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Detective Conan World

Kaito Lady

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Everything posted by Kaito Lady

  1. you can bet it!! <3

  2. going to sleep...good night...

  3. Kaito! conan or shinichi?
  4. depends on what you're doin... can it be possible that im totally mad?
  5. OH! thank goodness ive finally find it!!!

    *jumps out of joy*

  6. *votes* *looks at poll outcome* eh? why arent here more aicons?!
  7. Nice confusing place...:P

  8. @KTPT:after long time of search...this is the only place ive found.....*is begining to confuse*

  9. @KTPT:meh, no problem ;D

    i'm ok with "KL" ;)

  10. pair<3 you spell it sasuke in english! :shock: english or any other language
  11. i learned today that this place has lots of things and place
  12. yes, if you have fotografic memory is it possible that i wont go to sleep tonight?
  13. listen naruto or saske?
  14. thankyou very much everyone!!! :D @Mohorovicic:no, i don't know who are you.... but i'm glad to know you know me! ;-)
  15. bullet inuyasha or kagome?
  16. yes is it possible that DC get someday a end?
  17. now i just need a nice avatar...

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