if he'll be there now though. He's in Mongolia. No Internet acess I think.

  8. ACK! I can't do that~ I still haven't read it. DX

    I'll start reading it soon.

    I gtg now. Bye!

  9. ACK! Sorry I didn't realise! Thanks again!

    And about your test, sad to hear about the 90 questions... :|

  10. Ack!!! I totally forgot! *smash head against tree trunk*

    Sorry... :( Didn't mean to...

  11. ACK!!! I'll bring you back!

    @KKLT: Why did you kidnap my sister you???? DX

  12. Actually it makes me feel weird. What kind of girl can beat a guy who is taller and twice her weight?

    Thanks anyway Kid! :D I got to go now cos I need to return to my practice. Slacked too long already. XP

    Night Kid~

    @Mkk: Thanks lil bro! <3 *hugs* XP

  13. Ade hutan... Saya nak tinggal di hutan yang ade orang hutan. XP

    Johor boring seh... Takde ape ape nak buat.

  14. Agaaaaiiinnnn???? Dx

    He uses tooooo much ':V's. xP

  15. All Hail Us!!!! XD

    And finals aren't nearing! For me, it's like 9 months away! The teachers are acting as though the finals are coming tomorrow!

  16. All right. I'll call you Dorothy-neesan!

    I'm fine thanks. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You have my condolosence. (sorry if I'm being to formal)

  17. All this time, I thought there's only one world with one timing thanks to DCW. Then I just realised that not everyone live in the same timing... =X

    Stupid me. x.x

  18. Alright I guess. :D

    So what are you doing? Randomly reading threads? xP

  19. Alright no problem! :)

    Firstly, to add friends- When you visit someone's profile, there'll be a 'Add me as a friend' option beneath their profile picture. Click on it to add the person as a friend. At posts, tehre will be a button for adding them as a friend as well.

    2. Introducing yourself- Go to the thread 'Introduce Yourself' and start a new topic. Just ...

  20. Alright! :D I'll check it out!

    Happy New Year ! XD

  21. Alright! ;) Thanks Kanna-chan! :D

    I got to go now. Noapte bună! XD

  22. Alright! Let's tackle the first problem, Paragraphing.


    Paragraphing is really important as it shows how well you can co-ordinate the points in your story. You can't squeeze everything into one paragraph nor can you just use too many of them.

    Uses of paragraphs

    1. Use for dialogue~For every dialogue, there must be a new paragraph. This isn't a strict r...

  23. Alright! This is what we do!

    1. Slash him with sword

    *slash Kid with sowrd*

    2. Throw a bomb at him

    *throw bomb. Kid blasted hundred feet into the air.

    3. Shoot with any long range weapons you can get.

    *shoot with guns and bow and arrows.*

    That's our plan! XD

  24. Always homework for me no matter what. <_< Welcome to MY life. XP

    I got to go. Bye! :D *gives chocoheart*


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