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Miss Smiles

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Status Updates posted by Miss Smiles

  1. plan to write other story soon...

  2. Sorry, I couldn't help it, if I type out I then remember everything about numbers. I decided not to cover all in Chinese basics.

  3. I then realize it's advanced for kids and teenagers who still learning thousands.

  4. Anyway I'll exclude that from the lesson.




    亿 (100000000.100000001.100000002---999999999).九位

  5. It's fixed. Actually the word almost sound the same but good news is you remind me.

  6. my story on hiatus, writing half way and lost the muse...

  7. They fix it, don't worry.

  8. emergency, CD proboards support one is working on repair, the place we're active in are temporarily unavailable. We have to wait for teams to repair the connection.

  9. Now you can use back account.

  10. Now it's resolved. Don't worry, I'll still carry on writing.

  11. Not planning to join art competition any time. :P But, I finish drawing Sera! Now it's in art section.

  12. Awwww... :( I've read it when you tell me about it. Thanks! :D

  13. I've send a message to inbox. :)

  14. The story is on hold, I may delete story when it did not updated next month.

  15. She may already read it, this worries me because I ask person who is busy and I become affected by that.

  16. I know I make a bold move to show draft online and may risking it to say it's draft for editing, actually I'm scared because I already done. I lose control.

  17. when is the date my mood is changed and I don't know how to proceed from there, because I lost objective and need someone to say something about it like you tell me it doesn't look good, I feel something I'm lacking of I then ask because I try to engage her to read first.

  18. Actually I did ask friend for help, but I did not hear from her because of time differences. What I afraid most is to see my friend may say time differences and her schedule, I ask her to tell me which date she can submit but she did not answer, i then realize I wish I did ask earlier because I already send draft. I don't wish to screw up my chapter 5, because I can see she's reluctant ...

  19. there's chapter hiccup on mine... not really. I'm making things worse without software and need to readapt, give me time to get things right...

  20. Winner's name revealed! Who win art competition? Check the thread and congratulate winner! Find out more: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/3359-painting-competition-landscapes-winner-is/page__st__80__p__261836#entry261836

    1. MadelineLime


      What is the title of the winning piece?

    2. Wildheart888


      River Dreams~! ^^

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