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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Soraxzc

  1. You guys are really cute. I mean, even after my birthday is over, i still get birthday wishes. Hehe, thanks a bunch! (:

  2. I forgot where i stopped, so i'm gonna rewatch DC from episode 200+!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soraxzc


      If that was meant to be an encouragement, then THANKS A LOT. (sarcasm) Haha. But at least i won't get bored! :b

    3. detectiveRJB


      I watch a lot anime.

    4. Soraxzc
  3. Nice to meet you eh! :D

    1. TheBlackTac


      Nice to meet you too! :D

  4. my new ship - conanxakai

  5. Thanks. :D I think i might be cos of the exams. I must have burnt my brain that i neglected detectiveconanoworld. Anyway, i'm back! Haha, i'm doing great. Exams over, i'm currently enjoying my 1 month holiday~

  6. HAI! Nice to meet you, :}

  7. To be exact, you're about 1 hour late. Haha. Hm, it's fine i guess. It wasn't as great as the past few years though.

  8. Mm, how to say .. The day was just bad .. Lol.

  9. Thank you! (:

  10. Yes, I am! I was MIA for so long, lol.

  11. Great, thank you. You?

  12. Hello! Haha, i know right?! He's so cute without his glasses.

  13. came back after so many years, is this site even still alive? wow wow

  14. There was so little DC merchandise in the AFA I went yesterday OTL wai

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