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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. I wish I had something good to eat now... No, wait! I do! *goes to kitchen*
  2. Tsukiko stared at the message she had gotten form Alek. "I... I don't know how to drive..." Her hand shook in annoyed rage as she fought against urge to throw the piece of plastic/metal/glass/whatnot on the wall. She glanced around the storage room then. There wasn't much left to see anymore. Just a couple of boxes. The Finn riffled through them and found a strange black box. "Huh? What's this?" "I've obtained a strange black box. Looks suspicious. Oh, by the way. I freaking can't drive a car!" Tsukiko wrote on the message that she sent to Alek. "I should probably head to the roof... The Kid impersonator might be there... And if this one ends up being dangerous, I can toss it easily away." The blonde left the room but not before glancing her wrist watch. "Five minutes to go..."
  3. Dear anonymous I'm getting sidetracked too easily... tsukiko
  4. Tsukiko looked around the storage room she was in. She could barely even rememebr how she had gotten in it. But ehr leg was hurting like a b*tch so she must have run even though she shouldn't have. "Alright... Calm down and play back everything..." The Skeletom man had appeared again and taken L or Eru or El or something like that with him after relaying a message about five other bombs in the building that would go off in ten minutes. Oh, and it wasn't a heist but an attack that'd be there. And right! A bomb had gone off and their group had scattered around the building to find the bombs. "I could try to find the Kid instead of the bombs..." The blonde mused. "Where could he be?" As Tsukiko had forgotten to ask the numbers of the other members of the group(except Alek), she had no way to contact them. And to be honest, she didn't fancy sending a message to him either. "I can try to find something useful from here too..." Since she had nothing else sensible to do, the blonde Finn began going through the room. "In which floor am I anyways?" -- -- ((Yes, I got lost. But can I find Kid-impostor? I have no idea who it is though...))
  5. ((Buh, I have a total lack of inspiration right now...))
  6. Tsukiko listened the girl named Amber listing her suspicions about the situation. That they would be the ones killed instead of some other people. It was an interesting thought. "But say... If we don't go there who'd be killed then? This Kid impostor himself? I mean... If we have a Kid, it probably wouldn't be too farfetched to think that there's also the organization he is fighting against..." Theblonde paused. "Alright that's pretty farfetched." But before anyone could interrupt her train of thought, Tsukiko continued. "But in any case... Doing as that man said, might be the only way to figure out what's going on. Stopping the heist to save lives... Yeah, it might as well be the Kid's life that we are saving."
  7. Dear anonymous The work was too tiring today... tsukiko
  8. Tsukiko took a look at her wrist watch. Four hours to go. "I wonder how I'll stay awake... Well, good cups of tea should do the trick." Aloud she said different things. "Right, four hours to go. If we assume that we need an hour or two to get inside the building and set up what ever we need to do, it leaves us two to three hours to plan and prepare. But first things first: What are you good at? Do you have any useful skill that could help us in our objective? Because I bet we are going to need any help we can get. I for example can throw things quite accurately and I'm relatively good at planning." When she waited for the others to reply, she dug out a notebook to which she could write things up. There was ten of them so they should be fine. Some could go inside and some could monitor the situation outside. What would happen then... she had no idea. --- --- ((Oh, I don't remember at all at the moment what sort of heist it's going to be or what sort of building that is. Will it be public or private heist, how to get in etc. Correct me if I make mistakes...))
  9. If I were a boy... I dunno. I'll see to it when it happens. But I'd try to fool everyone around me definitely.
  10. Like sensing Alek's thoughts, Tsukiko continued, her face getting slightly flushed. "I mean... I won't go running or anything physical but I can be a sort of backup. We gotta do all sorts of stuff to get this... ummm, job done. Right?" She was getting uncomfortable with all those stares she was getting. "Besides that weirdo mentioned some 'other reasons' why we were chosen. Maybe it has something to do with our individual skills, whatever they may be... Umm, that's all I wanted to say..."
  11. Dear anon I just saw Kaze Tachinu. It was brilliant! Tsukiko
  12. Ava: Good pic of Haibara, 8/10 Sig: I love those pics! 9/10
  13. How did they end up to that park again, Tsukiko didn't know. But the guy who (almost) broke her leg was there. Skeleton Guy the others called him. While the others attacked him, the blonde merely watched while sitting on the same park bench than before meeting Mari. With her injured leg she was no use and besides attacking that Skeleton Guy did no good. When the others were exhausted, the Skeleton Guy finally got a chance to speak. "First, I do apologize for that attack." Tsukiko snorted. The guy had broken her leg after all. "Second, there will be an attack on the 109 Building tonight by the KID. If you don't stop the attack or otherwise interfere, people will die during this particular attack... Don't ask me how I know. I know everything... Naturally, I know that this entire group is comprised of people that frequent the same forum. You all are very interesting for that and other reasons. I guess...that's why I've been watching you this entire time, as well." Entire time... What a creep. Everyone from the same forum... DCW?! Tsukiko blinked when she realized that. Mari had indeed indentified the blonde from the forum and Tsukiko was also familiar with the other girl's username. So everyone else was also... Wait, "interesting for that and other reasons". What other reasons?! "The attack won't occur until midnight. Well, good luck, then. I wish you good luck...from the smallest portion of my heart." And the Skeleton Guy disappeared. One of the boys announced immediately that they were in. Tsukiko was more hesitant. "I guess I'm in too. We can't let innocent people get hurt, right?" The blonde smiled nervously. "I don't know will I be much of use but I'll do my best. ((I went to read the DCWIRL round 5... I think I'll update my bio a bit...))
  14. Dear anon Weekend is here! Tsuki
  15. Aah, the ice felt so nice on Tsukiko's leg. She wanted to just close her eyes and shut everyone else outside. Especially when they all were staring at her casted leg. She exchanged a few words with Alek who later offered everyone to come his place near Fuji. Hmm... Fuji... Fujiwara... DCTP... DC... Kaitou Kid. "Hey, have you already seen the news? About the Kaitou Kid copycat?" The blonde asked suddenly.
  16. Dear anonymous have a safe trip Tsukiko
  17. ((sorry for being this late...)) -- -- That f*cking cop broke her leg! Tsukiko was furious. And now she was sure that creepy-looking guy wasn't a cop at all. Much happened int he flurry of tem minutes after that. She and Mari - who she now knew as Nara-chan from DCW - met a strange yawny girl who pointed them to a Ramen place where they met a bunch of people, including another Finnish. They introduced each other and someone... was it Mari? ...pointed out that tsukiko should go to a hospital. "Yeah... I guess..." The blonde admitted with a shy nod. Her leg was throbbing and even though she didn't know was it broken or not, better safe than sorry. Especially if who knows what would happen during the next days. "Hei, tiiätkö lainkaan mitä oikein on tapahtunut? Miksi kaikki muutkin ovat täällä?" She asked Alek then. -- -- ((trsl. "Hey, do you know at all what has happened? Why everyone else are here too?" By the way... How did you identify me so soon as Finnish? I do have a blonde hair yes, but that doesn't really say anything. I could be just European/American/Australian. At that point I hadn't even talked that much so one can't say anything abotu my accent either... And am I really the only blonde here?))
  18. Dear anonymous thanks tsuki
  19. random things while playing "stories of your search bar" at DCTP
  20. ((Am I the blonde girl? I can.)) Arrested for underage drinking? Tsukiko couldn't believe her ears. She wasn't even underage! "Excuse me, what?" The blonde spat out scathingly. "Do you even see some alcohol here?!" The supposed policeman just waved their objections away and told them they were also resisting arrest. The girls exchanged a incredulous glance but followed the man anyways. "Call me Mari." The other girl stated when walking behind the man. "Well, you can call me Tsukiko then." Tsukiko shrugged. "Say... what do think... of running like the wind? Like right now?" She swept the man's feet, making him fall down and grabbed Mari's hand. "Run."
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