Illogical and Irrational Behavior

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 13:49, 7 May 2020 by Cloudstrife9999 (talk | contribs) (Japanese law enforcement)
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Within the Detective Conan universe, one of the most notable recurring tropes is the illogical behavior of many characters. While, most of the times, this is a simple device to lengthen the duration of several story arcs, it is worth nothing that a number of characters and groups often act in an illogical or outright contradictory manner.


Lack of information sharing

Japanese law enforcement

The police is known for not taking any issue with children and teenagers being present at, and messing with crime scenes. Conan, Haibara, the Detective Boys, Ran, and Sonoko are usually reminded not to interfere with any ongoing investigation, but no real effort is made by any officer to remove them from the scene, and to prevent them from re-entering it. Other than Kogoro occasionally punching Conan for being bothersome and insistent, being a child at a crime scene does not have other consequences. While the presence of teenage detectives such as Shinichi, Hattori, and Masumi can in principle be tolerated, any contamination of the crime scene can both hinder the investigation, and render the collected evidence inadmissible.