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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by Maltavite

  1. Yeah, I know. But why Reznov appeared in BO II?

  2. Kravchenko, Reznov, Mason, Hudson only who make it to BO II?

  3. Hey, wanna read some fanfics?

  4. Please delete this post:

    Reason: Accidentally Double Post

  5. You played:

    BO Zombies Mode

    BO II Zombies Mode


  6. 1000 post!

    1. Sakila


      Well er, the number of posts on your profile don't match the number on the forums, ya know... ^^" So really, you have 641, while Moho has 12,062.

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Granted, I had an unfair advantage, since I was around when forum game posts counted towards post count.

    3. Maltavite


      Yeah, yeah... Now let's RP'ing!

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  7. Chapter 3 of Better Dayz is out \o/

  8. Now, I'll writing chapter 3 of Better Dayz

  9. No, because I not watch them.

  10. Good avatar, but who is she?

  11. How about to check this thread (Mine, it's like IRL but with complex rules)

  12. Thanks for the support...

  13. Things getting rough, our classmate having problem with each other, one of my old friend died and i need ideas for my new fanfic, 'Better Dayz'

  14. From bad to worst, it seems );

  15. Chapter II of Better Dayz is out. And you still continue 'Stories of...' and 'Better Dayz' (Forum Game)

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