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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by yungching

  1. Hi! But I need to go to bed now, sorry! :P

  2. Hi! How are you? Haven't talked to you for a while...

  3. Hi! How are you? I just saw your introduction in "About me". I think that it's AWESOME! <333 (sorry for the caps ^^") Plus I think a lot of them are similar to me xDDD

  4. Hi! So how the AMV now?

  5. Hi! Sorry sorry saya juga lambat balas... Sorry ^^" Saya juga suka novel yg thrill atau berkomedi :D tapi tak suka novel romantik :P

  6. Hi! What's up? EXAMS... Anyway, tomorrow is the last day :D How 'bout you? Still sick?

  7. Hi! xD I'm fine thanks! How about you?

  8. Hmm... I can't see anything... What is it supposed to be?

  9. Hmmm... IRL? Maybe :P From where I am, you don't really see many stars, there are too many clouds...

  10. Hmmm... Not that I can think of... My life is quite boring, sorry :P How about you?

  11. Hmmm... That's up to you to decide... :P

  12. How about detectives first? You should be in a hurry on a new case, now go! xP

  13. I <3 it, I don't know how many times I've watched it... :D

  14. I <333333333 reading! So if you're specific, what type of books do you like?

  15. I am addicted to DCW! XD

    1. hopes


      XD I've been here since January... I come on practically every day~!!

    2. yungching


      XD me too since I joined last week, or was it the week before?

    3. hopes
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  16. I can see that... And my notifications too :P

  17. I can't create a deviantART account because I need to be "of legal age"... <_<

    1. yungching


      Maybe they changed it... But I won't lie :P

    2. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Honest person, that you are~ Your time will come, don't worry.

    3. yungching


      Another 5 years... <_<

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. I can't find one here either... D: But yeah the book is expensive, I got it for my birthday last year :D

  19. I can't paint either... But I practice :)

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