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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Valkyrie

  1. Buna! :D

    Ce faci?

    P.S: How do you say: 'What are you doing?'

  2. But I'm not then but is now. <_<

    Oh man, I hate the time difference. *facepalm*

  3. But that means we will be at the top of the 'Most Wanted' list!! That means all authority figures are after us!! FBI, CIA you name it! So why not take 2nd place and relax? We can watch Zombie-niisan/MKK get chased by the people from the Mental Institute and FBI,CIA etc. XP

    Note: I hope neither one of them are reading this...

  4. Bye but sadly, I'm not going to be here then. :(

    School. <_<

    bye and ttyl! <3

  5. Bye bye! Take the train will you? If you take the sleigh, I can't go back as well! XP

    *gives MKK a yoghurt*

    Your meal back home. XP Goodbye!

  6. Bye Cindy-chan! <3

    @Mkk: I'm not asking myself. I'm thinking about being friends with balthazar, mm and Kid before asking them to be my bros!

  7. Bye little bro! <3

    Sweet dreams!

  8. Bye little bro. :) Have a good time sleeping and daydreaming. :)

    I'm tired too. xP Night night. <3

  9. Bye Rose-chan! <3 Good luck for your finals! :D

    ALL HAIL THE QUEEN! <3333333333333

  10. Bye! :D I'll wait for you so we can escape Mars together. XP I am going to hide in my relatives house. XP


  11. Bye!! :D I'm on my way! I'll be back as soon as you come online again! Bye! <3333333


  12. Bye... Dx

    We can talk next time. :)

    Have a goodnight rest. <33333333333333333333333333333333

  13. Call me Rin please! :D I'll call you A.L if that's alright with you! :)

    Have you created AMVs before? I think I saw an AMV created by a name that looks alike to yours.

  14. Call me Rin please. :D I think I should announce it to DCW since so many people dunno what to call me. :)

    P.S: What can I call you?

  15. Call me Rin! :D

    And I don't get angry easily. /me is a very happy-go-lucky person. XP

  16. Can I call you Yuchi-chan? It sounds cute! :P

    You can call me Rin! :D

  17. Ceiling? Lame jokes? What? O.o

    Nothing much is happening. Rotting if that's an action. XP

  18. Changed back to the non-anon group already?

    You traitor...

  19. Cindy-chan! <33333333333333333333333

    How are you? :D

  20. CINDY-CHAN!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    I miss you~ Dx

  21. CINDY-CHAN!!!!


  22. Cindy!!!! *super hug*

    and he knows cos he had it before :P

  23. Cindy's not here but I'll continue with the spamming! :D

    *gets oxes to run over you*

  24. Coklat!???!! Eeeeee.... Tak cantik seh... <_<

    Kau kemaskan sungaitu ah! Nanti air semua biru.... XP

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