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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Maltavite

  1. (Should we end this round?) Hesh feel to the white ground. He then weakly stood up. He then leers at Aero, "You're worst than a dishonorable scum. Worst than my companion there. Well, action have consequences... You hit me, and I'll hit you back for that..."
  2. Hesh retorted, "Forget it! I already know! Even Alta's death didn't make me feel nothing." He aimed his Mk 46 at Aero. "Do you have a last wish? 'Cause this gun can tore your organ. Even your mechanical arm protects you, you're f***ed up for life..." He said with sarcasm.
  3. (I'll try it first.) Hesh looked at his companion. "So, anyone have an idea?" He asked.
  4. Hesh menacingly laughed, "This is the moment I have waiting for!" He then pulled his Mk 46. He then loaded it with AP-Ch-Tr rounds belt. He then looked at his companion, "Well let's tear this bitch to pieces, dawg..."
  5. Hesh scowled at Tamsin but he had an idea, "Weak little humans? Shut up. Hold up, if we have an idea to shut SAISEI, it will worth it... Even taking one of the fighters' life here..."
  6. Hesh looked at Joshua. "Okay, who's responsible for this?" He asked with anger.
  7. Hesh scowled, "Well, we beat this so-called SAISEI and get out from this place. Hope we didn't meet again for life..."
  8. (What's going on here? I'm currently lost right now) The illusion faded, except Alice. The Rift grew darker, from white to a deep blood maroon, then royal purple, then became completely dark. It was impossible to see, but the presence of an immensely powerful adversary was in the air. FINALLY. The ground shook with the sheer vibration of the words. FINALLY. AND SO IT SHALL BE. A YOUNG GIRL, CONSUMED BY HER ID, EMERGES TO SERVE. IN THE BEGINNING, CONSCIOUSNESS WAS ONE, EMBODIED BY THREE PORTIONS. THE ID, THE EGO, AND THE SUPEREGO. THE TURMOIL SPLIT THE ONE INTO THREE PARTS. "The id became you, the superego became me, and the ego became man's ancestor." Joshua seemed to have regained his composure, but in the darkness, you couldn't tell his expressions, let alone where he was. MAN AND THE ANGELS DEFEATED ME IN TIMES LONG PAST, BUT I SWORE I WOULD RETURN. I CREATED AERO TO LEAD MY ARMIES INTO THE MANY WORLDS, IN SEARCH FOR THE INDIVIDUAL THAT WOULD FINALLY FREE ME FROM MY PRISON. "I should have realized that was your plan. Why else would you throw so many humans into the Rift, then continue to throw Alice in after she escaped every time?" BUT YOU FAILED TO UNDERSTAND. AND MY SEARCH DREW TO ITS TARGET. AS ALICE ENTERED THE RIFT OVER AND OVER, HER EGO BECAME CORRODED AND INCREASINGLY INFLUENCED BY THE ID OF THE RIFT. Joshua had no response, but Hesh could hear his shaky breathing. AS AN INDIVIDUAL THAT REPRESENTED EGO, HER ACT OF SUCCUMBING TO ID WAS ENOUGH TO SHATTER THE BALANCE OF THE WORLD. HER TRANSFORMATION INTO THE VERY JAEGER SHE SOUGHT TO DEFEAT PROVIDED THE NECESSARY ENERGY FOR ME TO BREAK MY BONDS. THE GIRL HAS SERVED HER PURPOSE. NOW I CAN LEAVE THE RIFT AND CONSUME THE WORLDS OF THE HUMANS THAT SEALED ME IN THE PAST. I WILL BRING ALL INTO ONE ENTITY, ONE PERSONALITY. Then the voice subsided, and the darkness faded, but left behind a remnant of the entity's power. The Rift's endless white no longer seemed comforting, it felt expansive and cruel. Hesh shook his head, "All f***ed up. As usual... I'll put a led on Alice for this disgrace..."
  9. "Great, the show had been started..." Hesh thought as the illusion started to engulf him.
  10. ^(Ego to stop the illusion?) Apparently, Hesh either wasn't amused by Moto's illusion at Ilyana. Or he doesn't care at her. "Even the Sexta Cereza will do better than that... Anyway, I'll blow your head off for this disgrace..." He cynically laughed.
  11. My first faction's official unit for my fanfic: Sexta Cereza
  12. (I thought the spinal cord was the creature's weak point. If the neck severed = the Reapers' weak point are revealed.) Hesh stopped firing his Glock 18 but he doesn't care what he saw, "Meh, that's your own choice. We could find a way to cut the Jaegers down. Nothing is impossible."
  13. (@Nara: Cutting the Reaper's neck and blow the skull off?)
  14. "Stick together and try to get a Reaper. If you can't, reduce the number of shadows. Let one attack while the other defends, back-to-back, got it?" Alice advised. Hesh sighed, "Alright, alright..." He then using his Mark 46 to shred many Shadows. Alice yelled hoarsely. "Guys! Aim for the spinal chord! try to dislodge the skull!" Hesh nodded, "I'll cut that Reaper's neck" He firing his Mk 46 at one of the Reapers. He hit one of them in the neck, cutting the spinal cord and dislodge the Reaper's skull. Hesh sent a hail of rounds on the skull before it hit the ground. The skull was destroyed. He cynically laughed, "So long, man. You're f***ed up!" He switched to his Glock 18 as his Mk 46 clicked empty. He aimed at the Shadows who approaching. He mowed many Shadows with headshots in a sweep.
  15. (Or 13?) Hesh hollered at his companion, "I'll kept these lifeless idiots busy." He kept firing his Mk 46 as he feel back to his companion's position.
  16. There’s four gangsters sitting inside a ’11 Civic as they watching the firefight. They wore gold and dye clad. The driver informed, "The Rifas are blazing their guns at the Mafioso. It's time to pull a heist on them with Ross’ help. Snatch the drugs and frame the Aztecas..." One of the Sepulcros OGs opened the duffel bag. He took a MAC-10 from the duffel bag as the other crew picked their guns. One of them was held an AKM while two other held .44 Magnums. They stepped out from the car and heading to the bank. The Sepulcros with MAC-10 emptied his gun at the ceiling, "Everyone on the floor! This ain’t a robbery!" The hostages did that, except one of the clerk. That man indeed is Ross. A Sepulcros with AKM looked at him, "Alright dawg, lead us to the stuff, Ross." Then he looked at the hostages, “Dawg, tie them all.” He ordered his crew. Ross nodded, "Marcia, gimme a gun." The Sepulcros with .44 handed his gun to Ross. He now held an Uzi. His name was Marcia. They headed to a locked room. One of them kicked the door open, revealing a shipment of cocaine there. "It's beautiful. Pure Colombian snow. I think we’ll got a lot of money if we sold the C at high price." Marcia noticed they was watched. The Sepulcros with MAC-10 roared, "Suckass motherfucker! Cap that fool!" Ross and two Sepulcros OGs went though the security room. They aimed their weapons on the door. They began firing until their weapon click dry and one of the Sepulcros OGs sneered, "How it's taste, motherfucker? No Aztecas wouldn't touch the drugs, asshole!" They started back to the entrance. They saw the hostages had been tied. The Sepulcros with .44 informed Ross, “Yo, we can use her as ransom. That’ll warn these idiots from Fairy Tail to not fuck with the Sepulcros!” Ross asked him, “Oh, that girl with Gothic clothing?” He was referring at the girl with gothic clothing. She is a slim young woman of below average height. She has long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait is a short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead. Marcia scoffed, “What the fuck? I said no rough stuff! The Fairy Tail are gonna be on red alert now! Dumbass!”
  17. Hesh looked at Aquilas as he sprayed his Mk. 46 at the Shadows. He cap forty of them. "Okay, Aquilas. You'll need this Glock 18 for the CQC in the case your gun click empty. If Joshua wasn't arrived, we'll run." He handed her his Glock 18.
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