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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Misaki-chan

  1. Well, I'm just that oblivious! :) And I like Akakata.

  2. I sent it to your... rocketmail account?

  3. Oh. Phew. Good, it came. Well, good luck! :)

  4. Ne, Kiel, since I am going to assume that you'll help me, if we get two more people to "beg" Aeyra to make a CoAi version of her story "Unexpected", she'll do it! Do you know any more CoAi fans?

  5. Don't worry, I don't mind waiting! ^__^

  6. Good luck on your exams! Study hard!

  7. Happy birthday! *hugs*

  8. Happy birthday! *gives birthday cookie*

  9. Thank you! *hugs* Anything you can suggest I should change?

  10. Out of curiousity... Will you ever reveal your birthday?

  11. Well, I wanna know! Then I can make you a birthday present, whenever it is.

  12. Hey, then you're a Libra like me! (My theory still seems to be right....)

  13. Thank you! It was really helpful! :)

  14. My lovely zodiac theory. People with the same cardinal element (air, fire, water and earth) tend to get along, no matter how different. And so far, people with the same sign. But the second will get proven wrong soon, I'm pretty sure, but as the first one.... I may be right about that one... And your bday is before my? Do I need to guess till I get it right or will you just tell me?

  15. I see... I'll keep that in mind. :P And at least I'll have plent of time to get your present ready. I'll write down the date. *scribbles on notepad* There! All taken care of! :)

  16. I put your request up already! I had some free time, so.... I hope you like it! :)

  17. RANDOM HUG ATTACK!!! *tackle hug*

  18. I'm sure in the end the coloring will turn out great! :)

  19. I don't know how to do that. I'm not very techy suave. :P Instead, I just color with color pencil and scan it. So much easier... (in my opinion.)

  20. Do you not own a scanner, or are you just unable to access it? And what did you draw?

  21. I can't wait to see it! You're such a good drawer Je-chan!

  22. Hurray! And you are a good drawer! Name something that's bad about your drawing, right now!

  23. So? I have those problems too, I'm sure plenty of people do! (Sorry, got to go! Mom's kicking me off the computer! See you tomorrow, ok?)

  24. Hello! I'm Misaki-chan, nice to meet you! Post around, have some fun, and enjoy your time here! :)

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